
WcfListConnectorService Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WcfListConnectorService.

Protected Methods
Protected MethodOnActivityAddedUsed to invoke the ActivityAdded event.  
Protected MethodOnActivityChangedUsed to invoke the ActivityChanged event.  
Protected MethodOnActivityRemovedUsed to invoke the ActivityRemoved event.  
Protected MethodOnRemoteCallProcessedOccurs when a remote call is finished processing and it about to return to the client.  
Protected MethodOnRemoteCallReceivedOccurs when a remote call is received by a client and is about to be processed.  
Protected MethodOnValidateSecurityTokenUsed to invoke the ValidateSecurityToken event.  
Public Events
Public EventActivityAddedRaised after an activity is added.  
Public EventActivityChangedRaised after user changes to an activity are committed.  
Public EventActivityRemovedRaised after an activity is removed.  
Public EventValidateSecurityTokenRaised when a call is made on the service so the service can validate the caller. An exception should be thrown from the handler is the security information is invalid.  
See Also