
Data Binding Overview

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of xamGantt™ control data binding.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Data binding summary

The xamGantt control provides two options for data binding:

Binding to Data Sources

Supported data sources summary

The xamGantt control supports the following data sources:

Data Source Binding


You can bind the xamGantt control to Project instance.

See the Binding to Data Using Project topic for more details.

Flat collection of custom tasks

You can bind the xamGantt control to a flat data collection of custom tasks using the ListBackedProject class.

MS Project 2010 XML File

You can bind the xamGantt control to data coming from a MS Project 2010 XML file using the Project class LoadFromProjectXml method.

See the Loading a Project Plan from a MS Project XML File topic for more details.