
PathVisualData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PathVisualData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorPathVisualData ConstructorConstructs a PathVisualData.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAppearanceThe visual appearance of the element. (Inherited from Infragistics.PrimitiveVisualData)
Public PropertyDataThe data in the path.  
Public PropertyNameThe name of the visual element. (Inherited from Infragistics.PrimitiveVisualData)
Public PropertyTagsInformation tags that categorize the intent of the element. (Inherited from Infragistics.PrimitiveVisualData)
Public PropertyTypeOverridden. Returns the type name of the visual data.  
Public Methods
Public MethodGetPointsGets the salient points associated with this visual element. (Inherited from Infragistics.PrimitiveVisualData)
Public MethodGetPointsOverrideOverridden. Called to extract the salient points from this data.  
Public MethodScaleByViewportOverridden. Called to scale this data by a viewport for normalization.  
Public MethodSerializeSerializes the current object to a string (Inherited from Infragistics.PrimitiveVisualData)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodSerializeOverrideOverridden. Serializes the current object to a string  
See Also