| Name | Description |
| ActiveDateProperty | Identifies the ActiveDate dependency property |
| AllowLeadingAndTrailingGroupActivationProperty | Identifies the AllowLeadingAndTrailingGroupActivation dependency property |
| AutoAdjustDimensionsProperty | Identifies the AutoAdjustDimensions dependency property |
| CalendarDayStyleProperty | Identifies the CalendarDayStyle dependency property |
| CalendarItemStyleProperty | Identifies the CalendarItemStyle dependency property |
| CalendarProperty | Identifies the read-only Calendar attached dependency property |
| CurrentModeProperty | Identifies the CurrentMode dependency property |
| DayOfWeekHeaderFormatProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekHeaderFormat dependency property |
| DayOfWeekHeaderVisibilityProperty | Identifies the DayOfWeekHeaderVisibility dependency property |
| DimensionsProperty | Identifies the Dimensions dependency property |
| IsSelectionActiveProperty | Identifies the read-only IsSelectionActive dependency property |
| LeadingAndTrailingDatesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the LeadingAndTrailingDatesVisibility dependency property |
| MaxDateResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only MaxDateResolved dependency property |
| MinDateResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only MinDateResolved dependency property |
| ReferenceDateProperty | Identifies the ReferenceDate dependency property |
| ResourceProviderProperty | Identifies the ResourceProvider dependency property |
| ResourceProviderResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only ResourceProviderResolved dependency property |
| ScrollButtonVisibilityProperty | Identifies the ScrollButtonVisibility dependency property |
| ScrollDirectionProperty | Identifies the ScrollDirection dependency property |
| ScrollNextRepeatButtonStyleProperty | Identifies the ScrollNextRepeatButtonStyle dependency property |
| ScrollNextRepeatButtonStyleResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only ScrollNextRepeatButtonStyleResolved dependency property |
| ScrollPreviousRepeatButtonStyleProperty | Identifies the ScrollPreviousRepeatButtonStyle dependency property |
| ScrollPreviousRepeatButtonStyleResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only ScrollPreviousRepeatButtonStyleResolved dependency property |
| SelectedDateProperty | Identifies the SelectedDate dependency property |
| TodayButtonCaptionProperty | Identifies the read-only TodayButtonCaption dependency property |
| TodayButtonStyleProperty | Identifies the TodayButtonStyle dependency property |
| TodayButtonStyleResolvedProperty | Identifies the read-only TodayButtonStyleResolved dependency property |
| TodayProperty | Identifies the read-only Today dependency property |
| WeekNumberVisibilityProperty | Identifies the WeekNumberVisibility dependency property |