
LinearGradientBrushAppearanceData Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by LinearGradientBrushAppearanceData.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorLinearGradientBrushAppearanceData ConstructorCreates an instance of Brush data  
Public Properties
Public PropertyEndXGets or sets the EndX of Brush data  
Public PropertyEndYGets or sets the EndY of Brush data  
Public PropertyStartXGets or sets the StartX of Brush data  
Public PropertyStartYGets or sets the StartY of Brush data  
Public PropertyStopsGets or sets the Gradient Stops  
Public PropertyTypeOverridden. Gets or sets the Type of Brush data  
Public Methods
Public MethodSerializeSerializes the current object to a string (Inherited from Infragistics.BrushAppearanceData)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodSerializeOverrideOverridden. Serializes the current object to a string  
See Also