
DataSourceBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DataSourceBase.

Public Fields
Public FieldResultPropertyNameConstant for the name of Result property to be used in PropertyChanged event  
Protected Fields
Protected FieldAxisChangedWorkIdThe identifier of the DataSourceBase.Work started when an item is added/removed to any of the axes of IOlapViewModel.  
Protected FieldRefreshGridWorkIdThe identifier of the DataSourceBase.Work started when RefreshGrid is called.  
Protected FieldSwitchMemberWorkIdThe identifier of the DataSourceBase.Work started when SwitchAxisMember is called.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAreaFieldSettingsGets or sets the area items editing settings.  
Public PropertyColumnsGets or sets collection of IFilterViewModel items that represents the columns of model.  
Public PropertyConnectionSettingsGets or sets the connection settings.  
Public PropertyCubeGets or sets the currently selected Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube object that contains the particular data slices.  
Public PropertyCubesGets or sets collection of available Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube items.  
Public PropertyDeferredLayoutUpdateGets or sets a value indicating whether data is loaded on demand.  
Public PropertyErrorGets or sets the exception object if exception has been thrown while ExecuteCommandDoWork is executed.  
Public PropertyFiltersGets or sets collection of IAreaItemViewModel items that represents the selected filters of model.  
Public PropertyHierarchyExpansionModeGets or sets the hierarchy expansion mode used to create the visual members hierarchy.  
Public PropertyIsBusyGets a value indicating whether this IOlapViewModel is busy with data gathering or result processing.  
Public PropertyIsFlatDataGets or sets a value indicating whether this DataSourceBase is connected to flat data or to analysis server.  
Public PropertyIsInitializingGets or sets a value indicating whether this DataSourceBase is in process of initialization.  
Public PropertyIsSwitchingAreaItemLocationGets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is switching the location of an item from one area to another.  
Public PropertyLevelDefaultSortDirectionsGets the list of level default sort directions.  
Public PropertyLevelFirstSortDirectionGets or sets the level default sort direction for levels not present in LevelDefaultSortDirections collection when PreserveMembersOrder is set to false.  
Public PropertyLevelSortDirectionsGets a collection of the sorted levels unique names and their sort directions.  
Public PropertyMeasureGroupGets or sets the currently selected Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMeasureGroup object. When MeasureGroup is different than null the hierarchy of cube is filtered and just dimensions from the selected measure group are available for processing.  
Public PropertyMeasureGroupsGets collection of available Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMeasureGroup items.  
Public PropertyMeasureListIndexGets or sets the initial position of measures area item when more than one measure is applied.  
Public PropertyMeasureListLocationGets or sets where measures are placed when more than one measure is applied.  
Public PropertyMeasureListViewModelGets special type of IAreaItemViewModel that is responsible for displaying of multiple measure items.  
Public PropertyMeasuresGets or sets collection of IMeasureViewModel items that represents the selected measures of model.  
Public PropertyMetadataGets collection with hierarchical structure where are loaded all Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.Dimensions and Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.Measures of the instance if Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube that is set to Cube property. The loaded in the collection items may varie depends on the choosen MeasureGroup.  
Public PropertyParentInFrontForColumnsGets or sets a value indicating whether parent for columns is in front of children.  
Public PropertyParentInFrontForRowsGets or sets a value indicating whether parent for rows is in front of children.  
Public PropertyPreserveMembersOrderGets or sets a value indicating whether is preserved the data source order of members when there is no header sorting applied.  
Public PropertyProcessingGets or sets a value indicating whether this DataSourceBase is processing.  
Public PropertyResultGets the Infragistics.Olap.Data.IResult object created by the data provider.  
Public PropertyRowsGets or sets collection of IFilterViewModel items that represents the rows of model.  
Public PropertySortDescriptorsGets the collection of KeyValuePair where Infragistics.Olap.Data.ITuple instance is used as key and SortDirection is used as value that indicates how the data related to the key is odered.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyCubesListGets the cubes list.  
Protected PropertyDataProviderGets or sets the data provider responsible for generating data for the ViewModel.  
Protected PropertyDesiredMeasureListIndexGets or sets the desired index MeasureListViewModel appears at.  
Protected PropertyFullResultGets the full cached result.  
Protected PropertyHasInitializationDataGets or sets a value indicating whether the initialization values are set for any of Rows, Columns, Measures or Filters collections.  
Protected PropertyHierarchizedResultGets the visible result in its hierarchized form.  
Protected PropertyIsPivotingGets a value indicating whether the location of the items in Rows and Columns changes because PivotGrid is called.  
Protected PropertyIsSchemaDirtyGets or sets a value indicating whether the current schema will be reloaded when LoadSchemaAsync is called.  
Protected PropertyIsWorkerBusyGets a value indicating whether the background worker used to build the Infragistics.Olap.Data.IResult is busy.  
Protected PropertyRawResultGets the raw visible result.  
Protected PropertySkipRefreshGridGets or sets a value indicating whether refreshing the grid should be skipped.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCancelExecutionAsyncRequest the cancelation of the current background task.  
Public MethodCollapseToLevelAsyncAsynchronously collapses FilterMembers hierarchy up to the specified level.  
Public MethodCreateFilterViewModelCreates view model for the specified hierarchy.  
Public MethodCreateMeasureViewModelCreates view model for the specified measure.  
Public MethodExpandToLevelAsyncOverloaded. Asynchronously loads and expands FilterMembers hierarchy up to the specified level.  
Public MethodFillMembersOverloaded. Fills the members into level.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GenerateInitialCubeGenerates Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube that can be passed to Cube property in order this cube to be loaded as default cube.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GenerateInitialItemsGenerates AreaItemsCollection that can be passed to Rows, Columns, Filters or Measures properties in order this collections to be loaded with items described in itemsString.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GenerateInitialMeasureGroupGenerates Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMeasureGroup that can be passed to MeasureGroup property in order this measure group to be loaded as default measure group.  
Public MethodGetFilterViewModelFromHierarchyOverloaded. Gets the IFilterViewModel instance related to the hierarchy if there is such IFilterViewModel registered for that hierarchy.  
Public MethodLoadCubesAsyncLoads asynchronous the cubes for given catalog.  
Public MethodLoadSchemaAsyncLoads the schema asynchronous.  
Public MethodPivotGridPivots the items of Columns and Rows collections.  
Public MethodRefreshGridRefreshes the data for the ViewModel  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RegisterResourcesAdds an additonal Resx file in which the control will pull its resources from.  
Public MethodResetMetadataTreeRecreates the metadata tree of the measures and dimensions based on the cuurent Cube. The new metadata structure is available through Metadata property.  
Public MethodSetMeasureAggregatorChanges the IAggregator for given IMeasureViewModel.Measure.  
Public MethodSetMemberSortDirection  
Public MethodSortSorts the underlaying data.  
Public MethodSwitchAxisMemberSwitch the state from collapsed to expanded or back for passed axis member.  
Public MethodSwitchMemberSortDirectionOverloaded. Swich the direction the children of this member are ordered.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)UnregisterResourcesRemoves a previously registered resx file.  
Public MethodUpdateVisualMembersUpdates the state of the visual members in the specified ExecutionContext.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAttachAreaItemViewModelCalled when new items are added to Rows, Columns or Filters collections.  
Protected MethodAxisChangedWorkFinishActionFinishes the execution of a work with RefreshGridWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodAxisChangedWorkStartActionStarts the execution of a work with AxisChangedWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodBeginInitializationCalled when the intialization within XAML begins.  
Protected MethodBuildDataAsyncGenerate the data asynchronous.  
Protected MethodBuildDataInternalGenerates the data internally.  
Protected MethodCanAddWorkToQueueDetermines whether the specified work can be added to the pending works queue.  
Protected MethodCanContinueCurrentWorkDetermines whether the execution of the current work can be requeried based on the specified work.  
Protected MethodCanRaiseResultChangedDetermines whether ResultChanged can be raised, based on the list of the pending works.  
Protected Internal MethodCreateFilterMemberCreates the filter member used by IFilterViewModel.  
Protected MethodCreateFilterSourceCreates the filter source instance related to member.  
Protected MethodDetachAreaItemViewModelCalled when items are removed from Rows, Columns or Filters collections.  
Protected MethodEndInitializationCalled when the intialization within XAML ends.  
Protected MethodEnqueueWorkEnqueues the work.  
Protected MethodFillFilterMemberFromResult  
Protected MethodFindFilterMemberOverloaded. Finds the Infragistics.Olap.Data.IFilterMember connected with the specified Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMember.  
Protected MethodFindParentMemberFinds the Infragistics.Olap.Data.IFilterMember connected with the specified Infragistics.Olap.Data.IMember.  
Protected MethodFinishWorkFinishes the work.  
Protected MethodGetContextAreaItemsGets the area items for the specified executionContext.  
Protected MethodGetCurrentWorkGets the current work the background worker is working on.  
Protected MethodGetDataSourceStateGets the state of the data source.  
Protected MethodGetLevelDefaultSortDirection  
Protected MethodGetLevelSortBehavior  
Protected MethodGetMeasureListIndexGets the index of the measure list.  
Protected MethodGetWorksQueueGets the pending works queue.  
Protected MethodHasPendingWorkDetermines whether there are any works pending.  
Protected MethodInitializeQueryInitializes the query.  
Protected MethodIsContextParentInFront  
Protected MethodIsCurrentWorkOfDetermines whether the current DataSourceBase.Work type matches to the specified type identifier.  
Protected MethodOnChangeableDataProviderSourceChangedCalled when original data source of DataProvider changes.  
Protected MethodOnColumnsChangedThis method is called when Columns collection changes.  
Protected MethodOnCubeChangedCalled when the Cube property is changed.  
Protected MethodOnCubesLoadedThis method is called when cubes of given data source are loaded.  
Protected MethodOnDataProviderChangedCalled when DataProvider property is changed.  
Protected MethodOnDataProviderChangingCalled when DataProvider property is changing.  
Protected MethodOnDimensionsLoadedThis method is called when dimensions are loaded.  
Protected MethodOnFiltersChangedThis method is called when Filters collection changes.  
Protected MethodOnInitializedCalled when loading of Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.Dimensions, Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.Measures, Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.MeasureGroups and Infragistics.Olap.Data.ICube.MeasureGroupDimensions of Cube is finished and Metadata hierarchy is created, just before Initialized event is fired.  
Protected MethodOnMeasureGroupsLoadedThis method is called when measure groups are loaded.  
Protected MethodOnMeasuresChangedThis method is called when Measures collection changes.  
Protected MethodOnMeasuresLoadedThis method is called when measures are loaded.  
Protected MethodOnMembersLoadedThis method is called when members are loaded.  
Protected MethodOnMetadataTreeItemAddingRaises the MetadataTreeItemAdding event.  
Protected MethodOnPrepareWorkPrepares a work about adding it to works queue.  
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedRaises PropertyChanged event. Called when one or more of the properties that exist on the element have had their effective values changed.  
Protected MethodOnRefreshGridStarts procedure of refreshing the data.  
Protected MethodOnResultChangedCalled when the Result changes.  
Protected MethodOnRowsChangedThis method is called when Rows collection changes.  
Protected MethodOnSchemaLoadedThis method is called when connection to the data source is established and the initialization information for data source is loaded.  
Protected Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PivotArrayPivots the array, to swap columns and rows.  
Protected Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)PivotResultPivots the result.  
Protected MethodQueryContinueCurrentWorkTries to continue with processing of the current work.  
Protected MethodQueryNextWorkQueries the next work the background worker will start working on.  
Protected MethodRefreshGridWorkFinishActionFinishes execution of a work with RefreshGridWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodRefreshGridWorkStartActionStarts the execution of a work with RefreshGridWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodRegisterFilterViewModelRegisters the filter view model for the specified hierarchy.  
Protected MethodReleaseFilterSourceItemsReleases the filter source items for the members at the specified level.  
Protected MethodRemoveWork  
Protected MethodResolveLevelSortDirection  
Protected MethodSetMeasureListIndexSets the index of the measure list.  
Protected MethodStartWorkStarts the work using a background worker.  
Protected MethodSwitchMemberWorkFinishActionFinishes the execution of a work with SwitchMemberWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodSwitchMemberWorkStartActionStarts the execution of a work with SwitchMemberWorkId identifier.  
Protected MethodUnknownWorkFinishActionFinishes the execution of a work of unknown type.  
Protected MethodUnknownWorkStartActionStarts the execution of a work of unknown type.  
Protected MethodUnregisterFilterSourceUnregisters the filter source related to the member specified.  
Protected MethodUnregisterFilterViewModelUnregisters the filter view model related to the specified hierarchy.  
Protected MethodUpdateHierarchiesCollectionDefines the way of initial loading of hierarchies and filtering of their members.  
Protected MethodUpdateMeasureListViewModelUpdates the MeasureListViewModel to reflects the current state of the data source.  
Public Events
Public EventInitializedOccurs when initialization of metadata is finished.  
Public EventLoadCubesCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading cubes is completed.  
Public EventLoadDimensionsCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading dimensions is completed.  
Public EventLoadMeasureGroupsCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading of measure groups is completed.  
Public EventLoadMeasuresCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading measures is completed.  
Public EventLoadMembersCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading members is completed.  
Public EventLoadSchemaCompletedOccurs when asynchronous call for loading schema is completed.  
Public EventMetadataTreeItemAddingOccurs when a new item is added to Metadata property hierarchy.  
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value has changed.  
Public EventResultChangedOccurs when the Result is changed.  
See Also