
IColumnUITypeEditorInfo Interface Members

The following tables list the members exposed by IColumnUITypeEditorInfo.

Public Properties
 PropertyComponentForPropertyGridComponent to provide servcies to UltraPropPagePropertyGrid  
 PropertyDesignerChangeNotificationsDisabledGets/sets the DesignerChangeNotificationsDisabled property on the grid.  
Public Methods
 MethodAddAdds a new column to the collection  
 MethodGetColumnFromWrapperGets the column or proxy object from the Wrapper  
 MethodGetColumnsGets the list of column objects in the collection  
 MethodGetColumnWrapperForListBoxGets a wrapper object for the column to be using in the ListBox.  
 MethodIsBoundReturns true if the column is bound; otherwise false.  
 MethodIsChapteredReturns true if the column is chaptered; otherwise false.  
 MethodRemoveRemove the specified column from the collection  
See Also