
Infragistics.Windows.Controls Namespace

ClassAutoDisabledImage An image class that will automatically change the image when its System.Windows.UIElement.IsEnabled is false. The element can automatically generate one or an image can be provided via the DisabledSource property.
ClassAutomationControl Used for displaying drop indicator during a drag-and-drop operation.
ClassBoolConverter A base converter class for converting true and false boolean values to corresponding values.
ClassBoolToHiddenConverter Converts true to Visibility.Visible and false to Visibility.Hidden.
ClassBoolToValueConverter A base converter class for converting true and false boolean values to corresponding values.
ClassBrushHelper Helper class for dealing with brushes.
ClassCardPanel A panel that arranges its children like a stack of cards with one on top of the other with each getting the full available size of the panel.
ClassCarouselListBoxItem CarouselPanelItem derived class used as a container for items in a XamCarouselListBox.
ClassCarouselPanelAdorner The Adorner created by the XamCarouselPanel and used to hold various elements such as the CarouselPanelNavigator
ClassCarouselPanelItem ListBoxItem derived class used as a container for items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassCarouselPanelNavigator Control that provides a UI for scrolling items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassCarouselViewSettings Contains settings that support controls which implement Carousel views (e.g., XamCarouselPanel and XamCarouselListBox)).
ClassClippedTextToolTipService Represents a service that provides a System.Windows.Controls.ToolTip for a System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock when its text cannot be fully rendered within the bounds it has been provided. It can also be used on a System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter whose System.Windows.Controls.ContentPresenter.Content is a string represented by a System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock.
ClassComparisonCondition Condition that compares two values using the operator specified by the Operator property.
ClassComparisonOperatorListItem Represents an entry in the filter operator drop-down list of a ComparisonOperatorSelector.
ClassComparisonOperatorListItemCollection A read-only collection of ComparisonOperatorListItems
ClassComparisonOperatorSelector An element used for selecting from a filtered list of ComparisonOperators
ClassComplementCondition Condition that complements the results of a specified condition.
ClassConditionEvaluationContext Provides information regarding the context in which a condition is being evaluated.
ClassConditionGroup Class used for grouping multiple conditions.
ClassDesiredSizeDecorator Custom class that exposes the desired size of the child via dependency properties.
ClassDropIndicator Used for displaying drop indicator during a drag-and-drop operation.
ClassEffectStop Abstract base class that represents an EffectStop and contains an Offset and a Value.
ClassEffectStopCollection<T> Abstract base class for all EffectStop collections.
ClassExpanderBar Button-derived element that displays a bar used for expanding/collapsing an area.
ClassExpansionIndicator A ToggleButton derived element used in trees and hierarchical grids to display and/or change the expanded state of nodes.
ClassFormattableToStringConverter Value converter used to converter objects that implement System.IFormattable to a string using the System.IFormattable.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider) method and the format string passed as the parameter for the conversion call.
ClassGrowOnlyDecorator A decorator class whose desired size only grows.
ClassIGControlBase Abstract base class for Infragistics controls
ClassMousePanningDecorator Provides the ability to perform a scroll operation for a System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer using the middle mouse button.
ClassNotBoolToVisibilityConverter Converts true to Visibility.Collapsed and false to Visibility.Visible.
ClassNullToFalseConverter A converter class that converts null and empty string values to false and any non-null non-empty string value to true.
ClassNullToParameterConverter A converter class that converts null and empty string values to parameter in the Convert method and DoNothing in ConvertBack. If the value is non-null and non-empty string then returns the value itself.
ClassOpacityEffectStop A strongly typed EffectStop used for Opacity effects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassOpacityEffectStopCollection A collection of OpacityEffectStop objects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel
ClassPagerContentPresenter Displays the contents of a XamPager
ClassPopupHelper Class that provides attached behaviors for dealing with a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup
ClassPopupResizerBar Class created by a PopupResizerDecorator to allow resizing of a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup control.
ClassPopupResizerDecorator Class used inside a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Popup control to position a resizerbar above or below its content.
ClassPopupResizerDecorator.Constraints Resize constraints passed into the RegisterDescendantResizeConstraints method
ClassPopupResizerStackPanel Custom stack panel implementation that supports items being made larger when hosted within a PopupResizeDecorator.
ClassPrimitivesBrushKeys Static class that exposes the resource keys used by the elements in the assembly.
ClassScalingEffectStop A strongly typed EffectStop used for Scaling effects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassScalingEffectStopCollection A collection of ScalingEffectStop objects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel
ClassSimpleTextBlock Class which is optimized to draw single line text in a container which has a fixed size, such as a cell in a data grid.
ClassSkewAngleXEffectStop A strongly typed EffectStop used for effects that Skew items about the X-axis. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassSkewAngleXEffectStopCollection A collection of SkewAngleXEffectStop objects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel
ClassSkewAngleYEffectStop A strongly typed EffectStop used for effects that Skew items about the Y-axis. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassSkewAngleYEffectStopCollection A collection of SkewAngleYEffectStop objects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel
ClassSortIndicator A Button derived element used display and/or change SortStatus.
ClassSpecialFilterOperandBase Abstract base class for special filter operands.
ClassSpecialFilterOperands Maintains a registry of special filter operands and also exposes built-in special filter operands as static properties.
ClassSpecialFilterOperandTypeConverter Custom converter for string properties that represent the SpecialFilterOperandBase.Name of registered SpecialFilterOperandBase
ClassStringFormatConverter Value converter for invoking the System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[]) method taking a specified format and one or more parameters.
ClassStringWithoutMnemonicsConverter Value converter used to remove mnemonic characters from a string.
ClassSynchronizedSizeDecorator Custom class used to synchronize the extent of two elements separated within the visual tree.
ClassTabControlCommands Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the XamTabControl.
ClassTabItemEx A derived System.Windows.Controls.TabItem class that provides additional functionality when used with a XamTabControl
ClassTabItemExCommands Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the TabItemEx.
ClassTabItemPanel Panel used to arrange items like tab headers in single or multiple rows.
ClassToolWindow A stylable control used display elements as if hosted within a window.
ClassToolWindowResizeElement Custom element for defining a resize element for the ToolWindow
ClassTypeCheckConverter A converter class that converts to true if the value is of the type specified by the converter parameter.
ClassUniformGridEx A custom panel that positions each item in a separate cell within a grid of evenly sized cells.
ClassValueEntry Provides information regarding a value. Used by ConditionEvaluationContext.AllValues property.
ClassViewSettingsBase Abstract base class for all ViewSettings classes.
ClassVisibilityToBooleanConverter Represents the converter that converts System.Windows.Visibility enumeration values to and from Boolean values.
ClassXamCarouselListBox A System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector derived control that uses the XamCarouselPanel as its ItemsPanel to arrange items along a user-defined path.
ClassXamCarouselPanel A System.Windows.Controls.Panel derived element that arranges and displays its child elements along a user-defined path, with native support for scrolling and virtualizing those items.
ClassXamCarouselPanelCommands Provides a list of RoutedCommands supported by the XamCarouselPanel
ClassXamPager Custom System.Windows.Controls.ScrollViewer for scrolling with vertical or horizontal pager buttons.
ClassXamScreenTip The XamScreenTip is derived from the WPF ToolTip class and adds the notion of Header and Footer to the standard ToolTip.
ClassXamTabControl A custom tab control with multiple layout styles and tab item scrolling functionality.
ClassZOrderEffectStop A strongly typed EffectStop used for ZOrder effects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel.
ClassZOrderEffectStopCollection A collection of ZOrderEffectStop objects. Refer to the documentation for EffectStop for a full discussion of how to use EffectStops to apply parent effects to items in a XamCarouselPanel
InterfaceICarouselPanelSelectionHost An interface Implemented by controls that host the XamCarouselPanel and support selection.
InterfaceICondition Provides common interface for testing a value to see if it matches a condition.
InterfaceIFilterEvaluator Interface for providing custom logic for evaluating filter comparison operators. It also lets you provide custom logic for converting left-hand-side and right-hand-side values before the default built-in logic evaluates the comparison operator.
InterfaceIGlyphRunTextEvaluator Determines if and when GlyphRuns will be used instead of FormattedText in a
DelegateToolWindow.ShowDialogCallback Delegate used for the ToolWindow.ShowDialog method
EnumerationComparisonOperator Enum for specifying the comparison operator.
EnumerationComparisonOperatorFlags Flagged enum that mirrors the values of non-flagged ComparisonOperator enum. This is used to specify properties like data presenter's FieldSettings's FilterOperatorDropDownItems.
EnumerationDateRangeScope Enumeration used to indicate what part of a date time is considered when comparing dates.
EnumerationDropLocation Used for specifying the drop location of an item being dropped at the current mouse location.
EnumerationEffectStopDirection Determines the direction in which EffectStops are evaluated in the XamCarouselPanel.
EnumerationExpansionIndicatorToggleMode Enumeration used to determine when the IsChecked value of an ExpansionIndicator is toggled.
EnumerationItemContainerGenerationMode Determines how item containers are generated and cached by the RecyclingItemsPanel.
EnumerationLogicalOperator Enum for specifying logical operator that should be used to combine multiple conditions.
EnumerationPathItemTransitionStyle Determines the effects applied to items as they transition through the prefix and suffix areas of a XamCarouselPanel's CarouselViewSettings.ItemPath.
EnumerationPopupResizeMode Identifies how a popup can be resized
EnumerationPopupResizerBarLocation Identifies how a popup can be resized
EnumerationRelativeContentLocation Determines the relative location of one piece of content with respect to another.
EnumerationResizingMode Determines how resizing occurs.
EnumerationRoundedRectCorners Flagged enumeration used to indicate one or more corners of a rectangle.
EnumerationRoundedRectSide A flagged enumeration used to identify a side of a rectangle.
EnumerationSelectionType Used to specify the type of selection that is allowed for an object.
EnumerationSimpleTextGlyphRunMode Determines if and when GlyphRuns will be used instead of FormattedText in a
EnumerationSortStatus Determines how items are sorted
EnumerationTabAreaDropDownPlacement Determines the positioning of the popup of a minimized XamTabControl
EnumerationTabControlStates Enumeration used to indicate the current state of a TabItemEx
EnumerationTabDragMode Enumeration used to determine whether tab dragging is disabled, deferred or immediate.
EnumerationTabItemCloseButtonVisibility Indicates when the close button should be displayed within a TabItemEx
EnumerationTabItemExStates Enumeration used to indicate the current state of a TabItemEx
EnumerationTabLayoutStyle Identifies the types of layouts supported by the TabItemPanel
EnumerationToolWindowAlignmentMode Enumeration used to control the vertical or horizontal positioning of a ToolWindow
EnumerationToolWindowResizeElementLocation Enumeration indicating the location of a resize border.
EnumerationToolWindowStartupLocation Enumeration used to indicate how the ToolWindow should be positioned when it initially displayed.
EnumerationXamCarouselPanelStates Enumeration used to identify the navigation state of the XamCarouselPanel
See Also