
TreeEventIds Enumeration

Uniquely identifies each UltraGrid-specific event
Public Enum TreeEventIds 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum TreeEventIds : System.Enum 
AfterActivateEvent id that identifies AfterActivate event.
AfterCellActivateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterCellActivate event.
AfterCellEnterEditModeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterCellEnterEditMode event.
AfterCellExitEditModeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterCellExitEditMode event.
AfterCheckEvent id that identifies AfterCheck event.
AfterCollapseEvent id that identifies AfterCollapse event.
AfterColumnMovedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterColumnMoved event.
AfterCopyEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterCopy event
AfterCutEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterCut event
AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
AfterDeleteEvent id that identifies AfterDelete event.
AfterExpandEvent id that identifies AfterExpand event.
AfterLabelEditEvent id that identifies AfterLabelEdit event.
AfterNodeCancelUpdateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterNodeCancelUpdate event.
AfterNodeLayoutItemResizeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemResize event.
AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
AfterNodeUpdateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterNodeUpdate event.
AfterPasteEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterPaste event
AfterSelectEvent id that identifies AfterSelect event.
AfterSortChangeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.AfterSortChange event.
BeforeActivateEvent id that identifies BeforeActivate event.
BeforeCellActivateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event.
BeforeCellDeactivateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCellDeactivate event.
BeforeCellEnterEditModeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCellEnterEditMode event.
BeforeCellExitEditModeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCellExitEditMode event.
BeforeCheckEvent id that identifies BeforeCheck event.
BeforeCollapseEvent id that identifies BeforeCollapse event.
BeforeColumnMovedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeColumnMoved event.
BeforeCopyEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCopy event
BeforeCutEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeCut event
BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
BeforeDeleteEvent id that identifies BeforeDelete event.
BeforeExpandEvent id that identifies BeforeExpand event.
BeforeLabelEditEvent id that identifies BeforeLabelEdit event.
BeforeNodeCancelUpdateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeNodeCancelUpdate event.
BeforeNodeLayoutItemResizeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemResize event.
BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
BeforeNodeUpdateEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeNodeUpdate event.
BeforePasteEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforePaste event
BeforeSelectEvent id that identifies BeforeSelect event.
BeforeSortChangeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.BeforeSortChange event.
CellValidationErrorEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.CellValidationError event.
CellValueChangedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.CellValueChanged event.
ColumnSetGeneratedEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.ColumnSetGenerated event.
DataErrorEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.DataError event.
GestureCompletedThe GestureCompleted event.
GestureQueryStatusThe GestureQueryStatus event.
GestureStartingThe GestureStarting event.
InitializeDataNodeEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.InitializeDataNode event.
MouseEnterElementEvent id that identifies MouseEnterElement event.
MouseLeaveElementEvent id that identifies MouseLeaveElement event.
PanGestureThe PanGesture event.
PasteErrorEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.PasteError event
PressAndHoldGestureThe PressAndHoldGesture event.
PressAndTapGestureThe PressAndTapGesture event.
RotateGestureThe RotateGesture event.
ScrollEvent id that identifies the UltraTree.Scroll event
SelectionDragStartEvent id that identifies SelectionDragStart event.
TwoFingerTapGestureThe TwoFingerTapGesture event.
ValidateLabelEditEvent id that identifies ValidateLabelEdit event.
ZoomGestureThe ZoomGesture event.

The following sample code illustrates some of the information available in the PropertyChanged event.

Private Sub ultraTree1_PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.PropertyChangedEventArgs) Handles ultraTree1.PropertyChanged

    Dim pci As Infragistics.Shared.PropChangeInfo

    ' see if the text property has changed
    pci = e.ChangeInfo.FindPropId(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.PropertyIds.Text)

    If Not pci Is Nothing Then
        ' if the source is a node display its key and new name
        If TypeOf (pci.Source) Is Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode Then

            Dim node As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode

            node = pci.Source

            Debug.WriteLine("Node " + node.Key + "'s text has changed to: " + node.Text)

        End If
    End If

End Sub
using System.Diagnostics;

private void ultraTree1_PropertyChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Win.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)

	Infragistics.Shared.PropChangeInfo pci;

	// see if the text property has changed
	pci = e.ChangeInfo.FindPropId( Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.PropertyIds.Text );

	if ( pci != null )
		Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode node;

		// if the source is a node display its key and new name
		node = pci.Source as Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.UltraTreeNode;

		if ( node != null )
			Debug.WriteLine( "Node " + node.Key + "'s text has changed to: " + node.Text );

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also