
BarColorIndicatorVisibility Property

Returns or sets a value indicating whether a color bar is displayed within the AppointmentUIElement.
Public Property BarColorIndicatorVisibility As TimelineViewBarColorIndicatorVisibility
public TimelineViewBarColorIndicatorVisibility BarColorIndicatorVisibility {get; set;}

When the AlignActivityWithPrimaryInterval property is set to true, the left and right edges of the UIElements which represent appointments and holidays are aligned with the borders of the TimeSlotUIElements which intersect with their start and end times. In this case, the color bar graphically depicts the start time and duration of the activity as relative to the amount of time spanned by the slots with which it intersects. When AlignActivityWithPrimaryInterval is set to false, the color bar extends across the entire element, since the element's width itself depicts the activity's duration.

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the properties of the UltraTimelineView control to customize the appearance and behavior for appointments and holidays:

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.Diagnostics

    Public Sub InitActivityProps(ByVal control As UltraTimelineView)

        '  Align activities with the PrimaryInterval, so that the
        '  edges of the elements are flush with the time slot borders
        control.AlignActivityWithPrimaryInterval = DefaultableBoolean.True

        '  Set the height of the bar color indicator, and show it
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.BarColorIndicatorHeight = 5
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.BarColorIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewBarColorIndicatorVisibility.ShowOnTop

        '  Show continuation arrows for appointments whose start/end time is not visible
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DateTimeContinuationIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewDateTimeContinuationIndicatorVisibility.Both

        '  Don't display the resolved appointment appearance image to conserve space
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplayAppearanceImage = DefaultableBoolean.False

        '  Display the appointment subject, but not the location
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplayLocation = DefaultableBoolean.False
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplaySubject = DefaultableBoolean.True

        '  Display the recurrence and reminder indicators on the left
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.RecurrenceIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewRecurrenceIndicatorVisibility.Right
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.ReminderIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewReminderIndicatorVisibility.Left

        '  Display the start and end times, each on either side of the subject
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.TimeVisibility = TimelineViewAppointmentTimeVisibility.BothSeparate

        '  Only allow dragging appointments within the same owner
        control.AppointmentDragMode = TimelineViewAppointmentDragMode.WithinSameOwner

        '  Always show appointment tooltips
        control.AppointmentToolTipVisibility = TimelineViewActivityToolTipVisibility.Always

        '  Hide all-day events from the timeline view
        control.AppointmentVisibility = TimelineViewAppointmentVisibility.HideAllDayEvents

        '  Enable automatic creation of appointments when enter key
        '  is pressed on a time slot, and when a time slot is double-clicked
        control.AutoAppointmentCreate = True
        control.AutoAppointmentDialog = True

        '  Only show holidays for the unassigned owner, and never show tooltips for them
        control.HolidayVisibility = TimelineViewHolidayVisibility.ShowForUnassignedOwner
        control.HolidayToolTipVisibility = TimelineViewActivityToolTipVisibility.Never

        '  Only show activities whose duration is at least one hour
        '  allow appointment resizing, but only to a duration of
        '  no less than two hours
        control.AllowAppointmentResize = True
        control.MinimumActivityDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1)
        control.MinimumAppointmentResizeDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2)
    End Sub
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.Diagnostics;

    public void InitActivityProps( UltraTimelineView control )
        //  Align activities with the PrimaryInterval, so that the
        //  edges of the elements are flush with the time slot borders
        control.AlignActivityWithPrimaryInterval = DefaultableBoolean.True;

        //  Set the height of the bar color indicator, and show it
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.BarColorIndicatorHeight = 5;
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.BarColorIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewBarColorIndicatorVisibility.ShowOnTop;

        //  Show continuation arrows for appointments whose start/end time is not visible
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DateTimeContinuationIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewDateTimeContinuationIndicatorVisibility.Both;

        //  Don't display the resolved appointment appearance image to conserve space
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplayAppearanceImage = DefaultableBoolean.False;

        //  Display the appointment subject, but not the location
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplayLocation = DefaultableBoolean.False;
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.DisplaySubject = DefaultableBoolean.True;
        //  Display the recurrence and reminder indicators on the left
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.RecurrenceIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewRecurrenceIndicatorVisibility.Right;
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.ReminderIndicatorVisibility = TimelineViewReminderIndicatorVisibility.Left;

        //  Display the start and end times, each on either side of the subject
        control.AppointmentDisplaySettings.TimeVisibility = TimelineViewAppointmentTimeVisibility.BothSeparate;

        //  Only allow dragging appointments within the same owner
        control.AppointmentDragMode = TimelineViewAppointmentDragMode.WithinSameOwner;

        //  Always show appointment tooltips
        control.AppointmentToolTipVisibility = TimelineViewActivityToolTipVisibility.Always;

        //  Hide all-day events from the timeline view
        control.AppointmentVisibility = TimelineViewAppointmentVisibility.HideAllDayEvents;

        //  Enable automatic creation of appointments when enter key
        //  is pressed on a time slot, and when a time slot is double-clicked
        control.AutoAppointmentCreate = true;
        control.AutoAppointmentDialog = true;

        //  Only show holidays for the unassigned owner, and never show tooltips for them
        control.HolidayVisibility = TimelineViewHolidayVisibility.ShowForUnassignedOwner;
        control.HolidayToolTipVisibility = TimelineViewActivityToolTipVisibility.Never;

        //  Only show activities whose duration is at least one hour;
        //  allow appointment resizing, but only to a duration of
        //  no less than two hours
        control.AllowAppointmentResize = true;
        control.MinimumActivityDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
        control.MinimumAppointmentResizeDuration = TimeSpan.FromHours(2);

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also