Version 21.1 (latest)

Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF 21.1


Before you start using Ultimate UI for Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing, be sure to read through the topics in this section to ensure that you are getting the most of out of the product.

This section contains information about:

  • The product’s main characteristics

  • The supported Ultimate UI for WPF controls

  • Instructions about getting started with the product – installation, configuration and removal

  • The known issues and limitations

  • Reference content related to testing of the Ultimate UI for WPF controls


The information you need to get started with Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF is covered in the following topics:

Topic Purpose

This topic introduces the Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing software.

This section contains information about the new supported controls and features that were added to this volume release of the Ultimate UI for Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF and the supported controls and features added to previous releases.

This topic provides information on the currently known issues and limitations related to Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing.

This is a starting point for getting acquainted with Test Automation for Micro Focus WPF Unified Functional Testing software.

The topics below provide reference information about the verifiable properties and the recordable and replay-only methods for testing the Ultimate UI for WPF controls.

The topics in this group explain how to use various Test Automation features.