
External ThemePacks

In addition to specifying themes directly on a control, you can define themes in external ThemePack assemblies. For more information, see Creating a ThemePack.

Ultimate UI for WPF ships with a number of these ThemePacks that provide more style options for you to choose from. You apply the Theme defined in the external ThemePack in exactly the same way you applied a Theme defined in the control assembly. For more information, see Referencing Your ThemePack.

To define a theme in an external ThemePack assembly:

  1. Add a namespace declaration for the ThemePack assembly.


  1. Create a Window.Resources section and create an instance of the Theme controls within the ResourceDictionary’s MergedDictionaries collection.



Naming Conventions for External ThemePacks

Each of the ThemePacks included with Ultimate UI for WPF includes three controls: DataPresenter, Editors, and Primitives. The default namespace declarations for these assemblies is "igTheme" + ThemeName: igThemeForestGreen.