
Prevent Fields from Being Hidden

If you enable the field chooser button or you programmatically display the field chooser, your end users will be able to hide a field using one of these methods:

  • Toggle the field chooser’s check boxes to toggle a field’s visibility.

  • Drag a field into the field chooser to hide the field.

  • Drag a field outside the bounds of the DataPresenter control.

However, you can modify the way your end users hide fields or you can prevent them from hiding a field altogether by setting a FieldSettings object’s AllowHiding property to an AllowFieldHiding enum value.

xamDataPresenter Prevent Fields from Being Hidden 01.png

The following example code demonstrates how to prevent fields from being hidden.


<igDP:XamDataPresenter Name="xamDataPresenter1" BindToSampleData="True">
    <!--Enable the field chooser button-->
        <igDP:FieldLayoutSettings HeaderPrefixAreaDisplayMode="FieldChooserButton" />
            <!--Prevent the name field from being hidden-->
            <igDP:Field Name="name">
                    <igDP:FieldSettings AllowHiding="Never" />

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
Me.xamDataPresenter1.FieldLayouts(0).Fields("name").Settings.AllowHiding = AllowFieldHiding.Never

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
this.xamDataPresenter1.FieldLayouts[0].Fields["name"].Settings.AllowHiding = AllowFieldHiding.Never;