
HSL Structure Members

The following tables list the members exposed by HSL.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAlphaGets / sets the Alpha value that will be used when this color is converted to a Color struct.  
Public PropertyHGets / sets the H value for a HSL color. The expected values are between 0 and 360.  
Public PropertyLGets / sets the L value for a HSL color. The expected values are between 0 and 100.  
Public PropertySGets / sets the S value for a HSL color. The expected values are between 0 and 100.  
Public Methods
Public MethodDarkerShifts the lightness of the color based on the inputted value.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromColorInitializes a new instance of the HSL structure.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromHSLInitializes a new instance of the HSL structure.  
Public MethodLighterShifts the lightness of the color based on the inputted value.  
Public MethodToColorReturns a System.Windows.Media.Color struct based on the values of the HSL color.  
See Also