
Selection and Explosion

This topic demonstrates how to implement the explosion behavior of the UltraPieChart™ control. At the end of the topic, a complete code sample is provided.

The topic is organized as follows:


The UltraPieChart control supports explosion of individual pie slices as well as a SliceClick event that allows you to modify selection states and implement custom logic.


piechart explosion.png

Figure 1: The UltraPieChart control as implemented by the sample code


This article assumes you have already read the Data Binding topic, and uses the code therein as a starting point.


  1. Configuring the respective properties and event handler

  2. Implementing the event handler

  3. (Optional) Verifying the result


  1. Configure the respective properties and event handler .

Taking code from the Data Binding topic as a starting point, enable explosion by setting the AllowSliceExplosion property to True and configure pieChart_SliceClick as the event handler for mouse clicks:

In C#:

var pieChart = new UltraPieChart
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                LabelMemberPath = "Label",
                ValueMemberPath = "Value",
                DataSource = new Data(),

In VB:

Dim pieChart = New UltraPieChart() With
 { _
            .Dock = DockStyle.Fill, _
            .LabelMemberPath = "Label", _
            .ValueMemberPath = "Value", _
            .AllowSliceExplosion = "True", _
            .DataSource = New Data() _
  1. Implement the event handler .

On SliceClick, toggle the explosion states of the slice.

In C#:

void pieChart_SliceClick(object sender, SliceClickEventArgs e)
           UltraPieChart pieChart = sender as UltraPieChart;
           e.IsExploded = !e.IsExploded;

In Visual Basic:

Private Sub pieChart_SliceClick(sender As Object, e As SliceClickEventArgs)
       Dim pieChart As UltraPieChart = TryCast(sender, UltraPieChart)
       e.IsExploded = Not e.IsExploded
       e.IsSelected = Not e.IsSelected
       Me.ultraLabel1.Text = "Selected Slices:" + Environment.NewLine
       For Each index As Integer In pieChart.SelectedSlices
           Dim label As String = DirectCast(pieChart.DataSource, ObservableCollection(Of DataItem))(index).Label
           Me.ultraLabel1.Text += label + Environment.NewLine
   End Sub
  1. (Optional) Verify the result .

To verify the result, run your application. The Pie Chart control will now respond to SliceClick events by selecting and exploding the appropriate slice outward. A list of currently selected slices will also be maintained in the upper left corner. (Figure 1, above)

Complete Code Sample

The following code listings contain the full example implemented in context.


In C#:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
    UltraPieChart pieChart;
    UltraItemLegend legend;
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        pieChart = new UltraPieChart
            Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
            LabelMemberPath = "Label",
            ValueMemberPath = "Value",
            DataSource = new Data(),
        legend = new UltraItemLegend
            Dock = DockStyle.Right,
            Height = 500
        this.pieChart.Legend = legend;
        pieChart.OthersCategoryThreshold = 2;
        pieChart.OthersCategoryType = OthersCategoryType.Number;
        pieChart.OthersCategoryText = "Others";
        pieChart.SliceClick += pieChart_SliceClick;
    void pieChart_SliceClick(object sender, SliceClickEventArgs e)
        UltraPieChart pieChart = sender as UltraPieChart;
        e.IsExploded = !e.IsExploded;
public class DataItem
    public string Label { get; set; }
    public double Value { get; set; }
public class Data : ObservableCollection<DataItem>
    public Data()
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 1", Value = 5 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 2", Value = 6 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 3", Value = 3 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 4", Value = 7 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 5", Value = 1 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 6", Value = 1 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 7", Value = 1 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 8", Value = 1 });
        Add(new DataItem { Label = "Item 9", Value = 1 });

In Visual Basic:

Partial Public Class Form1
    Inherits Form
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
    Private pieChart As UltraPieChart
    Private legend As UltraItemLegend
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
                        pieChart = New UltraPieChart() With { _
                                .Dock = DockStyle.Fill, _
                                .LabelMemberPath = "Label", _
                                .ValueMemberPath = "Value", _
                                .DataSource = New Data() _
                        legend = New UltraItemLegend() With { _
                                .Dock = DockStyle.Right, _
                                .Height = 500 _
        Me.pieChart.Legend = legend
        pieChart.OthersCategoryThreshold = 2
        pieChart.OthersCategoryType = OthersCategoryType.Number
        pieChart.OthersCategoryText = "Others"
        AddHandler pieChart.SliceClick, AddressOf pieChart_SliceClick
    End Sub
    Private Sub pieChart_SliceClick(sender As Object, e As SliceClickEventArgs)
        Dim pieChart As UltraPieChart = TryCast(sender, UltraPieChart)
        e.IsExploded = Not e.IsExploded
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class DataItem
    Public Property Label() As String
            Return m_Label
        End Get
        Set(value As String)
            m_Label = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Label As String
    Public Property Value() As Double
            Return m_Value
        End Get
        Set(value As Double)
            m_Value = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Private m_Value As Double
End Class
Public Class Data
    Inherits ObservableCollection(Of DataItem)
    Public Sub New()
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 1", _
                                .Value = 5 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 2", _
                                .Value = 6 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 3", _
                                .Value = 3 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 4", _
                                .Value = 7 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 5", _
                                .Value = 1 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 6", _
                                .Value = 1 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 7", _
                                .Value = 1 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 8", _
                                .Value = 1 _
                        Add(New DataItem() With { _
                                .Label = "Item 9", _
                                .Value = 1 _
    End Sub
End Class