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Adding Image to a Tab

This topic will show you how to add images to a Tab in WinTab™.

Assuming you have an ImageList control dropped onto your Form with few sample images in it, assign the ImageList control to WinTab control’s ImageList property.

In Visual Basic:

' Assign the ImageList control to WinTab
Me.ultraTabControl1.ImageList = Me.imageList1
' Add image to a tab in WinTab by setting the index of the image in ImageList control
Me.ultraTabControl1.Tabs(0).Appearance.Image = 2

In C#:

// Assign the ImageList control to WinTab
this.ultraTabControl1.ImageList = this.imageList1;
// Add image to a tab in WinTab by setting the index of the image in ImageList control
this.ultraTabControl1.Tabs[0].Appearance.Image = 2;

WinTab displaying an image before the Text in the first Tab.

WinTab Add Image to a Tab in WinTab.png