
DiagramOptionsPaneDataContext Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by DiagramOptionsPaneDataContext.

Public Constructors
Public Properties
Public PropertyAllowEditResolvedGets whether or not at least one of the selected diagram items has its AllowEditResolved property equal to true.  
Public PropertyAllowResizeResolvedGets whether or not at least one of the selected diagram items has its AllowResizeResolved property equal to true.  
Public PropertyConnectionTypeGets or sets the connection type of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyEndCapSizeGets or sets the end cap size of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyEndCapTypeGets or sets the end cap type of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyEndXGets or sets the x-axis position of the end point of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyEndYGets or sets the y-axis position of the end point of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyErrorGets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object.  
Public PropertyFillGets or sets the fill of the Items.  
Public PropertyFontBrushGets or sets the font brush of the Items.  
Public PropertyFontFamilyGets or sets the font family of the Items.  
Public PropertyFontSizeGets or sets the font size of the Items.  
Public PropertyFontStyleGets or sets the font style of the Items.  
Public PropertyFontWeightGets or sets the font weight of the Items.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramNode instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyIsBoldGets or sets a value indicating whether the font weight is bold.  
Public PropertyIsColorPickerDropDownOpenedGets or sets a value indicating whether an infragistics color picker's drop down is opened.  
Public PropertyIsContentReadOnlyGets or sets if the text field of the item is readonly.  
Public PropertyIsItalicGets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is italic.  
Public PropertyItemGets the error message for the property with the given name.  
Public PropertyItemsGets or sets the diagram items that this instance applies to.  
Public PropertyMaintainAspectRatioGets or sets a value indicating whether to maintain the aspect ratio of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramNode instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyModeGets or sets the mode, usually depending on the type of Items.  
Public PropertyOpacityGets or sets the opacity of the Items.  
Public PropertyStartCapSizeGets or sets the start cap size of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyStartCapTypeGets or sets the start cap type of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyStartXGets or sets the x-axis position of the start point of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyStartYGets or sets the y-axis position of the start point of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramConnection instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyStrokeGets or sets the stroke of the Items.  
Public PropertyStrokeDashArrayGets or sets the stroke dash array of the Items.  
Public PropertyStrokeThicknessGets or sets the stroke thickness of the Items.  
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text of the Items.  
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramNode instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyXGets or sets the x-axis position of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramNode instances in the Items.  
Public PropertyYGets or sets the y-axis position of the Infragistics.Controls.Charts.DiagramNode instances in the Items.  
Public Events
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes.  
See Also