
What’s New in 2015 Volume 2

Topic Overview


This topic gives a brief overview of the new controls and features introduced in the Ultimate UI for WPF 2015 Volume 2 Release.

Infragistics Excel Library

Operating with worksheet table rows and columns

The data model of the library now supports inserting and deleting of worksheet table’s rows and columns.

Infragistics Syntax Parsing Engine

Syntax tree created event

The parsing engine now supports an event which is raised after the syntax tree is created and before it is returned to the text document.


New control

The xamBusyIndicator is a ContentControl that provides visual notification that a long-running activity has started as well as displays the actual progress.

xamBusyIndicator 1.png


Handling enum data type

The xamComboEditor now supports customization of the process of populating the dropdown when bound to an enum data type.


Major and Minor Axis Intervals

The xamDataChart now supports both Major and Minor intervals which are displayed perpendicular to its axes .

The following screenshot displays a major interval on the NumericYAxis, using major interval value of 10, with a green stroke; and a minor interval on the NumericYAxis, using minor interval value of 2.5, with a red stroke.

DataChart Configuring Major and Minor Intervals 1.png

Legend Title and Items Font

The xamDataChart’s Legend, ItemsLegend and ScaleLegend now supports configuration of its font appearances.

The following screenshot displays a custom Legend Title using the Arial font, in Bold of size 14 with a Blue foreground for all three supported Legend types, (from top to bottom - Legend, ItemLegend and ScaleLegend).

DataChart Legend Title configuration 2 with OptionsPane Highlighted.png

This screenshot displays a custom Legend Items Font using the Tahoma font style, in Bold of size 12 with a Green foreground for all three supported Legend types, (from top to bottom - Legend, ItemLegend and ScaleLegend).

DataChart Legend Items configuration 1 with OptionsPane Highlighted.png


Clear filter button

The xamDataGrid’s clear filter button is now rendered disabled (semitransparent) when there is no active filter set.

Excel style filtering dialog

The xamDataGrid control now supports an Excel style filtering UI in the FilterRecord by setting the FilterOperandUIType property to FilterOperandUIType.ExcelStyle.

WhatsNew 15.2 WPF 1.png


Apply templates conditionally

The data presenter controls now support the ability to set conditionally display and edit templates for cells.

Enhanced data validation support

The data presenter controls now support data items implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface.

Data source changed event

The data presenter controls now raise an event when the DataSource property has changed.

Manual refresh of the UI

The data presenter controls now support manual refresh of the control’s user interface.


Custom editors for expandable types

The xamPropertyGrid control now supports custom editors for expandable properties which also remove the collection’s nested elements list.

Customizing expandable properties

The xamPropertyGrid control now supports ways to customize the rendering of the expandable properties.

Mergable property attribute support

The xamPropertyGrid control now supports an attribute for excluding combined properties when bound to multiple objects.

Properties list sorting

The xamPropertyGrid control now supports declarative and programmatic ways for sorting (reordering) the properties list and its categories.


Obtain text insert location from point

The xamRichTextEditor control now supports a method for obtaining the nearest valid text insertion location from the supplied point. The point should be relative to the xamRichTextEditor control.


Data validation

The xamSpreadsheet control now supports data validation based on rules set on the worksheet’s cells.