
Infragistics.Olap.Xmla Namespace

ClassDiscoverResponseResult Result object returned when XmlaSoapMethodDiscover is executed.
ClassError Contains information about an error returned by an instance of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services.
ClassExecuteResponseResult Result object returned when XmlaSoapMethodExecute is executed.
ClassInitXmlaMethodEventArgs Event arguments for
ClassMdxAxis Represents a MDX axis.
ClassMdxAxisFilterElement Provides an information about the filters applied to given axis.
ClassMdxAxisSettings Provides a settings for MDX axis generation.
ClassMdxCalculatedMembersCache Provides a storage for user defined calculated members.
ClassMdxChildrenCollectionElement MDX element which MDX expression represents its children into the context of MDX.
ClassMdxConstantElement Represents a IMdxExpression defined as a string.
ClassMdxDimensionAxisProvider Provides generation of IMdxAxis.
ClassMdxDimensionAxisSettings Provides a settings for MDX dimension axis generation.
ClassMdxElement Base class for all elements present in MDX query.
ClassMdxElementCollectionElement Base class for collection of IMdxElement items.
ClassMdxLevelMembersElement MDX element which MDX expression represents its children into the context of MDX.
ClassMdxSet Represents a MDX set.
ClassMdxSetSettings Provides a settings for MDX set generation.
ClassMdxSettings Provides an information about the rules used when the query and its sets and axes are composed.
ClassMdxSingleElement Single MDX element which MDX expression in the context of MDX is represented by its unique name.
ClassMdxSlicerAxisSettings Provides a settings for MDX slicer axis generation.
ClassRequestCompletedEventArgs<T> Provides event arguments for completion of XMLA requests.
ClassXmlaCommand Responsible for execution of IQuery over XMLA and deserialize the returned XML result
ClassXmlaConnection Responsible for establish a connection to Xmla soap client
ClassXmlaConnectionSettings Connection settings for connecting to XMLA web service.
ClassXmlaDataProvider Responsible for generating the Model from XMLA source
ClassXmlaDataSource Represents a controller that contains the data provided from Xmla model provider.
ClassXmlaDataSource.DataSourceState The state of XmlaDataSource instance related to execution of particular Work.
ClassXmlaNetworkCredential Spacifies a credentials used for authentication against XMLA service.
ClassXmlaPropertiesCollection Collection of XmlaQueryProperty items.
ClassXmlaQueryProperty Class for creating XMLA properties used by XMLA Dicover and Execute methods.
ClassXmlaResources A resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
ClassXmlaSoapMethod Provides an information about XMLA request method.
ClassXmlaSoapMethodDiscover Provides an information about XMLA Discover method.
ClassXmlaSoapMethodExecute Provides an information about XMLA Execute method.
ClassXmlaSoapMethodResult Provides the result object of the requests sent against XMLA service.
ClassXmlaSoapWebClient A base web client for requests sent to XMLA service.
ClassXmlaSoapWebClient<T> A web client for requests of specific type T sent to XMLA service.
InterfaceIAxisFilterElement Provides an information about the filters applied to given axis.
InterfaceIMdxAxis Base interface for implementation of MDX axis.
InterfaceIMdxAxisProvider Provides a generation of IMdxAxis.
InterfaceIMdxCollectionElement Base interface for collection of IMdxElement items.
InterfaceIMdxDimensionAxisProvider Provides a generation of dimension IMdxAxis.
InterfaceIMdxElement Base interface for particular MDX element.
InterfaceIMdxExpression Provides a base interface for an element that provides MDX expression executed against the OLAP cube.
InterfaceIMdxExtendedFilterInfo Provides an access to extended filter information.
InterfaceIMdxFilterInfo Provides a filter information about all axes including the measures.
InterfaceIMdxItemElement Base interface for MDX elements./>
InterfaceIMdxQuery Represents the query that will be executed on cube.
InterfaceIMdxSet Base interface for implementation of MDX sets.
InterfaceIXmlaMethodResult Provides a common interface for the response's result of the requests sent against XMLA service.
InterfaceIXmlaSoapMethod Provides an information about XMLA request method.
EnumerationMdxElementType Provides an information about the type of the IMdxElement.
EnumerationXmlaSoapMessageHeader Specifies the XMLA soap meassage header types.
See Also