
ICube Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ICube.

Public Properties
 PropertyCatalogNameGets the name of the catalog this cube belongs to.  
 PropertyDescriptionGets the description of the cube.  
 PropertyDimensionsGets an ReadOnlyCollection with the dimensions that are defined for the cube.  
 PropertyKpisGets an ReadOnlyCollection with the KPIs that are defined for the cube.  
 PropertyMeasureDimensionGets a measure dimension of a cube.  
 PropertyMeasureGroupDimensionsGets a dictionary with the measure groups and list of dimensions for each measure group that are defined for the cube.  
 PropertyMeasureGroupsGets an ReadOnlyCollection with the measure groups that are defined for the cube.  
 PropertyMeasuresGets an ReadOnlyCollection with the measures that are defined for the cube.  
See Also