
Info Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by Info.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInfo ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the Info class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAuthorGets or sets the author.  
Public PropertyCategoryGets or sets the category.  
Public PropertyCompanyGets or sets the company.  
Public PropertyKeywordsGets or sets keywords.  
Public PropertyManagerGets or sets the manager.  
Public PropertyOperatorGets or sets the operator.  
Public PropertySubjectGets or sets the subject.  
Public PropertyTitleGets or sets the title.  
Public Methods
Public MethodProcessAuthorAdds a character to the author.  
Public MethodProcessCategoryAdds a character to the category.  
Public MethodProcessCompanyAdds a character to the company.  
Public MethodProcessKeywordsAdds a character to keywords.  
Public MethodProcessManagerAdds a character to the manager.  
Public MethodProcessOperatorAdds a character to the operator.  
Public MethodProcessSubjectAdds a character to the subject.  
Public MethodProcessTitleAdds a character to the title.  
See Also