| Class | Description |
| Arc | Primitive class for arc shapes. |
| Axis | Class describing a graduated line which represents a proportioned range. |
| AxisCollection | Collection class for Axis objects. |
| BoundedAnnotation | Class for Annotations whose position is defined by Rectangular bounds. |
| Box | Primitive class for rectangular shapes. |
| BoxAnnotation | Class for Annotations with rectangular backgrounds and text displayed within. |
| BrushElement | Class used to define how a region is painted. |
| BrushElementCollection | Collection class for BrushElements. |
| BrushElementGroup | BrushElement class which hosts multiple BrushElements to be applied atop each other during rendering. |
| ColorStop | Class representing a Color and its position in a gradient. |
| ColorStopCollection | Collection class for ColorStop objects. |
| DesignInteraction | Class used for design interaction settings of the UltraGauge component. |
| DialAppearance | Class with appearance settings for the dial of a radial gauge. |
| DigitalGauge | Gauge class for displaying digits or characters. |
| Ellipse | Primitive class for the ellipse shape. |
| EllipseAnnotation | Class for Annotations with elliptical backgrounds and text displayed within. |
| Gauge | Base class for all Gauges. |
| GaugeAnnotation | Annotation base class. |
| GaugeAnnotationCollection | Collection class for GaugeAnnotation objects. |
| GaugeAppearanceObject | Base class used for complex properties in UltraGauge. |
| GaugeCollection | Collection class for Gauge objects. |
| GaugeCollectionBase | Base class for collections in the UltraGauge component library. |
| GaugeCollectionObject | Base class for all collection objects in the UltraGauge component library. |
| GaugeEffect | Class for applying visual effects across the gauge scene. |
| GaugeEffectCollection | Collection class for GaugeEffect objects. |
| GaugeMarker | Base class for markers on gauges, such as needles or bar markers on radial or linear gauges. |
| GaugeMarkerCollection | Collection base class for gauge markers. |
| GaugeMarkerResponse | Class which defines how gauge markers respond to input values. |
| GaugePrimitiveMouseEventArgs | EventArgs class for mouse events related to primitives. |
| GaugeRange | Class for visual ranges or segments of a scale on a gauge. |
| GaugeRangeCollection | Base class for collections of Range objects. |
| GaugeScale | Base class for sections on radial and linear gauges. |
| GaugeScaleLabelsAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect the display of labels in a gauge scale. |
| GaugeScaleTickmarkAppearance | Base class for tickmarks in a gauge section. |
| Geometry | Utility class with geometry functions. |
| GraphicsContext | Non-visual primitive class used for graphics instructions. |
| HatchBrushElement | BrushElement class for painting with hatches. |
| ImageBrushElement | BrushElement class for painting image backgrounds. |
| LabelAppearance | Appearance class with settings affecting the display of labels. |
| Line | Primitive class for lines which extent from one point to another. |
| LinearGauge | Class for vertical or horizontal linear gauges. |
| LinearGaugeBarMarker | Class for bar markers on linear gauges. |
| LinearGaugeBarMarkerBackground | Class for the background part of a linear gauge bar marker. |
| LinearGaugeMarker | Base class for linear gauge markers. |
| LinearGaugeMarkerCollection | Collection class for linear gauge markers. |
| LinearGaugeNeedle | Marker class representing a needle on a linear gauge. |
| LinearGaugeRange | Class for visual ranges or segments of a scale on a linear gauge. |
| LinearGaugeRangeCollection | Collection class for linear gauge ranges. |
| LinearGaugeScale | Scale class for linear gauges. |
| LinearGaugeScaleCollection | Collection class for linear gauge scales. |
| LinearGaugeScaleLabelsAppearance | Appearance class for labels on a linear gauge scale. |
| LinearGaugeScaleTickmarkAppearance | Appearance class for tickmarks on a linear gauge scale. |
| Margin | Class defining an object's top, bottom, left, and right margins. |
| MarkerEventArgs | EventArgs for events related to gauge markers. |
| MultiStopLinearGradientBrushElement | BrushElement class for linear gradients with multiple color stops. |
| MultiStopRadialGradientBrushElement | BrushElement class for radial gradient fills with multiple stops. |
| NumericAxis | Axis class for numeric scales. |
| Path | Primitive class for shapes composed out of a GraphicsPath object. |
| Platform | Utility class for platform-related functions such as measuring font sizes. |
| Polygon | Primitive class for Polygons defined by a set of points. |
| Primitive | Base class for elements which comprise rendering instructions for the UltraGauge component. |
| PrimitiveCollection | Collection class for Primitives. |
| PrimitiveShape | Base class for Primitives which represent geometric shapes. |
| RadialGauge | Class for radial gauges. |
| RadialGaugeBarMarker | Bar marker class for radial gauges. |
| RadialGaugeMarker | Base class for all markers (such as needles or bar markers) on radial gauges. |
| RadialGaugeMarkerCollection | Collection class for radial gauge markers. |
| RadialGaugeNeedle | Class for needle markers on radial gauges. |
| RadialGaugeNeedleAnchor | Class for a graphical element resembling a circular anchor on a radial gauge needle. |
| RadialGaugeRange | Class for visual ranges or segments of a scale on a radial gauge. |
| RadialGaugeRangeCollection | Collection class for ranges on a radial gauge. |
| RadialGaugeScale | Class for scales on radial gauges. Scales define the range of data under the Axis property, and contain settings for Labels, Markers, and Tickmarks. |
| RadialGaugeScaleCollection | Collection class for radial gauge scales. |
| RadialGaugeScaleLabelsAppearance | Appearance class with settings which affect the display of labels in a radial gauge scale. |
| RadialGaugeScaleTickmarkAppearance | Class with settings which define how tickmarks are rendered in a radial gauge. |
| RadialGradientBrushElement | BrushElement class for simple radial gradients with a center color and a surround color. |
| RadialGradientBrushElementBase | Base class for radial gradient BrushElements. |
| RangeEventArgs | EventArgs class for events related to ranges such as RangeLeave and RangeEnter. |
| RenderLabelEventArgs | EventArgs class for the RenderLabel event of an UltraGauge component. |
| SegmentedDigitalGauge | Gauge class which renders numbers and letters similar to a digital clock. |
| Shadow | Class with settings for drop shadows. |
| ShadowGaugeEffect | Effect which applies a shadow to all primitives in the scene. |
| SimpleGradientBrushElement | BrushElement class for gradient brushes with two colors. |
| SolidFillBrushElement | BrushElement class used for solid fills. |
| StrokeElement | Class with settings defining a pen used to outline elements. |
| Text | Primitive class for text labels. |
| TextureBrushElement | BrushElement class for fills with bitmap textures applied between customizable start and end colors. |
| TimeAxis | Axis class for time scales. |
| Wedge | Primitive class for wedge shapes. |