
Infragistics.Controls.Charts Namespace

ClassDataLegendSeriesContext Represent info about series values
ClassDataLegendSeriesValueInfo Represent info about series values
ClassDataLegendSummaryColumn Represent a column in summary row
ClassTrendCalculators Utility class for calculating trend line values.
ClassTriangle Class representing a triangle in a triangulation.
ClassTriangulationSource Class for creating, loading, and storing triangulations.
ClassTriangulationSourcePointRecord Class representing a single point and its associated value in a triangulation source.
InterfaceIChartLegend A legend used for charting.
EnumerationCalloutCollisionMode An enum representing the available collision modes of callout layers.
EnumerationDataAbbreviationMode Describes the mode used to abbreviate large numbers
EnumerationDataLegendHeaderDateMode Describes mode for formatting date in header of data legend
EnumerationDataLegendHeaderTimeMode Describes mode for formatting time in header of data legend
EnumerationDataLegendLabelMode Describes mode for displaying labels before series values in the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendLayoutMode Describes mode for displaying values in the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendSeriesFamily Describes type of data columns to use for the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendSeriesValueType Describes type of data columns to use for the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendSummaryType Describes type of summarization to use for the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendUnitsMode Describes mode for displaying units after series values in the data legend.
EnumerationDataLegendValueMode Describes mode for displaying values in the data legend.
EnumerationDataTooltipGroupedPositionX Describes available positions on the X axis at which the summary tooltip to be displayed.
EnumerationDataTooltipGroupedPositionY Describes available positions on the Y axis at which the summary tooltip to be displayed.
EnumerationDataToolTipLayerGroupingMode Describes available positions on the crossing axis at which the category tooltip can be displayed.
EnumerationHighlightedValueLabelMode Describes the label mode for highlighted series.
EnumerationLegendItemBadgeMode Describes mode of legend badges that represent all series in a legend
EnumerationLegendItemBadgeShape Describes the type of legend badge that represents a series in a legend
EnumerationOthersCategoryType Describes available behaviors for calculating and grouping slices into the Others slice.
EnumerationRadialLabelMode Describes available radial label modes.
EnumerationTrendLineType Describes available types of trend lines supported by series.
EnumerationUnknownValuePlotting Describes available methods of plotting data with unknown values in a series.

Double.NaN and null are examples of unknown values.

See Also