
Infragistics.Controls.Charts Namespace

ClassAbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Absolute Volume Oscillator indicator series.
ClassAccumulationDistributionIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Accumulation/Distribution indicator series.
ClassAnchoredCategorySeries Represents the base class for all XamDataChart anchored category/value series.
ClassAnchoredRadialSeries Represents the base class for all XamDataChart anchored radial category series.
ClassAngleAxisLabelPanel Represents the panel control, containing angle axis labels.
ClassAnnotationLayer Represents the base class for annotation layer types. Annotations will usually disable some of the default hover/touch behaviors of the chart when they are introduced to the series collection. In return they provide some valuable information as the cursor is moved by hovering over the chart, or performing a press-hold-drag interaction in touch mode.
ClassArc Represents Infragistics Arc control.
ClassArcItem Represents data for Arc element in the chart
ClassAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart area series.

Displays trend over time or ordered categories.

Useful when there are many data points and the order is important.

ClassAssigningCategoryMarkerStyleEventArgs Represents event arguments class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEvent
ClassAssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAssigningPolarMarkerStyleEventArgs Represents event arguments class for the AssigningPolarStyleEvent
ClassAssigningPolarStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAssigningRadialMarkerStyleEventArgs Represents event arguments class for the AssigningRadialStyleEvent
ClassAssigningRadialStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAssigningScatterMarkerStyleEventArgs Represents event arguments class for the AssigningScatterStyleEvent
ClassAssigningScatterStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAssigningSeriesStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAssigningShapeMarkerStyleEventArgs Represents event arguments class for the AssigningShapeStyleEvent
ClassAssigningShapeStyleEventArgsBase Represents event arguments base class for the AssigningCategoryStyleEventArgsBase
ClassAverageDirectionalIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Average Directional indicator series.
ClassAverageTrueRangeIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Average True Range indicator series.
ClassAxis Represents the base class from which all axis types are derived.
ClassAxisAnnotation Represents an axis annotation
ClassAxisCollection Represents an observable collection of Axis objects.
ClassAxisDefaults Defines default values for axis that can be easily referenced across all platforms
ClassAxisLabelPanelBase Base class for creating an axis label panel.
ClassAxisLabelPanelBaseView Defines the view class of an axis label panel.
ClassAxisLabelSettings Represents the class for the axis labels settings and behaviors.
ClassBarSeries Represents a XamDataChart bar series.
ClassBollingerBandsOverlay Represents a XamDataChart Bollinger Bands financial overlay series.
ClassBollingerBandWidthIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Bollinger Bandwidth indicator series.
ClassBrushScale Represents a base class for brush scales.
ClassBubbleSeries Represents a XamDataChart bubble series.
ClassCalculatedColumn Represents a column that is calculated based on the values of other columns.
ClassCalloutAnnotation Represents a callout annotation
ClassCalloutAnnotationCollection Represents a collection of callout annotations
ClassCalloutContentUpdatingEventArgs Represents event arguments for updating content of callout layer
ClassCalloutLabelUpdatingEventArgs Represents event arguments for updating label of callout layer
ClassCalloutLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays crosshair lines that cross through the closest value of the target series under the cursor.
ClassCalloutLayerView Represents a view for the CalloutLayer
ClassCalloutPlacementPositionsCollection Represents a collection of CalloutPlacementPositions enumerable objects
ClassCalloutSeriesSelectingEventArgs Represents event arguments for selecting callout layer
ClassCategoryAngleAxis Represents a XamDataChart category angle axis. Useful for displaying radial categories.
ClassCategoryAxisBase Represents the base class for all XamDataChart category-based axes.
ClassCategoryChartMockDataItem Represents data item used to mock data source for category chart
ClassCategoryDateTimeXAxis Represents a category-based horizontal X axis that uses a DateTime scale.
ClassCategoryErrorBarSettings Represents the class for the category error bar settings
ClassCategoryHighlightLayer Represents an annotation layer that targets a category axis, or all category axes in the chart. If the axis contains any series that are aligned between major gridlines of the axis (column, waterfall, etc) this will render a shape that fills the current category. Otherwise it will render a band with an adjustable thickness at the closest gridline to the pointer position. Setting UseIterpolation to true will cause the x position in the latter case to become affixed to the x position of the pointer.
ClassCategoryItemHighlightLayer Represents an annotation layer that highlights items in a series that use a category axis either by drawing a banded shape at their position, or by rendering a marker at their position. Depending on the type of series, the default highlight will be affected. To override the type of highlight used, you can set the HighlightType property.
ClassCategorySeries Represents the base class for XamDataChart category series.
ClassCategoryToolTipLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays grouped tooltips for series that use a category axis.
ClassCategoryToolTipLayerView Represents a view for the CategoryToolTipLayer
ClassCategoryXAxis Represents a XamDataChart category X axis.
ClassCategoryYAxis Represents a XamDataChart category Y axis.
ClassChaikinOscillatorIndicator Represents the XamDataChart Chaikin Oscillator indicator series.
ClassChaikinVolatilityIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Chaikin Volatility indicator series.
ClassChartGroupDescription Represents an element in the current grouping applied to a data source or provider. Changes to this object are not observed or expected after it is initially assigned to a collection.
ClassChartGroupDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of grouping elements that are applied to a data source or provider.
ClassChartSelectedItemCollection Represents an observable collection of XamDataChart series objects.
ClassChartSelection Represents a selected item within the chart. This should be treated as immutable while in the selected items collection. Changes while part of the collection will not be respected.
ClassChartSeriesEventArgs Represents event arguments for chart's SeriesAdded and SeriesRemoved events
ClassChartSortDescription Represents an element in the current sort applied to a data source or provider. Changes to this object are not observed or expected after it is initially assigned to a collection.
ClassChartSortDescriptionCollection Represents a collection of sort elements that are applied to a data source or provider.
ClassChartSummaryDescription Represents a summary that is applied to a datasource. Changes to this object are not observed or expected after it is initially assigned to a collection.
ClassColorCollectionConverter TypeConverter class used for converting space-delimited lists of strings to ColorCollections.
ClassColorScale Base class for classes which provide colors corresponding to numeric values within a known list of numeric values.
ClassColumnSeries Represents a XamDataChart column series.

Compare values across categories by using vertical rectangles.

Use it when the order of categories is not important or for displaying item counts such as a histogram.

ClassColumnSupportingCalculation Represents a calculation strategy that takes in a column of values and returns a resulting column of values.
ClassCommodityChannelIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Commodity Channel Index indicator series.
ClassConditionalStyleRule Base for classes capable of applying a given style based on a conditional evaluation.
ClassConditionalStyleSelector StyleSelector class which selects a style based on a list of ConditionalStyleRule objects.
ClassContourValueResolver Class used to determine the numeric values of contour lines, given a larger list of numeric values.
ClassCrosshairLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays crosshair lines that cross through the closest value of the target series under the cursor.
ClassCrosshairLayerView Represents a view for the CrosshairLayer
ClassCustomContourValueResolver ContourValueResolver class which fires an event to resolve the contour values.
ClassCustomContourValueResolverEventArgs Provides data for GetCustomContourValues event.
ClassCustomIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Custom Indicator series.

The indicator value is calculated in the user specified Indicator event handler.

ClassCustomIndicatorStrategy Represents the strategy for calculating a custom indicator series.
ClassCustomPaletteBrushScale Represents a brush scale that uses index-based brush selection mode.
ClassCustomPaletteColorScale ColorScale class for selecting a color from a given palette, or interpolating between adjacent colors in that palette.
ClassDataLegendSeriesGroupInfo Represent info about series values
ClassDataLegendStylingColumnEventArgs Represents styling event args for a column in data legend
ClassDataLegendStylingRowEventArgs Represents styling event args for a row in data legend
ClassDataLegendSummaryEventArgs Represents event argument for DataLegendSummaryCalculationCustom
ClassDataSourceSupportingCalculation Represents a calculation strategy that uses the calculation data source to product a column of values.
ClassDataToolTipLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays grouped tooltips with summaries for series.
ClassDataToolTipLayerView Represents a view for the CategoryToolTipLayer
ClassDefaultFlattener Represents the default flattener class.
ClassDefaults Defines default values for series that can be easily referenced across all platforms
ClassDetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Detrended Price Oscillator indicator series.
ClassDomainChartPlotAreaPointerEventArgs Represents event arguments for chart's SeriesAdded and SeriesRemoved events
ClassDomainChartSeriesPointerEventArgs Represents event arguments for chart's SeriesAdded and SeriesRemoved events
ClassDoubleCollectionDuplicator Used to create duplicates of DoubleCollection instances.
ClassEaseOfMovementIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Ease of Movement indicator series.
ClassEnumCollectionConverter<TEnum,TCollection> Represents type converter for converting collection of enumerable objects
ClassEqualToConditionalStyleRule Rule class used for applying conditional styling for objects which pass an equality comparison.
ClassErrorBarSettingsBase Represents the base class for error bar settings
ClassFastStochasticOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Fast Stochastic Oscillator indicator series.
ClassFilterStringErrorsParsingEventArgs Represents event arguments for when there are errors parsing the filter string
ClassFinalValueLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays crosshair lines that cross through the closest value of the target series under the cursor.
ClassFinalValueLayerView Represents a view for the FinalValueLayer
ClassFinancialCalculationDataSource Represents the data contract between a financial series and the decoupled calculation responsibilities which implement its mathmatical logic.
ClassFinancialCalculationSupportingCalculations Represents a contract between the financial series and the calculation strategies detailing the supporting calculation strategies that the financial series will provide in order for the indicator calculations to be performed.
ClassFinancialIndicator Represents the base functionality for a XamDataChart financial indicator series.
ClassFinancialLegend Represents a legend that displays information about each series, most often used in financial charting.
ClassFinancialOverlay Represents the base functionality for a XamDataChart financial overlay series.
ClassFinancialPriceSeries Represents a XamDataChart financial price series that renders as Candlestick or OHLC representations.
ClassFinancialSeries Represents the base class for all financial indicator and overlay series.
ClassForceIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Force Index indicator series.
ClassFrame Represents a static frame or animation frame in an animatable visual element.
ClassFrameExtended Extended static functions for frames.
ClassFullStochasticOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Full Stochastic Oscillator indicator series.
ClassFunnelDataContext Represents contextual data for the funnel chart.
ClassFunnelSliceClickedEventArgs Information about the clicked slice.
ClassFunnelSliceEventArgs Information about the clicked slice.
ClassHierarchicalRingSeries Represents a XamDoughnutChart hierarchical series.
ClassHighDensityScatterSeries Represents a XamDataChart series where a high volume of scatter points can be displayed.
ClassHorizontalAnchoredCategorySeries Base class for anchored category series with a category x-axis and a numeric y-axis.
ClassHorizontalAxisLabelPanel Represents a panel control, containing horizontal axis labels.
ClassHorizontalAxisLabelPanelBase Represents the base class for horizontal axis label panels.
ClassHorizontalLinearScaler Represents a horizontally oriented linear scaler.
ClassHorizontalLogarithmicScaler Represents a horizontally oriented logarithmic scaler.
ClassHorizontalRangeCategorySeries Base class for ranged category series with a category X-axis and a numeric Y-axis.
ClassHorizontalSmartAxisLabelPanel The SmartAxisLabelPanel class is an axis label panel that automatically lays out its labels in a way that prevents collisions. This axis panel also provides ways to customize various label attributes, such as angle, font, font size, margins, etc.
ClassHorizontalStackedSeriesBase Base class for stacked series with a category x-axis and a numeric y-axis.
ClassIndexCollection Represents a collection of distinct integers.
ClassIndexCollectionTypeConverter Converts XAML-based string to a collection of integers.
ClassIndicatorCalculationStrategy Represents a decoupled strategy for calculating a financial indicator from data provided by a financial series.
ClassItemLegend Represents a legend that displays an item for each point in the series.
ClassItemToolTipLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays tooltips for all target series individually.
ClassItemToolTipLayerView Represents a view for the ItemToolTipLayer
ClassItemwiseIndicatorCalculationStrategy Represents a decoupled strategy for calculating a financial indicator from data provided by a financial series. Will be called seperately for each item.
ClassItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicator Financial indicator base class for doing calculating an itemwize indicator.
ClassItemwiseStrategyCalculationStrategy Indicator calculation strategy that handles applying an itemwise strategy to the indicator values that are requested to be calculated.
ClassLegend Represents a legend in a XamDataChart control.
ClassLegendBase Represents the base class for a legend in XamDataChart.
ClassLegendTemplatesDictionary Represents a resource dictionary with legend templates defined in \themes\LegendTemplates.xaml
ClassLinearContourValueResolver ContourValueResolver class which resolves contour lines to be distributed at linear intervals from the data minimum to the data maximum.
ClassLinearScaler Represents a linear numeric axis scaler.
ClassLinearTickmarkValues Represents a set of linear tickmarks.
ClassLineSeries Represents a XamDataChart line series.

Displays trend over time or ordered categories.

Useful when there are many data points and the order is important.

ClassLogarithmicScaler Represents a logarithmic numeric scaler.
ClassLogarithmicTickmarkValues Represents a set of logarithmic tickmarks.
ClassMarker Represents a datapoint marker in a XamDataChart control.
ClassMarkerManagerBase Base class for managing markers for a data series.
ClassMarkerSeries Represents the base class for series containing markers.
ClassMarkerTypeCollection Represents a collection of MarkerType enumerable objects
ClassMarketFacilitationIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Market Facilitation Index indicator series.
ClassMassIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Mass Index indicator series.
ClassMedianPriceIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Median Price indicator series.
ClassMoneyFlowIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Money Flow Index indicator series.
ClassMovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) indicator series.
ClassNegativeVolumeIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Negative Volume Index indicator (NVI) series.
ClassNumericAngleAxis Represents a XamDataChart angle based axis for polar series.
ClassNumericAxisBase Represents the base class for all XamDataChart numeric axes.
ClassNumericRadiusAxis Represents a XamDataChart radius axis for polar and radial series.
ClassNumericScaler Represents a numeric axis scaler.
ClassNumericXAxis Represents a XamDataChart numeric X axis.
ClassNumericYAxis Represents a XamDataChart numeric Y axis.
ClassOnBalanceVolumeIndicator Represents a XamDataChart On Balance Bolume indicator series.
ClassOrdinalTimeXAxis A horizontal axis that uses an ordinal DateTime scale.
ClassPaletteConverter Represents a Palette Converter which converts a list of colors to a gradient brush.
ClassPathRenderingInfo Rendering information for path elements.
ClassPercentagePriceOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart percentage price oscillator series.
ClassPercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO) series.
ClassPercentChangeYAxis A horizontal axis that uses a DateTime scale.
ClassPieChartBase Represents the base class for the pie chart.
ClassPieChartFormatLabelEventArgs Represents event arguments for PieChartFormatLabel.
ClassPieSliceOthersContext Represents the selected data contained inside the Others slice.
ClassPointerTooltip Represents a control for displaying tooltip content with a point tail to indicate a precise location being annotated.
ClassPointList A list of points.
ClassPointSeries Represents a XamDataChart point series.
ClassPolarAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart polar area series.
ClassPolarBase Represents the base class from which all XamDataChart polar series are derived.
ClassPolarLineSeries Represents a XamDataChart polar line series.
ClassPolarLineSeriesBase Represents the base class from which all XamDataChart polar line series are derived.
ClassPolarScatterSeries Represents a XamDataChart polar scatter series.
ClassPolarSplineAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart polar spline area series.
ClassPolarSplineSeries Represents a XamDataChart polar spline series.
ClassPositiveVolumeIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Positive Volume Index (PVI) indicator series.
ClassPriceChannelOverlay Represents a XamDataChart Financial Price Channel Overlay series.
ClassPriceVolumeTrendIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Price Volume Trend Indicator series.
ClassProgressiveLoadStatusEventArgs Provides information about the progressive load progress of the HighDensityScatterSeries.
ClassPropertyValueConditionalStyleRule Base class for conditional style rules based around the value of one named property.
ClassProportionalCategoryAngleAxis Represents a XamDataChart category angle axis. Useful for displaying radial categories.
ClassRadialAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart radial area series.
ClassRadialAxisLabelPanel Represents a panel control, containing radial axis labels.
ClassRadialBase Represents the base class for all XamDataChart radial series
ClassRadialColumnSeries Represents a XamDataChart radial column series. Compare values across categories by using radial rectangles.
ClassRadialLineSeries Represents a XamDataChart radial line series.
ClassRadialPieSeries Represents a XamDataChart radial pie series. Compare values across categories by using radial pie slices.
ClassRandomFillStyleSelector StyleSelector class which assigns Styles at random with a random brush assigned to the Fill property.
ClassRandomSelectStyleSelector StyleSelector class which assigns Styles at random, picked from a list of Styles.
ClassRangeAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart range area series.
ClassRangeCategorySeries Represents the base class for all XamDataChart ranged category/value series.
ClassRangeColumnSeries Represents a XamDataChart range column series.
ClassRateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Rate of Change and Momentum indicator series.
ClassRelativeStrengthIndexIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Relative Strength Index indicator series.
ClassRenderRequestedEventArgs EventArgs class for RenderRequested events.
ClassRenderSurface Represents a target for a render operation.
ClassRing Represents data for RingControl element.
ClassRingCollection Represents an observable collection of Rings objects.
ClassRingControl Represents visual control for ring in the chart.
ClassRingSeries Represents one ring in XamDoughnutChart series.
ClassRingSeriesBase Represents a XamDoughnutChart base series.
ClassRingSeriesCollection Represents an observable collection of RingSeriesBases objects.
ClassScaleLegend Represents a legend that indicates the size and the color scale for a collection of series.
ClassScalerParams Class containing several properties which are used as parameters passed to scaling operations in a SeriesViewer.
ClassScatterAreaSeries Series class which draws a colored 2D surface based on a triangulation of XY data with numeric values assigned to each point.
ClassScatterAreaSeriesView View class for ScatterAreaSeries.
ClassScatterBase Represents the base class for all XamDataChart scatter series
ClassScatterContourSeries Series class for rendering isarithmic contours based on a triangulation of X+Y+Value points in the ItemsSource.
ClassScatterControlSeries Series class which renders polygons as Controls based on lists of points in the ItemsSource.
ClassScatterControlSeriesView View class for ScatterControlSeries.
ClassScatterErrorBarSettings Represents the class for the scatter error bar settings
ClassScatterLineSeries Represents a XamDataChart scatter line series
ClassScatterPolygonSeries Series class which renders polygons as Paths based on lists of points in the ItemsSource.
ClassScatterPolygonSeriesView View class for ScatterPolygonSeries.
ClassScatterPolylineSeries Series class used for displaying multiple polylines for datasources which contain multiple lists of points.
ClassScatterPolylineSeriesView View class for ScatterPolylineSeries.
ClassScatterSeries Represents a XamDataChart scatter series
ClassScatterSplineSeries Represents a XamDataChart scatter spline series
ClassScatterTriangulationSeries Base class for series which triangulate XY data prior to rendering.
ClassSeries Represents the base class for all XamDataChart series.
ClassSeriesCollection Represents an observable collection of XamDataChart series objects.
ClassSeriesFocusHighlightingManager Class for managing highlighting operations.
ClassSeriesHighlightingManager Class for managing highlighting operations.
ClassSeriesLayer Represents an axis annotation
ClassSeriesLayerPropertyOverlay Represents an axis annotation
ClassSeriesSelectionHighlightingManager Class for managing highlighting operations.
ClassSeriesView Represents the platform specific portion of a series.
ClassShapeControl Control class for hosting Path shapes so that they support control styling, e.g. the VisualStateManager. Used mainly for ScatterControlSeries.
ClassShapeSeriesBase Series class for rendering polygons.
ClassShapeSeriesViewBase Base class for views of ShapeSeries.
ClassSizeScale Represents a scale that is used determine an object's size.
ClassSlice Represents a content control that holds a single chart slice.
ClassSliceAppearance Stores information about how a funnel slice should be rendered.
ClassSliceCollection Represents an observable collection of SliceItems objects.
ClassSliceItem Represents data of Slice element
ClassSlowStochasticOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Slow Stochastic Oscillator indicator series.
ClassSplineAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart spline area series.
ClassSplineSeries Represents a XamDataChart spline series.
ClassSplineSeriesBase Represents the base class for all XamDataChart spline series.
ClassStacked100AreaSeries Represents a stacked area series, where values are presented as percentages of the total.
ClassStacked100BarSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked100 bar series.
ClassStacked100ColumnSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked100 column series.
ClassStacked100LineSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked100 line series.
ClassStacked100SplineAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked100 spline area series.
ClassStacked100SplineSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked100 spline series.
ClassStackedAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked area series.
ClassStackedBarSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked bar series.
ClassStackedColumnSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked column series.
ClassStackedFragmentSeries Represents a non-visual child of StackedSeriesBase.
ClassStackedLineSeries Represents a stacked series, where the points in each series are connected with a line.
ClassStackedSeriesBase Represents a base class for stacked series.
ClassStackedSeriesCollection Represents a collection of StackedFragmentSeries used by XamDataChart stacked series.
ClassStackedSplineAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked spline area series.
ClassStackedSplineSeries Represents a XamDataChart stacked spline series.
ClassStandardDeviationIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Standard Deviation indicator series.
ClassStepAreaSeries Represents a XamDataChart step area series.
ClassStepLineSeries Represents a XamDataChart step line series.
ClassStochRSIIndicator Represents a XamDataChart StochRSI indicator series.
ClassStraightNumericAxisBase Defines a set of basic methods and properties used to create a StraightNumeric axis.
ClassStrategyBasedIndicator A base class for indicator series with simple calculations that separates the calculation responsibility from the other responsibilities of the financial series, this enables easier unit testing and decoupling of individual calculation strategies.
ClassStreamingIndicatorCalculationStrategy Implementers of IStreamingIndicatorCalculationStrategy must be able to provide an enumeration of calculated values rather that filling the IndicatorColumn directly.
ClassStringToVisibilityConverter Represents a convert that converts a string to Visibility enum
ClassStyleVisibilityConverter Represents stylevVisibility converter
ClassSupportingCalculation<TCalculationStrategy> Represents a supporting calculation strategy.
ClassSyncLink SyncLink class.
ClassSyncManager SyncManager helps to manage SyncSettings of the SeriesViewer control.
ClassSyncSettings Represents the synchronization settings for a chart including which synchronization channel it is part of.
ClassSyncSettingsConverter Conveniently converts a string value into some default SyncSettings.
ClassTickmarkValues Represents a set of methods and properties used to create tickmark values.
ClassTickmarkValuesInitializationParameters Represents a set of properties used to create axis tickmarks.
ClassTileZoomInfo Class containing contextual information related to a tile zoom operation.
ClassTileZoomManager Class for the management of zoom tiles.
ClassTileZoomTile A tile in a TileZoomManager.
ClassTileZoomTileCache Cache for tiles in a TileZoomManager.
ClassTileZoomTileInfo Class containing contextual information about a tile in a zoom operation.
ClassTimeAxisBase Represents an category-based horizontal X axis that uses a DateTime scale.
ClassTimeAxisBreak Settings for breaks on a time axis.
ClassTimeAxisBreakCollection Collection class for TimeAxisBreak objects.
ClassTimeAxisInterval Settings for an interval on a time axis.
ClassTimeAxisIntervalCollection Collection class for TimeAxisInterval objects.
ClassTimeAxisLabelFormat Settings for a label format on a time axis.
ClassTimeAxisLabelFormatCollection Collection class for TimeAxisLabelFormat objects.
ClassTimeXAxis A horizontal axis that uses a DateTime scale.
ClassTitleSettings Represents the class for the title settings and behaviors.
ClassTransitionOutCompletedEventArgs EventArgs class for TransitionOutCompleted events.
ClassTRIXIndicator Represents a XamDataChart TRIX indicator series.
ClassTypicalPriceIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Typical Price indicator series.
ClassUltimateOscillatorIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Ultimate Oscillator indicator series.
ClassValueBrushScale Represents a brush scale that uses value-based brush selection.
ClassValueLayer Represents an annotation layer that displays crosshair lines that cross through the closest value of the target series under the cursor.
ClassValueLayerView Represents a view for the ValueLayer
ClassValueModeCollection Represents a collection of MarkerType enumerable objects
ClassValueOverlay Represents the class of the value overlay. The value overlay is a line or circle representing a value on an axis.
ClassVerticalAnchoredCategorySeries Represents a vertically laid out category based series.
ClassVerticalAxisLabelPanel Represents a panel control, containing vertical axis labels.
ClassVerticalLinearScaler Represents a vertically oriented linear scaler.
ClassVerticalLogarithmicScaler Represents a vertically oriented logarithmic scaled.
ClassVerticalPercentChangeScaler A linear scaler which scales values according to their percent increase or decrease from a reference value.
ClassVerticalStackedSeriesBase Base class for stacked series with a numeric x-axis and a category y-axis.
ClassViewportCalculator Represents a basic set of methods and properties to calculate the view port of the chart.
ClassVisualInformationManager Helps to augment the visual components of the chart with metadata which can be used to programmatically classify them.
ClassWaterfallSeries Represents a XamDataChart waterfall column series.
ClassWeightedCloseIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Weigted Close indicator series.
ClassWilliamsPercentRIndicator Represents a XamDataChart Williams %R indicator series.
ClassXamCartesianChart Represents a base class for cartesian charts with numeric X/Y axes that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use properties. Represents a base class for cartesian chart control that can plot scatter data
ClassXamCategoryChart Represents a chart with an ordinal X-axis and a numeric Y-axis. Represents the Category Chart that provides a simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy-to-use properties.
ClassXamDataChart Represents a chart area containing axes, series, an optional legend and other hosted content.
ClassXamDataLegend Represents data legend that displays information about each series including values and summaries.
ClassXamDataPieBaseChart Represents a base class for PieBase chart control that can plot scatter data
ClassXamDataPieChart Represents a DataPie chart control that can plot DataPie data Represents the scatter chart control that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use properties.
ClassXamDomainChart Represents a base class for all domain charts that can plot scatter data and shapefiles Represents a base class for all domain charts that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use properties.
ClassXamDoughnutChart Represents concentric circles divided on arcs depending on data.
ClassXamFunnelChart Represents a funnel chart.
ClassXamPieChart Represents Infragistics XamPieChart control.
ClassXamRadialBaseChart Represents a base class for domain charts with X/Y axes Represents a base class for domain charts with X/Y axes that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use axis properties.
ClassXamScatterChart Represents a scatter chart control that can plot scatter data Represents the scatter chart control that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use properties.
ClassXamShapeChart Represents a shape chart control that can plot scatter data and shape data, e.g. shapefiles Represents the shape chart control that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use properties.
ClassXamXYChart Represents a base class for domain charts with X/Y axes Represents a base class for domain charts with X/Y axes that provides simplified method of creating charts by wrapping DataChart elements and exposing easy to use axis properties.
InterfaceIOuterLabelWidthDecider Represents the object that has the responsibility to decide the width required for the labels.
InterfaceITileZoomTile Interface for tiles that are part of a layered, zoomable grid.
InterfaceITileZoomTileInfo Interface for tiles that are part of a layered, zoomable grid.
DelegateAssigningCategoryMarkerStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningCategoryMarkerStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningCategoryStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningCategoryStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningPolarMarkerStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningPolarMarkerStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningPolarStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningPolarStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningRadialMarkerStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningRadialMarkerStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningRadialStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningRadialStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningScatterMarkerStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningScatterMarkerStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningScatterStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningScatterStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningShapeMarkerStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningShapeMarkerStyleEvent
DelegateAssigningShapeStyleEventHandler Represents delegate for the AssigningShapeStyleEvent
DelegateAxisFormatLabelEventHandler The FormatLabel handler for the axis.
DelegateCalloutContentUpdatingEventHandler Event handler for updating content of callout layer
DelegateCalloutLabelUpdatingEventHandler Event handler for updating label of callout layer
DelegateCalloutSeriesSelectingEventHandler Event handler for selecting series of callout layer
DelegateChartSeriesEventHandler Delegate for chart's SeriesAdded and SeriesRemoved events
DelegateCustomContourValueResolverEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the events of the CustomContourValueResolver.
DelegateDataChartCursorEventHandler Represents the method that will handle XamDataChart mouse related events.
DelegateDataChartMouseButtonEventHandler Represents the method that will handle XamDataChart mouse button related events.
DelegateDataChartMouseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle XamDataChart mouse related events.
DelegateDataLegendStyleColumnHandler Represents delegate for styling event
DelegateDataLegendStyleRowHandler Represents delegate for FormatSummaryText event
DelegateDataLegendSummaryHandler Represents delegate for calculating custom summary event
DelegateDomainChartPlotAreaPointerEventHandler Delegate for chart's mouse events
DelegateDomainChartSeriesPointerEventHandler Delegate for chart's mouse events
DelegateFilterStringErrorsParsingEventHandler Delegate for chart's filter errors event
DelegateFunnelSliceClickedEventHandler Event handler for when a funnel slice is clicked.
DelegateFunnelSliceEventHandler Event handler for when a funnel slice is clicked.
DelegateGetCategoryItemsHandler Represents delegate for getting the category items based on indices.
DelegateGetGroupCenterHandler Delegate for locating the center of a group on an axis.
DelegateGetUnscaledGroupCenterHandler Delegate for locating the unscaled center of a group on an axis.
DelegatePieChartFormatLabelEventHandler Represents delegate for PieChartFormatLabel.
DelegatePlotAreaMouseButtonEventHandler Represents the method that will handle XamDataChart mouse button related events.
DelegatePlotAreaMouseEventHandler Represents the method that will handle XamDataChart mouse button related events.
DelegateProvideColumnValuesStrategy A strategy to provide columns for the indicator.
DelegateSupportingCalculationStrategy A strategy for supporting calculations.
DelegateTransitionOutCompletedEventHandler Delegate for TransitionOutCompleted events.
EnumerationAngleAxisLabelLocation Describes available locations of the x-axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationAnnotationAppearanceMode Describes available behaviors for how annotations are distinguished from series.
EnumerationAutoCalloutVisibilityMode Indicates the allowed directions that will be considered to position the callouts near the target points
EnumerationAutoMarginsAndAngleUpdateMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationAxisExtentType Enumeration that determines whether the axis extent measures in pixels or percentage.
EnumerationAxisLabelsLocation Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationAxisOrientation Describes available orientations for an axis.
EnumerationAxisRangeBufferMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationAxisTitlePosition Describes available positions for axis title in respect to axis labels
EnumerationBrushSelectionMode Describes available behaviors of selecting a brush from a brush collection.
EnumerationCalloutPlacementPositions Indicates the allowed directions that will be considered to position the callouts near the target points
EnumerationCategoryChartType Describes available types of data visualizations in the Category Chart
EnumerationCategoryItemHighlightType Describes available shapes for a category item highlight.
EnumerationCategorySeriesMarkerCollisionAvoidance Describes available methods of collision avoidance of category series' markers.
EnumerationCategoryTooltipLayerPosition Describes available positions on the crossing axis at which the category tooltip can be displayed.
EnumerationCategoryTransitionInMode Describes available transition effects that can applied to initial rendering of a series
EnumerationChartHitTestMode Describes available behaviors for performing hit testing in the chart/map.
EnumerationCollisionAvoidanceType Describes available methods of collision avoidance of series' markers.
EnumerationColorScaleInterpolationMode Describes available modes of interpolation on a color scale.
EnumerationComputedPlotAreaMarginMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationConsolidatedItemHitTestBehavior Determines the item returned in hit-testing when mousing over an object which represents several consolidated items.
EnumerationConsolidatedItemsPosition Enum used to determine positioning logic for data items which have been consolidated into a single visual element.
EnumerationCrosshairsDisplayMode An enum representing the available display modes of crosshairs lines in the chart.
EnumerationDataPieChartType Describes available types of data visualizations in the DataPie Chart control.
EnumerationDataTooltipConstraintMode Describes available options for constraining the tooltip to different bounds.
EnumerationDataToolTipLayerPosition Describes available positions on the crossing axis at which the category tooltip can be displayed.
EnumerationDomainType An enum representing the available types of domain charts.
EnumerationEnableErrorBars Describes available types for enabling error bars
EnumerationFinalValueSelectionMode Gets or sets how to select the final value to annotate.
EnumerationFunnelSliceDisplay Describes available behaviors for displaying height of the funnel slices.
EnumerationGridMode Describes available modes of displaying elements in the chart grid, such as gridlines.
EnumerationHighlightingMode Describes available behaviors for series highlighting depending on distance of mouse on hover operation.
EnumerationIndicatorDisplayType Describes available display types for financial indicators.
EnumerationLabelsPosition Describes available positions of labels.
EnumerationLeaderLineType Describes available types of a callout line for the labels.
EnumerationLegendHighlightingMode Describes the highlighting mode to use for the series in the chart.
EnumerationMarkerAutomaticBehavior Describes mode for selecting marker type when the series marker type is set to automatic.
EnumerationMarkerFillMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationMarkerOutlineMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationMarkerType Describes available types of marker than can be displayed by default by series with markers.
EnumerationNumericScaleMode Describes available scaling behaviors of a numeric axis.
EnumerationOuterLabelAlignment Describes available types of alignment used by the outer labels of the funnel chart.
EnumerationPieChartSweepDirection An enum representing available sweep directions for the pie chart.
EnumerationPointerTooltipPointerLocation Describes available positions to anchor the pointer to the PointerTooltip.
EnumerationPriceDisplayType Describes available display types of financial price series.
EnumerationScatterChartType Describes available types of data visualizations in the Scatter Chart control.
EnumerationScatterItemSearchMode Describes available modes for searching for items in the scatter series.
EnumerationSeriesHighlightingBehavior Describes the highlighting mode to use for the series in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesHighlightingMode Describes the highlighting mode to use for the series in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesHitTestMode Describes available behaviors for performing hit testing in the chart/map.
EnumerationSeriesOutlineMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesPlotAreaMarginHorizontalMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesPlotAreaMarginVerticalMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesSelectionBehavior Describes the Selection mode to use for the series in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesSelectionMode Describes the Selection mode to use for the series in the chart.
EnumerationSeriesViewerHorizontalScrollbarPosition Describes the scrollbar mode to use for the series viewer.
EnumerationSeriesViewerScrollbarMode Describes the scrollbar mode to use for the series viewer.
EnumerationSeriesViewerVerticalScrollbarPosition Describes the scrollbar mode to use for the series viewer.
EnumerationSeriesVisibleRangeMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationShapeChartType Describes available types of data visualizations in the Shape Chart control.
EnumerationShapeItemSearchMode Describes available modes for searching for items in the shape series.
EnumerationSliceSelectionMode Describes available modes for selecting slices.
EnumerationSmartAxisLabelDisplayType Represents the way labels are shown on the smart axis.
EnumerationSplineType Describes available types of Spline calculations.
EnumerationTimeAxisDisplayType Describes available behaviors for displaying of gridlines, tickmarks, and labels on a time axis.
EnumerationTimeAxisIntervalType Enum representing a unit of time.
EnumerationTimeAxisLabellingMode Enum representing a unit of time.
EnumerationToolTipType An enum representing the available tooltip types to display in the chart.
EnumerationTransitionInSpeedType Describes available types of speeds used when transitioning in a series.
EnumerationTransitionOutSpeedType Describes available types of speeds used when transitioning in a series.
EnumerationValueAxisLabelLocation Describes available locations of the y-axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationValueLayerValueMode Describes available behaviors for the ValueOverlay.
EnumerationWindowResponse Describes available types of UI response to user panning and zooming operations.
EnumerationXAxisLabelLocation Describes available locations of the x-axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationYAxisLabelLocation Describes available locations of the y-axis labels in the chart.
EnumerationZoomCoercionMode Describes available locations of the axis labels in the chart.
See Also