
Infragistics.Windows.Ribbon Namespace

ClassApplicationMenu The dropdown menu that is displayed in the upper left corner of the XamRibbon when the Application Menu Button is clicked.
ClassApplicationMenu2010 The control displayed when clicking the file tab in the XamRibbon when the XamRibbon.ApplicationMenuMode is set to UseBackstage.
ClassApplicationMenu2010FileTab Custom control that represents the file tab within the XamRibbon
ClassApplicationMenu2010Item Represents an item in the ApplicationMenu2010
ClassApplicationMenu2010Separator A separator used within the items of the ApplicationMenu2010
ClassApplicationMenuButtonTransformConverter Converter used by the ApplicationMenuPresenter style to transform the location of an element in the popup to overlay the button in the ribbon header.
ClassApplicationMenuFooterToolbar Displays the toolbar that is positioned at the bottom of the application menu.
ClassApplicationMenuItemsPanel A custom System.Windows.Controls.Panel used to position the System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl.Items of an ApplicationMenu
ClassApplicationMenuPresenter Represents the ApplicationMenu button on a ribbon.
ClassApplicationMenuRecentItemsPanel A custom System.Windows.Controls.Panel used to position the ApplicationMenu.RecentItems of an ApplicationMenu
ClassButtonGroup A Panel derived element used to arrange logically related tools horizontally within a RibbonGroup.
ClassButtonTool The ButtonTool is a push button type tool that fires a click event when pushed. Since the tool is derived from the WPF ButtonBase element, the usage semantics of the tool are the same as a WPF Button.
ClassCheckBoxTool A tool that represents 3 user selectable states: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate. Since the tool is ultimately derived from the WPF ToggleButton element, the usage semantics are the same as a WPF ToggleButton.
ClassComboEditorTool The ComboEditorTool displays a drop-down with a list of items to select from. It also allows entering arbitrary text into the edit portion.
ClassContextualTabBaseColorToHoverBrushConverter Value converter for converting a System.Windows.Media.Color to a System.Windows.Media.Brush that may be used for a RibbonTabItem that belongs to a ContextualTabGroup.
ClassContextualTabGroup Represents a grouping of RibbonTabItem instances that relates to a specific context that has meaning to the application that is hosting the XamRibbon.
ClassContextualTabGroupCollection An observable collection of ContextualTabGroups.
ClassContextualTabItemCollection An observable collection of RibbonTabItems.
ClassDropDownToggle An element used the toggle the drop down state of another element.
ClassElementKeyTipProvider Custom class used to provide keytips for elements within the content of ApplicationMenu2010Item instances
ClassGalleryItem Represents an item in a GalleryTool that displays an image and/or text. GalleryItems can appear in the GalleryTool preview area within a RibbonGroup and also in the GalleryTool dropdown.
ClassGalleryItemCollection An observable collection of GalleryItem instances.
ClassGalleryItemGroup Defines a grouping that organizes the display of GalleryItem's in the GalleryTool dropdown.
ClassGalleryItemPresenter Displays a GalleryItem in GalleryTool preview area as well as the GalleryTool dropdown.
ClassGalleryItemSettings Contains settings that are applied to a GalleryItem. GalleryItemSettings can be set directly on a GalleryItem via its GalleryItem.Settings property or on the GalleryTool.ItemSettings property to serve as a default for all GalleryItems.
ClassGalleryPreviewScroller Provides a UI for scrolling GalleryItems in the gallery preview area.
ClassGalleryTool The GalleryTool is designed to display a list of options which each contain a graphic that visually describes the option as well as optional textual description.
ClassGalleryToolDropDownPresenter Displays GalleryItems in the dropdown portion of the MenuTool containing the GalleryTool.
ClassGalleryToolPreviewPresenter Displays GalleryItems in the gallery preview area.
ClassGalleryWrapPanel A custom panel that positions items from left to right breaking to a new line based on the constraining width.
ClassGroupVariant Provides information that is used to determine the order/priority in which a RibbonGroup will be resized within a RibbonTabItem.
ClassKeyTip An element that is used to represent a single key tip for an item within the XamRibbon
ClassLabelTool Represents a tool that displays some content.
ClassLargeToolCaptionPresenter Arranges and displays up to 2 lines of centered text plus a glyph - used for large XamRibbon tools.
ClassMaskedEditorTool The MaskedEditorTool allows editing of text using masks to constraint user input.
ClassMenuButtonArea Arranges the buttons in the header of a menu tool.
ClassMenuTool A tool that can be placed inside a RibbonGroup, ApplicationMenu, ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar or another MenuTool. It contains a set of child tool items, elements that implement the IRibbonTool interface.
ClassMenuToolBase Absract base class for all menu tools
ClassMenuToolPresenter Represents a MenuToolBase instance on a ribbon.
ClassOuterGlowDecorator Decorator used to provide an outer glow like effect around a given element.
ClassQatPlaceholderTool A placeholder used to represent tools or RibbonGroup instances that have been placed on the QuickAccessToolbar. This tool is intended for use on the QuickAccessToolbar only. The TargetType property is used to determine whether the TargetId represents a tool or a RibbonGroup.
ClassQuickAccessToolbar Displays a user customizable toolbar that contains often used tools.
ClassQuickAccessToolbarOverflowPanel Displays overflow tools that cannot fit on the QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassQuickAccessToolbarPanel Arranges tools for the QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassRadioButtonTool A tool that represents 3 user selectable states: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate. Since the tool is derived from the WPF RadioButton element, the usage semantics are the same as a WPF RadioButton.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassRibbonBrushKeys Static class that exposes the resource keys used by the ribbon elements.
ClassRibbonButtonChrome Decorator used to provide chrome around a IRibbonTool inside a RibbonGroup, ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar or the QuickAccessToolbar
ClassRibbonCaptionPanel A custom panel used to arrange the QuickAccessToolbar, XamRibbon caption and the caption of the ContextualTabGroup instances.
ClassRibbonCommands Provides the list of RoutedCommands supported by the XamRibbon.
ClassRibbonContextMenu A context menu that can display XamRibbon tools with Office2007 styling.
ClassRibbonGroup Represents a logical and visual grouping of tools within a RibbonTabItem on a XamRibbon control.
ClassRibbonGroupCollection Represents a modifiable observable collection of RibbonGroup objects.
ClassRibbonGroupPanel A System.Windows.Controls.Panel derived element used to arrange RibbonGroup instances within a RibbonTabItem.
ClassRibbonTabItem Represents a tab in the XamRibbon. Each RibbonTabItem can contain 1 or more RibbonGroups which are exposed via the RibbonGroups property.
ClassRibbonToolAttribute This attribute identifies classes as ribbon tools. It is used to restrict the visibility of some XamRibbon attached properties.
ClassRibbonToolCollection A read-only observable collection of Framework elements that represents a list of tools.
ClassRibbonToolHelper Provides properties used by tools within the XamRibbon
ClassRibbonWindowBorder Represents the window border of a XamRibbonWindow
ClassRibbonWindowCommands Defines the commands used by the XamRibbonWindow
ClassRibbonWindowContentHost A custom System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl designed to be used as the System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl.Content of a XamRibbonWindow in order to display a XamRibbon, a System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.StatusBar and the actual content for the window.
ClassScenicRibbonCaptionArea A element that is used as the background for the window caption area when the Theme is set to 'Scenic'
ClassSeparatorTool Represents a tool that displays an indicator (usually a vertical or horizontal line) that is used to visually separate and organize other tools. Since the tool is derived from the WPF Separator element, the usage semantics of the tool are the same as a WPF Separator.
ClassTabItemAreaToolbar This toolbar is positioned in line with the tab items of the XamRibbon just under the caption buttons.
ClassTabItemAreaToolbarOverflowPanel Displays overflow tools that cannot fit on the TabItemAreaToolbar.
ClassTabItemAreaToolbarPanel Arranges tools for the TabItemAreaToolbar.
ClassTextEditorTool The TextEditorTool supports editing of text.
ClassToggleButtonTool A tool that represents 3 user selectable states: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate. Since the tool is derived from the WPF ToggleButton element, the usage semantics are the same as a WPF ToggleButton.
ClassToolbarBase Abstract base class for all toolbars in the XamRibbon.
ClassToolbarOverflowPanelBase Abstract base class for the QuickAccessToolbarOverflowPanel and TabItemAreaToolbarOverflowPanel
ClassToolbarPanelBase Abstract base class for the QuickAccessToolbarPanel and TabItemAreaToolbarPanel
ClassToolbarWithOverflow Abstract base class for the QuickAccessToolbar and TabItemAreaToolbar
ClassToolHorizontalWrapPanel A Panel derived element used to arrange tools horizontally within a RibbonGroup.
ClassToolLocationToIsInMenuConverter A converter that converts from a ToolLocation enumeration to a boolean.
ClassToolMenuItem Represents a RibbonTool inside a MenuTool
ClassToolsNotInRibbonCollection A modifiable collection of Tools that are not sited on a RibbonGroup, ApplicationMenuFooterToolbar or MenuTool.
ClassToolVerticalWrapPanel A Panel derived element used to arrange tools vertically within a RibbonGroup.
ClassXamRibbon Provides the functionality of a Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon, including a QuickAccessToolbar, ApplicationMenu, RibbonTabItems, RibbonGroups, ContextualTabGroups and Tools.
ClassXamRibbonScreenTip A class derived from XamScreenTip that is designed to be used with the XamRibbon control.
ClassXamRibbonWindow A derived System.Windows.Window class that is designed to display a XamRibbon within its caption area similar to that of Microsoft Office 2007 applications.
InterfaceIKeyTip Interface implemented by an object that provides a key tip for keyboard access
InterfaceIKeyTipContainer Interface implemented by an object that contains a collection of key tips.
EnumerationApplicationMenu2010ItemType Enumeration used to identify the type of item that the ApplicationMenu2010Item represents.
EnumerationApplicationMenuMode Enumeration used to indicate the type of application menu that is displayed when clicking the file tab/orb.
EnumerationGalleryItemSelectionDisplayMode Determines which area of the GalleryItem is highlighted when the item is selected.
EnumerationGalleryItemTextDisplayMode Determines when GalleryItem text is displayed.
EnumerationGalleryToolItemBehavior Determines how a GalleryItem behaves when clicked, including the event that is fired in response to the click.
EnumerationGroupVariantResizeAction Determines the size of the RibbonGroup when the associated GroupVariant is used to resize the element.
EnumerationKeyTipActivationBehavior Enumeration used to indicate the behavior that should occur for ElementKeyTipProviderItem instances when their action is performed.
EnumerationKeyTipAlignment Enumeration used to indicate how the key tip should be aligned.
EnumerationKeyTipPlacementType Enumeration used to decorate an element for the purpose of positioning the keytip with respect to the element.
EnumerationMenuToolButtonType Determines how a MenuTool is used. Either as a single drop down or segmented into a dropdown area and a button area.
EnumerationQatPlaceholderToolType Identifies the type of object that the QatPlaceholderTool represents on the QuickAccessToolbar
EnumerationQuickAccessToolbarLocation Determines where the QuickAccessToolbar is positioned with respect to its owning XamRibbon
EnumerationRibbonAutoHideState An enumeration used to indicate whether the content of the ribbon is visible based on the current XamRibbon.AutoHideHorizontalThreshold and XamRibbon.AutoHideVerticalThreshold values.
EnumerationRibbonPanelVerticalToolAlignment Determines the vertical position of tools within a ToolVerticalWrapPanel
EnumerationRibbonStates Represents the different states of the XamRibbon. Used to evaluate whether a specific command can be executed.
EnumerationRibbonToolSizingMode Determines the sizing mode of a tool which affects the size of a tool and whether it displays image, text or both.
EnumerationTextPlacement Determines how text is positioned with respect to an image.
EnumerationToolLocation Determines where the tool exists.
See Also