
QTP Limitations

Recording Session Restart


The QuickTest Professional Product (QTP) requires that you restart the recording sessions whenever you enable or disable the RecordBaseClick feature in the settings utility.

Any setting that begins with Record such as RecordBaseClick affects the behavior of Test Automation with QTP while recording. Settings that affect the recording behavior, changed while recording, remain unapplied until you start a new recording session.

To start a new recording session you need to ensure the following:

  • The current recording session is stopped (F4 – keyboard shortcut).

QTP Limitations 1.png
  • A new recording session is Started (F3 – keyboard shortcut).

QTP Limitations 2.png

QTP TableVerify Behavior with Large Data

Table verification of QTP exhibits a particular behavior, outlined below, when the control is bound to large amounts of data. QTP uses the following formula to compute the actual number of displayed rows:

SuppliedRowNumber – (Floor (SuppliedRowNumber/65536) * 65536).

When the number of rows in the control is less than or equal to 65,535, which is (2^16)-1, all of the rows display correctly; however, for data larger than 65,535, the actual number of rows displayed will be computed using the above formula.


If the supplied number of rows to QTP’s TableVerify is 35000

35000 – (Floor(35000/65536) * 65536)

=35000 – (Floor(0.534) * 65536)

=35000 – (0 * 65536)


If the supplied number of rows to QTP’s TableVerify is 65535

65535 – (Floor(65535 /65536) * 65536)

=65535 – (Floor(0.99998) * 65536)

=65535 – (0 * 65536)
