
DayViewEventIds Enumeration

Uniquely identifies each DayView event.
Public Enum DayViewEventIds 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum DayViewEventIds : System.Enum 
AfterActiveOwnerChangedThe active owner has changed
AfterAppointmentEditedAppointment edited
AfterAppointmentResizedAppointment resized
AfterAppointmentsDeletedAppointments deleted
AfterAppointmentsMovedAppointment(s) moved
AfterDisplayPopupMenuPopup menu displayed
AfterPerformActionEvent id that identifies AfterPerformAction event.
AfterScrollControl scrolled
AfterTimeSlotSelectionChangedTimeSlot selected
AppointmentsDragCompleteEvent id that identifies the AppointmentsDragComplete event.
BeforeActiveOwnerChangedAbout to change the active owner
BeforeAppointmentEditedAppointment about to be edited
BeforeAppointmentResizedAbout to resize appointment
BeforeAppointmentsDeletedAbout to delete appointments
BeforeAppointmentsMovedAppointment(s) about to be moved
BeforeAppointmentToolTipDisplayedAbout to display Appointment tooltip
BeforeDisplayPopupMenuPopup menu about to be displayed
BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayedIdentifies the BeforeHolidayToolTipDisplayed event.
BeforePerformActionEvent id that identifies BeforePerformAction event.
BeforeScrollAbout to scroll control
BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChangedAbout to select time slot
GestureCompletedThe GestureCompleted event.
GestureQueryStatusThe GestureQueryStatus event.
GestureStartingThe GestureStarting event.
InitializeVisibleDayVisibleDay initialized
PanGestureThe PanGesture event.
PressAndHoldGestureThe PressAndHoldGesture event.
PressAndTapGestureThe PressAndTapGesture event.
RotateGestureThe RotateGesture event.
TwoFingerTapGestureThe TwoFingerTapGesture event.
ZoomGestureThe ZoomGesture event.
The following code demonstrates how to use the UltraDayView's Event Manager to enable/disable events and event groups, and to check to see whether specific events or event groups are enabled.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule

	Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click

		' Get the UltraDayView's event manager.
		' The event manager is used to temporarily disable events
		' to prevent them from being raised. This can be very
		' convenient in a situation where one or more properties
		' are being set in code and the events they would normally 
		' raise would cause unnecessary or counter-productive
		' code to be executed.
		' Note: All events are enabled by default.
		Dim eventManager As DayViewEventManager = Me.UltraDayView1.EventManager

		' Disable the Before/AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged events
		eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged, False)
		eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged, False)

		' Select the same time slot in the next day.
		' Note: This would normally cause the Before/AfterSelectChange 
		' events to be raised. However, since the above code disabled
		' the events they won't be.

		' Re-enable the Before/AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged events
		eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged, True)
		eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged, True)

		' The 'AllEventsEnabled' property lets you enable/disable
		' all events will a single line of code. If any event is 
		' disabled the 'AllEventsEnabled' property returns false.
		If (Not eventManager.AllEventsEnabled) Then
			eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = True
		End If

		' The event manager also exposes an 'IsEnabled' method
		' to see if an event is enabled or disbled.
		If (Not eventManager.IsEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited)) Then
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited, True)
		End If

		' The CanFireEvent method indicates whether the specified event can be fired.
		' This can return false if the control is not in the correct state for the
		' specified event to be fired.
		If eventManager.CanFireEvent(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited) Then
			Debug.WriteLine("The BeforeAppointmentEdited event can be fired at this time.")
			Debug.WriteLine("The BeforeAppointmentEdited event CANNOT be fired at this time.")
		End If

		' The event manager also exposes overloaded 
		' 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods that take an  
		' event group so that, for example all 'Before' or all
		' 'After' events can be enabled/disabled. If any event
		' in the group is disabled the 'IsEnabled' method returns
		' false.
		If (Not eventManager.IsEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.BeforeEvents)) Then
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.BeforeEvents, True)

			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.AfterEvents, True)

			' The 'InProgress' method will return true if the 
			' specified event is currently being raised. This
			' is often helpful in methods that can be called
			' from various points in an application to determine
			' what is triggering the call.
			If (eventManager.InProgress(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentResized)) Then
				' ... 
			End If
		End If

	End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;

		private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

			// Get the UltraDayView's event manager.
			// The event manager is used to temporarily disable events
			// to prevent them from being raised. This can be very
			// convenient in a situation where one or more properties
			// are being set in code and the events they would normally 
			// raise would cause unnecessary or counter-productive
			// code to be executed.
			// Note: All events are enabled by default.
			DayViewEventManager eventManager = this.ultraDayView1.EventManager;

			// Disable the Before/AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged events
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged, false);
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged, false);

			// Select the same time slot in the next day.
			// Note: This would normally cause the Before/AfterSelectChange 
			// events to be raised. However, since the above code disabled
			// the events they won't be.

			// Re-enable the Before/AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged events
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeTimeSlotSelectionChanged, true);
			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged, true);

			// The 'AllEventsEnabled' property lets you enable/disable
			// all events will a single line of code. If any event is 
			// disabled the 'AllEventsEnabled' property returns false.
			if ( !eventManager.AllEventsEnabled )
				eventManager.AllEventsEnabled = true;

			// The event manager also exposes an 'IsEnabled' method
			// to see if an event is enabled or disbled.
			if (!eventManager.IsEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited))
				eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited, true );

			// The CanFireEvent method indicates whether the specified event can be fired.
			// This can return false if the control is not in the correct state for the
			// specified event to be fired.
			if (eventManager.CanFireEvent(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentEdited))
				Debug.WriteLine("The BeforeAppointmentEdited event can be fired at this time.");
				Debug.WriteLine("The BeforeAppointmentEdited event CANNOT be fired at this time.");

			// The event manager also exposes overloaded 
			// 'IsEnabled' and 'SetEnabled' methods that take an  
			// event group so that, for example all 'Before' or all
			// 'After' events can be enabled/disabled. If any event
			// in the group is disabled the 'IsEnabled' method returns
			// false.
			if (!eventManager.IsEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.BeforeEvents))
				eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.BeforeEvents, true );

			eventManager.SetEnabled(DayViewEventGroups.AfterEvents, true );

			// The 'InProgress' method will return true if the 
			// specified event is currently being raised. This
			// is often helpful in methods that can be called
			// from various points in an application to determine
			// what is triggering the call.
			if (eventManager.InProgress(DayViewEventIds.BeforeAppointmentResized))
				// ... 


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also