
ParentGroup Property

Returns the parent group which contains this group. This is only application when UltraGridBand.RowLayoutStyle is set to GroupLayout.
Public Property ParentGroup As UltraGridGroup
public UltraGridGroup ParentGroup {get; set;}
The following code demonstrates setting up a simple RowLayout with nested groups by using the RowLayoutStyle of the UltraGridBand and the ParentGroup property on the RowLayoutColumnInfo / RowLayoutGroupInfo or a column / group.

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

    Private Sub UltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) Handles UltraGrid1.InitializeLayout

        ' Store the layout and root band in member variables for easy reference.
        Dim layout As UltraGridLayout = e.Layout
        Dim rootBand As UltraGridBand = layout.Bands(0)

        ' Set the RowLayoutStyle to allow groups in RowLayout mode. 
        rootBand.RowLayoutStyle = RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout

        ' Add a couple of groups.
        Dim group1 As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Group 1")
        Dim group2 As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Group 2")

        ' Add some sub-groups which will be nested in the main groups. 
        Dim subGroup1A As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 1A")
        Dim subGroup1B As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 1B")
        Dim subGroup2A As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 2A")
        Dim subGroup2B As UltraGridGroup = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 2B")

        ' Assign each sub-group to a parent group
        subGroup1A.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group1
        subGroup1B.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group1
        subGroup2A.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group2
        subGroup2B.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group2

        ' Assign each column to a group. 
        rootBand.Columns("Column 0").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1A
        rootBand.Columns("Column 1").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1A
        rootBand.Columns("Column 2").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1B
        rootBand.Columns("Column 3").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1B
        rootBand.Columns("Column 4").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2A
        rootBand.Columns("Column 5").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2A
        rootBand.Columns("Column 6").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2B
        rootBand.Columns("Column 7").RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2B

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;

        private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
            // Store the layout and root band in member variables for easy reference.
            UltraGridLayout layout = e.Layout;
            UltraGridBand rootBand = layout.Bands[0];

            // Set the RowLayoutStyle to allow groups in RowLayout mode. 
            rootBand.RowLayoutStyle = RowLayoutStyle.GroupLayout;

            // Add a couple of groups.
            UltraGridGroup group1 = rootBand.Groups.Add("Group 1");
            UltraGridGroup group2 = rootBand.Groups.Add("Group 2");

            // Add some sub-groups which will be nested in the main groups. 
            UltraGridGroup subGroup1A = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 1A");
            UltraGridGroup subGroup1B = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 1B");
            UltraGridGroup subGroup2A = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 2A");
            UltraGridGroup subGroup2B = rootBand.Groups.Add("Sub-Group 2B");

            // Assign each sub-group to a parent group
            subGroup1A.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group1;
            subGroup1B.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group1;
            subGroup2A.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group2;
            subGroup2B.RowLayoutGroupInfo.ParentGroup = group2;

            // Assign each column to a group. 
            rootBand.Columns["Column 0"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1A;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 1"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1A;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 2"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1B;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 3"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup1B;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 4"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2A;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 5"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2A;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 6"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2B;
            rootBand.Columns["Column 7"].RowLayoutColumnInfo.ParentGroup = subGroup2B;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also