| Name | Description |
| ConvertToLowercase | Converts the currently selected text to lowercase. |
| ConvertToUppercase | Converts the currently selected text to uppercase.. |
| Copy | Copies the currently selected text to the clipboard. |
| Cut | Cuts the currently selected text to the clipboard. |
| DecreaseIndent | Decreases the indent level of the line(s) containing the current selection or Caret position so that the line begins at the nearest tabstop position preceding the current line start position. |
| DeleteCurrentCharacter | Deletes the character at the Caret location. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeletePreviousCharacter | Deletes the character preceeding the Caret location. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeleteToBeginningOfCurrentWord | Deletes all text from the Caret location to the beginning of the current word (if the Caret is in the middle of a word), or deletes the previous word if the Caret is at the beginning of a word. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| DeleteToEndOfCurrentWord | Deletes all text from the Caret location to the end of the current word. If there is an active selection, the selected text is deleted. |
| IncreaseIndent | Increases the indent level of the line(s) containing the current selection or Caret position so that the line begins at the nearest tabstop position following the current line start position. |
| MoveDown | Moves the Caret down one line. |
| MovePageDown | Moves the Caret down one page. |
| MovePageUp | Moves the Caret up one page. |
| MoveToBottomOfPage | Moves the Caret to the last line on the current page. |
| MoveToEndOfDocument | Moves the Caret to the end of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument. |
| MoveToEndOfLine | Moves the Caret to the end of the line containing the Caret. |
| MoveToFirstNonWhitespaceOnLine | Moves the Caret to the first non-whitespace character on the line containing the Caret. |
| MoveToNextCharacter | Moves the Caret to the next character position. |
| MoveToNextWord | Moves the Caret to the next word. |
| MoveToPreviousCharacter | Moves the Caret to the previous character position. |
| MoveToPreviousWord | Moves the Caret to the previous word. |
| MoveToStartOfDocument | Moves the Caret to the start of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument. |
| MoveToStartOfLine | Moves the Caret to the start of the line containing the Caret. |
| MoveToTopOfPage | Moves the Caret to the first line on the current page. |
| MoveUp | Moves the Caret up one line. |
| Paste | Paste the current clipboard text at the current Caret position. If there is an active selection, the selection is replaced with the clipboard text. |
| Redo | Redo the last undone edit activity. |
| SelectDown | Moves the Caret down one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position. |
| SelectLine | Select the entire line containing the Caret. |
| SelectNextCharacter | Moves the selection end point one character position to the right. |
| SelectNextWord | Moves the selection end point one word to the right. |
| SelectPageDown | Extends the selection down one page. |
| SelectPageUp | Extends the selection up one page. |
| SelectPreviousCharacter | Moves the selection end point one character position to the left. |
| SelectPreviousWord | Moves the selection end point one word to the left. |
| SelectToBottomOfPage | Extends the selection to the bottom of the current page. |
| SelectToEndOfDocument | Extends the current selection to the end of the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument. |
| SelectToEndOfLine | Extends the current selection to the end of the line containing the Caret. |
| SelectToFirstNonWhitespaceOnLine | Extends the current selection to the first non-whitespace character on the line containing the Caret. |
| SelectToStartOfDocument | Extends the current selection to the start of the document. |
| SelectToStartOfLine | Extends the current selection to the start of the line containing the Caret. |
| SelectToTopOfPage | Extends the selection to the top of the current page. |
| SelectUp | Moves the Caret up one line, selecting all text in between the start and end position. |
| Undo | Undo the last edit activity. |