
IProjectTask Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IProjectTask.

Public Properties
 PropertyActualDurationReturns or sets the amount of time that has been completed so far.  
 PropertyActualFinishReturns or sets the date when the task has been completed.  
 PropertyActualStartReturns or sets the date on which the task had started.  
 PropertyCalculatedFinishReturns or sets the calculated date representing the finish date where the task should be displayed in the UI.  
 PropertyCalculatedStartReturns or sets the calculated date representing the starting date where the task should be displayed in the UI.  
 PropertyCompleteThroughReturns the date representing the point up to which actuals have been reported for a task.  
 PropertyConstraintDateReturns or sets the date used when enforcing the ConstraintType  
 PropertyConstraintTypeReturns or sets the type of scheduling constraint to be placed on the task.  
 PropertyDeadlineReturns or sets a target date indicating when the task should be completed.  
 PropertyDurationFormatReturns or sets the format for the duration for the task.  
 PropertyEarlyFinishA calculated field that indicates the earliest date that a task could finish based on the predecessors and constraints.  
 PropertyEarlyStartA calculated field that indicates the earliest date that a task could begin based on the predecessors and constraints.  
 PropertyFinishSlackReturns the duration between the EarlyFinish and LateFinish dates.  
 PropertyFreeSlackReturns the amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying any Successors or affecting the project's finish date.  
 PropertyIdReturns the calculated identifier number that is assigned to each task.  
 PropertyIsActiveReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the task is cancelled.  
 PropertyIsBarHiddenReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the Gantt bars for the task are hidden.  
 PropertyIsCriticalReturns a boolean indicating if the task has some room to slip or if it is on the critical path.  
 PropertyIsEstimatedReturns a boolean indicating if the duration is marked as an estimate.  
 PropertyIsExpandedReturns a boolean indicating if the task is expanded.  
 PropertyIsManualReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the task is scheduled manually or automatically.  
 PropertyIsMarkedReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the task is marked for further action.  
 PropertyIsMilestoneReturns or sets a boolean indicating if the task represents a major event in the project.  
 PropertyIsPlaceholderReturns a boolean indicating if the ManualStart, ManualFinish or ManualDuration does not have a specific value and therefore there is not enough information to schedule the task.  
 PropertyIsReadOnlyReturns a boolean indicating if the task's properties may be modified.  
 PropertyIsSummaryReturns a boolean indicating if the task is a summary task - i.e. there are child tasks in the Tasks.  
 PropertyLateFinishA calculated field that indicates the latest date that a task could finish without delaying the project finish.  
 PropertyLateStartA calculated field that indicates the latest date that a task could begin based on the predecessors, successors and constraints without delaying the project.  
 PropertyManualDurationReturns or sets a value that represents the duration of the task.  
 PropertyManualFinishReturns or sets the end date and time of the task.  
 PropertyManualStartReturns or sets the start date and time of the task.  
 PropertyNotesReturns or sets a string representing some notes or comments for the task.  
 PropertyOutlineLevelReturns or sets the current outline level of the node.  
 PropertyPercentCompleteReturns or sets a value between 0 and 100 inclusive that represents the percentage of the duration that has been completed.  
 PropertyPredecessorsIdTextReturns or sets a string representing the associated ProjectTaskDependency instances for the predecessors  
 PropertyProjectReturns the associated project containing the task.  
 PropertyRemainingDurationReturns or sets the amount of time that is required to complete the unfinished portion of the task.  
 PropertyResourcesReturns a collection of the resources assigned to a given task.  
 PropertyResourcesTextReturns or sets the string representation of the Resources  
 PropertyScheduledDurationReturns or sets the amount of time that is required to complete the unfinished portion of the task.  
 PropertyScheduledFinishReturns or sets the date on which the task is scheduled to be completed.  
 PropertyScheduledStartReturns or sets the date on which the task is scheduled to be started.  
 PropertyStartSlackReturns the duration between the EarlyStart and LateStart dates.  
 PropertySuccessorsIdTextReturns or sets a string representing the associated ProjectTaskDependency instances for the successors  
 PropertyTaskNameReturns or sets the TaskName of the task.  
 PropertyTasksReturns the collection of child ProjectTask instances  
 PropertyTotalSlackReturns the total amount of time that a task can be delayed without delaying the project.  
See Also