| Class | Description |
| ActivitiesDraggedEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivitiesDragged event |
| ActivitiesDraggingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivitiesDragging event |
| ActivitiesEventArgs | Base class for an event that potentially involves multiple ActivityBase instances |
| ActivityAddedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityAdded event. |
| ActivityAddingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityAdding event. |
| ActivityBase | Base class for activity classes, like Appointment, Journal or Task. |
| ActivityCategory | Represents an activity category. |
| ActivityCategoryCollection | Used by the Resource's Resource.CustomActivityCategories property. |
| ActivityCategoryPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ActivityCategory object. |
| ActivityCategoryPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for ActivityCategory object. |
| ActivityChangedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityChanged event. |
| ActivityChangingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityChanging event. |
| ActivityDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityDialogDisplaying event. |
| ActivityEventArgs | Base class for activity event args. |
| ActivityOperationResult | Result of an activity operation that may be performed asynchronously. |
| ActivityQuery | Represents an activity query. |
| ActivityQueryResult | Represents results of an activity query. |
| ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRecurrenceChooserDialogDisplaying event. |
| ActivityRecurrenceDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRecurrenceDialogDisplaying event. |
| ActivityRemovedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRemoved event. |
| ActivityRemovingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityRemoving event. |
| ActivityResizedEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityResized event |
| ActivityResizingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityResizing event |
| ActivitySettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on activities. |
| ActivityTypeChooserDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ActivityTypeChooserDialogDisplaying event. |
| Appointment | Represents an appointment in a schedule. |
| AppointmentPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Appointment object. |
| AppointmentPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Appointment object. |
| AppointmentSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on appointment. |
| CalendarColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushCaches for ResourceCalendars. |
| CalendarGroup | Represents a group of one or more ResourceCalendar instances |
| CalendarGroupBase | Base class for an object that contains one or more ResourceCalendar instances |
| CalendarGroupCollection | Represents a collection of CalendarGroup instances |
| CancellableActivitiesEventArgs | Base class for a cancellable event that potentially involves multiple ActivityBase instances |
| CancellableActivityEventArgs | Base class for activity event args that are cancellable. |
| CurrentViewModeChangingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamOutlookCalendarView.CurrentViewModeChanging event |
| CustomScheduleColorScheme | Custom CalendarColorScheme |
| CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider | A class used to load custom time zone information for date time conversions to and from utc date times. |
| DateRecurrence | Contains information that defines a recurring date-time. |
| DateRecurrenceCalculatorBase | Evaluates date recurrence rules contained in DateRecurrence object and generates recurrences. |
| DateRecurrenceRuleBase | Base class for date recurrence rule. |
| DayOfMonthRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of month. |
| DayOfWeekRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of week or a relative day of week within month or year. |
| DayOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches day of year. |
| DaySettings | Used for specifying settings for a specific day. |
| DaySettingsOverride | Used for specifying settings for a specific date or a recurring date. |
| DaySettingsOverrideCollection | Collection of DaySettingsOverride objects. |
| DefaultDateRecurrenceCalculator | An implementation of a DateRecurrenceCalculatorBase that calculates occurrence information for a specified RecurrenceInfo |
| ErrorDisplayingEventArgs | Event arguments for the XamScheduleDataManager.ErrorDisplaying event |
| ErrorEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.Error event. |
| HourRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches hour of day. |
| IGColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for the 'IGTheme' color scheme. |
| ItemOperationResult<T> | Result of an operation performed on an item. The operation may be performed asynchronously. |
| Journal | Represents a journal or a note in a schedule. |
| JournalPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Journal object. |
| JournalPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Journal object. |
| JournalSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on journals. |
| ListScheduleDataConnector | Used for providing schedule data from various data sources to XamScheduleDataManager. |
| MetadataPropertyValueStore | Used to store extra field values. |
| MinuteRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches minute of hour. |
| MonthOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches a month. |
| Office2007ColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office 2007 color schemes. |
| Office2010ColorScheme | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office 2010 color schemes. |
| OfficeColorSchemeBase | Handles coordination of CalendarBrushProviders for Office color schemes. |
| OSTimeZoneInfoProvider | A class used to provide time zone information for date time conversions to and from utc date times from the information provided by the Windows OS. |
| RecurrenceBase | Abstract base class for a class that specifies rules that define recurring date-time. |
| RecurrenceCalculatorFactoryBase | Provides logic for generating recurrences. |
| RecurrenceInfo | Used to pass along recurrence information to the RecurrenceCalculatorFactoryBase.GetCalculator method. |
| Reminder | Contains information regarding the reminder that's displayed when an activity is due. |
| ReminderActivatedEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ReminderActivated event. |
| ReminderDialogDisplayingEventArgs | Event args associated with the XamScheduleDataManager.ReminderDialogDisplaying event. |
| ReminderInfo | Contains information regarding an invoked reminder. |
| ReminderSubscriber | A class used to get notified of reminders. |
| Resource | Represents a resource (owner) in a schedule. |
| ResourceCalendar | Represents a calendar. |
| ResourceCalendarCollection | Collection of ResourceCalendar objects. |
| ResourceCalendarPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the ResourceCalendar object. |
| ResourceCalendarPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for ResourceCalendar object. |
| ResourceCollection | Collection of Resource objects. |
| ResourceOperationResult | Result of a resource operation that may be performed asynchronously. |
| ResourcePropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Resource object. |
| ResourcePropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Resource object. |
| ScheduleControlBase | Custom control used to display XamSchedule related information. |
| ScheduleDataConnectorBase | An abstract base class that is used to provide schedule data to the XamScheduleDataManager. |
| ScheduleDayOfWeek | Used for specifying settings for a specific day of week. |
| ScheduleDaysOfWeek | Contains ScheduleDayOfWeek objects for the seven days of week. Each ScheduleDayOfWeek object is used to specify settings for the corresponding day of week. |
| ScheduleDialogFactoryBase | Abstract base class for all XamSchedule dialog factories. |
| ScheduleHeaderClickEventArgs | Event arguments for an event in a ScheduleControlBase involving a header representing a date associated with a given ResourceCalendar |
| ScheduleSettings | Contains schedule settings information. |
| ScheduleTimeControlBase | Base class for a control used to display appointments relative to the associated time slots. |
| SecondRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches second of a minute. |
| SelectedActivitiesChangedEventArgs | Event args associated with the ScheduleControlBase.SelectedActivitiesChanged event. |
| SelectedActivityCollection | Represents a collection of ActivityBase instances |
| SubsetRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches a subset of matches within an interval. |
| Task | Represents a task (to-do) in a schedule. |
| TaskPropertyMapping | Used for mapping a field in the data source to a property of the Task object. |
| TaskPropertyMappingCollection | Collection used for specifying field mappings for Task object. |
| TaskSettings | Contains settings information regarding the operations that the user can perform on tasks. |
| TimeZoneInfoProvider | Abstract base class used to provide time zone information for dateTime time conversions to and from utc dateTime times. |
| TimeZoneInfoProvider.TimeAdjustmentRule | A class that describes the rule for when to transition into and out of daylight savings time |
| TimeZoneToken | A class that represents a specific time zone |
| WcfListScheduleDataConnector | Used for providing schedule data from a server over WCF services. |
| WcfServiceException | Represents an exception that occurs during a remote service call. |
| WeekOfYearRecurrenceRule | Rule that matches week number of a year. |
| WorkingHoursCollection | Collection used for specifying working hours. |
| XamDateNavigator | A custom control used to display one or more months. |
| XamDayView | Custom control used to display activity relative to time slots in a vertical arrangement. |
| XamMonthView | Custom control used to display activity relative to the weeks they occupy. |
| XamOutlookCalendarView | A custom control that uses the various calendar views to provide an Microsoft Outlook like interface |
| XamScheduleDataManager | XamScheduleDataManager class manages schedule data. |
| XamScheduleView | Custom control used to display activity relative to time slots in a horizontal arrangement. |