
UltraNavigationBar Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by UltraNavigationBar.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorUltraNavigationBar ConstructorCreates a new instance of the UltraNavigationBar class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAccessibilityObjectGets the System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject assigned to the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAccessibleDefaultActionDescriptionGets or sets the default action description of the control for use by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAccessibleDescriptionGets or sets the description of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAccessibleNameGets or sets the name of the control used by accessibility client applications. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAccessibleRoleGets or sets the accessible role of the control (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyActionButtonsReturns a collection of UltraNavigationBarActionButton instances which can be used to execute application-specific actions.  
Public PropertyActionButtonSettingsReturns an UltraNavigationBarActionButtonSettings instance which exposes appearance-related properties for the UltraNavigationBarActionButton instances associated with this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public PropertyActiveLocationGets/sets the UltraNavigationBarLocation instance which has the keyboard focus.  
Public PropertyAllowDropGets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAlphaBlendEnabled (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyAlphaBlendMode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyAnchorGets or sets the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAppearanceGets/sets the Infragistics.Win.Appearance object which defines the visual attributes for this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public PropertyAppearancesReturns a repository in which Infragistics.Win.AppearanceBase objects can be stored.  
Public PropertyAutoScrollOffsetGets or sets where this control is scrolled to in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.ScrollControlIntoView(System.Windows.Forms.Control). (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyAutoSizeOverridden. Gets/sets a value indicating whether the height of the control automatically adjusts when the value of properties which affect its ideal height change.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the background color for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyBackgroundImageGets or sets the background image displayed in the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyBindingContextGets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyBottomGets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyBoundsGets or sets the size and location of the control including its nonclient elements, in pixels, relative to the parent control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCanFocusGets a value indicating whether the control can receive focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCanSelectGets a value indicating whether the control can be selected. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCaptureGets or sets a value indicating whether the control has captured the mouse. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCausesValidationGets or sets a value indicating whether the control causes validation to be performed on any controls that require validation when it receives focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyClientRectangleGets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyClientSizeGets or sets the height and width of the client area of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCompanyNameGets the name of the company or creator of the application containing the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyComponentRole (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyContainer (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public PropertyContainsFocusGets a value indicating whether the control, or one of its child controls, currently has the input focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyContextMenuGets or sets the shortcut menu associated with the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyContextMenuStripGets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip associated with this control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyControlsGets the collection of controls contained within the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCreatedGets a value indicating whether the control has been created. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyCreationFilter (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyCurrentStateReturns a UltraNavigationBarStates value which represents the current state of the UltraNavigationBar control  
Public PropertyCursor (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyCursorFilter (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyDataBindingsGets the data bindings for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyDeviceDpiGets the DPI value for the display device where the control is currently being displayed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyDisplayRectangleGets the rectangle that represents the display area of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyDisposingGets a value indicating whether the base System.Windows.Forms.Control class is in the process of disposing. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyDockGets or sets which control borders are docked to its parent control and determines how a control is resized with its parent. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyDrawFilter (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyDrawsFocusRectGets/sets whether the ActiveLocation displays a focus rectangle when the control has the input focus.  
Public PropertyDrawsFocusRectResolvedReturns the resolved value of the DrawsFocusRect property.  
Public PropertyEditModeAppearanceGets/sets the Appearance object which defines the visual attributes for the control when it is in edit mode.  
Public PropertyEditorReturns the Infragistics.Win.EmbeddableEditorBase-derived editor which handles in-place editing for the UltraNavigationBar.  
Public PropertyEnabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyEventManagerReturns the Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraWinNavigationBar.UltraNavigationBarEventManager instance which handles event firing for the UltraNavigationBar control.  
Public PropertyExpandedLocationGets/sets the UltraNavigationBarLocation that is currently displaying a dropdown list which provides user interface access to its UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection.  
Public PropertyFlatMode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyFocusedGets a value indicating whether the control has input focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font of the text displayed by the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the foreground color of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyHandleGets the window handle that the control is bound to. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyHasAppearanceReturns whether an appearance object has been created for the Appearance.  
Public PropertyHasChildrenGets a value indicating whether the control contains one or more child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyHasEditModeAppearanceReturns whether an appearance object has been created for the EditModeAppearance.  
Public PropertyHasHotTrackAppearanceReturns whether an appearance object has been created for the HotTrackAppearance.  
Public PropertyHeightGets or sets the height of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyHotTrackAppearanceGets/sets the Appearance object which defines the visual attributes for the control when the cursor is positioned within its bounds.  
Public PropertyImageSizeGets/sets the size at which all images are displayed.  
Public PropertyImageSizeResolvedReturns the resolved value of the ImageSize property.  
Public PropertyImeModeGets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyInvokeRequiredGets a value indicating whether the caller must call an invoke method when making method calls to the control because the caller is on a different thread than the one the control was created on. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyIsAccessibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the control is visible to accessibility applications. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyIsDisposedGets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyIsHandleCreatedGets a value indicating whether the control has a handle associated with it. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyIsInEditModeReturns whether the control is currently displaying an in-place editor which accepts keyboard input from the end user.  
Public PropertyIsMirroredGets a value indicating whether the control is mirrored. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyIsUpdating (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyKeyActionMappingsReturns a collection of UltraNavigationBarKeyActionMapping objects which define the keyboard behavior for the UltraNavigationBar control.  
Public PropertyLayoutEngineGets a cached instance of the control's layout engine. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyLeftGets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyLocationGets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-left corner of its container. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyLocationSettingsReturns an UltraNavigationBarLocationSettings instance which exposes properties that control the appearance and behavior of the UltraNavigationBarLocation instances associated with this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public PropertyMarginGets or sets the space between controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyMaximumSizeGets or sets the size that is the upper limit that System.Windows.Forms.Control.GetPreferredSize(System.Drawing.Size) can specify. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyMinimumSizeGets or sets the size that is the lower limit that System.Windows.Forms.Control.GetPreferredSize(System.Drawing.Size) can specify. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyNameGets or sets the name of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyParentGets or sets the parent container of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyPathSeparatorGets/sets the character(s) which are used to separate the text for each UltraNavigationBarLocation in the navigation path.  
Public PropertyPreferredSizeGets the size of a rectangular area into which the control can fit. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyPreviousLocationsReturns a collection of UltraNavigationBarLocation instances which represent the locations that were most recently navigated to.  
Public PropertyPreviousLocationsSettingsReturns an UltraNavigationBarPreviousLocationsSettings instance which exposes properties that control the appearance and behavior of the previous locations list.  
Public PropertyProductNameGets the product name of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyProductVersionGets the version of the assembly containing the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyRecreatingHandleGets a value indicating whether the control is currently re-creating its handle. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyRegionGets or sets the window region associated with the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyRightGets the distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyRightToLeftGets or sets a value indicating whether control's elements are aligned to support locales using right-to-left fonts. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyRootLocationReturns an UltraNavigationBarLocation-derived instance which represents the origin of the navigation path, i.e., the location that is the highest-level ancestor of all locations associated with this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public PropertySelectedLocationGets/sets the UltraNavigationBarLocation instance which represents the terminal point of the navigation path. Available only at runtime.  
Public PropertySelectedLocationImageVisibleGets/sets whether the resolved image for the SelectedLocation is displayed by the control.  
Public PropertySelectedLocationImageVisibleResolvedReturns the resolved value of the SelectedLocationImageVisible property.  
Public PropertySiteGets or sets the site of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertySizeGets or sets the height and width of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyStyleLibraryName (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyStyleSetName (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertySupportsZooming (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertySupportThemes (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyTabIndexGets or sets the tab order of the control within its container. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyTabStopGets or sets a value indicating whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB key. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyTagGets or sets the object that contains data about the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyTextGets or sets the text associated with this control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyTextRenderingMode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyTopGets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyTopLevelControlGets the parent control that is not parented by another Windows Forms control. Typically, this is the outermost System.Windows.Forms.Form that the control is contained in. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyUIAutomationProvider (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUIElementReturns the UltraNavigationBarUIElement which represents this UltraNavigationBar control in the user interface.  
Public PropertyUseAppStyling (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUseFlatMode (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUseFlatModeResolved (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUseOsThemes (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUseOsThemesResolved (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public PropertyUseWaitCursorGets or sets a value indicating whether to use the wait cursor for the current control and all child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyVisibleGets or sets a value indicating whether the control and all its child controls are displayed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyWidthGets or sets the width of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public PropertyZoomFactor (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyCanEnableImeGets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ImeMode property can be set to an active value, to enable IME support. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyCanRaiseEventsDetermines if events can be raised on the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyControlUIElementOverridden. Returns the UIElement which represents the UltraNavigationBar control in the user interface.  
Protected PropertyCreateParamsGets the required creation parameters when the control handle is created. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultCursorGets or sets the default cursor for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultImeModeGets the default Input Method Editor (IME) mode supported by the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultMarginGets the space, in pixels, that is specified by default between controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultMaximumSizeGets the length and height, in pixels, that is specified as the default maximum size of a control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultMinimumSizeGets the length and height, in pixels, that is specified as the default minimum size of a control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultPaddingGets the internal spacing, in pixels, of the contents of a control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyDefaultResolvedUseOsThemes (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected PropertyDefaultSizeOverridden. Returns the default size of the control  
Protected PropertyDesignMode (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Protected PropertyDoubleBufferedGets or sets a value indicating whether this control should redraw its surface using a secondary buffer to reduce or prevent flicker. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyEvents (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Protected PropertyEventsOptimized (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected PropertyFontHeightGets or sets the height of the font of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyImeModeBaseGets or sets the IME mode of a control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyResizeRedrawGets or sets a value indicating whether the control redraws itself when resized. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertyScaleChildrenGets a value that determines the scaling of child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected PropertySubObjectPropChangeHandlerReturns the event handler that notifies OnSubObjectPropChanged  
Protected PropertySupportsEditorWithMask (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected PropertySupportsFormattedLinkEditor (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodBeginInvokeOverloaded. Executes the specified delegate asynchronously with the specified arguments, on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodBeginUpdate (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodBringToFrontBrings the control to the front of the z-order. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodContainsRetrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a child of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodCreateControlForces the creation of the visible control, including the creation of the handle and any visible child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodCreateGraphicsCreates the System.Drawing.Graphics for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded. Overridden. Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.Windows.Forms.Control and optionally releases the managed resources.  
Public MethodDoDragDropBegins a drag-and-drop operation. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodDrawToBitmapSupports rendering to the specified bitmap. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodEndInvokeRetrieves the return value of the asynchronous operation represented by the System.IAsyncResult passed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodEndUpdateOverloaded. Overridden. Resets the Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.IsUpdating flag to false and optionally invalidates the control.  
Public MethodEnterEditModeSelects the UltraNavigationBar an initiates an edit mode session.  
Public MethodExitEditModeTerminates an edit mode session if one is underway.  
Public MethodFindFormRetrieves the form that the control is on. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodFocusSets input focus to the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodFromFullPathReturns the UltraNavigationBarLocation instance with the specified full path, or null if no instance could be located.  
Public MethodGetChildAtPointOverloaded. Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates, specifying whether to ignore child controls of a certain type. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodGetContainerControlReturns the next System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl up the control's chain of parent controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodGetNextControlRetrieves the next control forward or back in the tab order of child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodGetPreferredSizeRetrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodGetSelectedLocationsReturns an array of UltraNavigationBarLocation instances which represents the full navigation path from the RootLocation down to and including the SelectedLocation.  
Public MethodHideConceals the control from the user. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodInitializeDataRepeaterClone (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodInvalidateOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodInvokeOverloaded. Executes the specified delegate, on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle, with the specified list of arguments. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodLogicalToDeviceUnitsOverloaded. Converts a Logical DPI value to its equivalent DeviceUnit DPI value. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodNavigateToOverloaded. Parses the specified string and navigates to the resulting path if the parsing operation is successful.  
Public MethodNotifyDpiChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodPerformActionOverloaded. Performs the specified action.  
Public MethodPerformLayoutOverloaded. Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodPointToClientComputes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodPointToScreenComputes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodPreProcessControlMessagePreprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodPreProcessMessagePreprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodRectangleToClientComputes the size and location of the specified screen rectangle in client coordinates. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodRectangleToScreenComputes the size and location of the specified client rectangle in screen coordinates. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodRefresh (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodResetActionButtonsResets the value of the ActionButtons property to its default.  
Public MethodResetActionButtonSettingsResets the value of the ActionButtonSettings property to its default.  
Public MethodResetAppearanceResets the properties of the Appearance to their default values.  
Public MethodResetAutoSizeResets the AutoSize property to its default value.  
Public MethodResetDrawsFocusRectResets the value of the DrawsFocusRect property to its default.  
Public MethodResetEditModeAppearanceResets the properties of the EditModeAppearance to their default values.  
Public MethodResetHotTrackAppearanceResets the properties of the HotTrackAppearance to their default values.  
Public MethodResetImageSizeResets the value of the ImageSize property to its default.  
Public MethodResetLocationSettingsResets the value of the LocationSettings property to its default.  
Public MethodResetPathSeparatorResets the value of the PathSeparator property to its default.  
Public MethodResetPreviousLocationsResets the value of the PreviousLocations property to its default.  
Public MethodResetPreviousLocationsSettingsResets the value of the PreviousLocationsSettings property to its default.  
Public MethodResetSelectedLocationImageVisibleResets the value of the SelectedLocationImageVisible property to its default.  
Public MethodResetTextResets the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Text property to its default value (System.String.Empty). (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodResolveActionButtonAppearanceOverloaded. Resolves the general appearance for the UltraNavigationBarActionButton instances displayed by this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public MethodResolveAppearanceOverloaded. Resolves the appearance for this UltraNavigationBar control.  
Public MethodResolveLocationAppearanceOverloaded. Resolves the general appearance for all UltraNavigationBarLocation instances displayed by this UltraNavigationBar.  
Public MethodResolveLocationsDropDownListAppearanceResolves the appearance for the dropdown list which provides user interface access to an UltraNavigationBarLocation instance's UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection.  
Public MethodResolvePreviousLocationsDropDownButtonAppearanceOverloaded. Resolves the appearance for the dropdown button which provides access to the previous locations list.  
Public MethodResolvePreviousLocationsDropDownListAppearanceResolves the appearance for the dropdown list which provides access to previous locations list.  
Public MethodResumeLayoutOverloaded. Resumes usual layout logic. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodScale (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodScaleBitmapLogicalToDeviceScales a logical bitmap value to it's equivalent device unit value when a DPI change occurs. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodSelectOverloaded. Activates a child control. Optionally specifies the direction in the tab order to select the control from. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodSelectNextControlActivates the next control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodSendToBackSends the control to the back of the z-order. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodSetBoundsOverloaded. Sets the bounds of the control to the specified location and size. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodShouldSerializeCursor (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public MethodShowDisplays the control to the user. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodSuspendLayoutTemporarily suspends the layout logic for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public MethodToString (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public MethodUpdate (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreateAccessibilityInstanceOverridden. Creates a new accessibility object for the UltraNavigationBar control.  
Protected MethodCreateComponentRoleOverridden. Factory method used to create the component role that provides the style information for the control.  
Protected MethodCreateControlsInstanceCreates a new instance of the control collection for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodCreateHandleCreates a handle for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodCreateUIAutomationProvider (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodDefWndProcSends the specified message to the default window procedure. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodDestroyHandleDestroys the handle associated with the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodDrawControlOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodFinalize (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Protected MethodGetAccessibilityObjectByIdRetrieves the specified System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodGetAutoSizeModeRetrieves a value indicating how a control will behave when its System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodGetChildControlsInterestedInZoomChange (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodGetGestureMessageControl (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodGetScaledBoundsRetrieves the bounds within which the control is scaled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodGetSelectionManager (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodGetService (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Protected MethodGetStyleRetrieves the value of the specified control style bit for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodGetTopLevelDetermines if the control is a top-level control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInitLayoutCalled after the control has been added to another container. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInvokeGotFocusRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GotFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInvokeLostFocusRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.LostFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInvokeOnClickRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Click event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInvokePaintRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodInvokePaintBackgroundRaises the PaintBackground event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodIsInputCharOverridden. Returns whether the specified character is used by the UltraNavigationBar control.  
Protected MethodIsInputKeyOverridden. Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.  
Protected MethodMemberwiseCloneOverloaded. Creates a shallow copy of the current System.MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Protected MethodNotifyInvalidateRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invalidated event with a specified region of the control to invalidate. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodNotifyPropChangeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnAnimationResumed (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnAutoSizeChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSizeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnBackColorChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnBackgroundImageChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnBackgroundImageLayoutChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnBeginInitInvoked during the System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.BeginInit method of the component.  
Protected MethodOnBindingContextChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContextChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnCausesValidationChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CausesValidationChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnChangeUICuesRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ChangeUICues event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnClick (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnClientSizeChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ClientSizeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnContextMenuChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnContextMenuStripChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuStripChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnControlAddedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlAdded event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnControlRemovedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlRemoved event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnCreateControl (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnCursorChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CursorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDockChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DockChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDoubleClick (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnDpiChangedAfterParentRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DpiChangedAfterParent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDpiChangedBeforeParentRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DpiChangedBeforeParent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDragDropRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragDrop event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDragEnterRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragEnter event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDragLeaveRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragLeave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnDragOverRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragOver event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnEnabledChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnEndInitInvoked during the System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.EndInit method of the component.  
Protected MethodOnEnterRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Enter event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnFontChangedOverridden. Called when the control's font has changed.  
Protected MethodOnForeColorChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnGiveFeedbackRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GiveFeedback event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnGotFocus (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnHandleCreated (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnHandleDestroyed (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnHelpRequestedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.HelpRequested event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnImeModeChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ImeModeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnInvalidatedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invalidated event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnKeyDown (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnKeyPressOverridden. Invokes the control's KeyPress event.  
Protected MethodOnKeyUpRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyUp event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnLayoutRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Layout event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnLeaveRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Leave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnLocationChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.LocationChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnLostFocus (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMarginChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarginChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnMouseCaptureChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseCaptureChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnMouseClickRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseClick event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnMouseDoubleClickRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDoubleClick event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnMouseDown (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseEnter (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseEnterElementOverridden. Invokes the control's Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.MouseEnterElement event.  
Protected MethodOnMouseHover (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseLeave (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseLeaveElementOverridden. Invokes the control's Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase.MouseLeaveElement event.  
Protected MethodOnMouseMove (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseUp (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnMouseWheelOverridden. Called when the end user spins the mouse wheel.  
Protected MethodOnMoveRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Move event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnNotifyMessageNotifies the control of Windows messages. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnOffice2007ColorSchemeChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnOffice2010ColorSchemeChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnOffice2013ColorSchemeChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnPaddingChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaddingChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnPaint (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnPaintBackgroundPaints the background of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentBackColorChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColorChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentBackgroundImageChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImage property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentBindingContextChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContextChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContext property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnParentCursorChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CursorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentEnabledChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Enabled property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentFontChangedOverridden. Called when the control's parent's font has changed.  
Protected MethodOnParentForeColorChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColorChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentRightToLeftChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeftChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeft property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnParentVisibleChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.VisibleChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Visible property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnPreviewKeyDownRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreviewKeyDown event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnPrintRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnPropertyChangedOverridden. Called when a property has changed on an object property of this UltraNavigationBar control.  
Protected MethodOnQueryContinueDragRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.QueryContinueDrag event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnRegionChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RegionChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnResize (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnRightToLeftChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeftChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnSizeChangedOverridden. Called when the control's size has changed.  
Protected MethodOnStyleChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.StyleChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnSubObjectPropChangedCalled when a property changes on an object property of the UltraNavigationBar control.  
Protected MethodOnSystemColorsChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SystemColorsChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnTabIndexChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabIndexChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnTabStopChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabStopChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnTextChangedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TextChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnThemeChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnValidatedRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validated event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnValidatingRaises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validating event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodOnVisibleChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodOnZoomFactorChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodProcessCmdKeyProcesses a command key. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodProcessDialogCharProcesses a dialog character. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodProcessDialogKeyProcesses a dialog key. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodProcessKeyEventArgsProcesses a key message and generates the appropriate control events. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodProcessKeyPreviewPreviews a keyboard message. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRaiseDragEventRaises the appropriate drag event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRaiseKeyEventRaises the appropriate key event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRaiseMouseEventRaises the appropriate mouse event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRaisePaintEventRaises the appropriate paint event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRecreateHandleForces the re-creation of the handle for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRescaleConstantsForDpiProvides constants for rescaling the control when a DPI change occurs. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodResetMouseEventArgsResets the control to handle the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseLeave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRtlTranslateAlignmentOverloaded. Converts the specified System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRtlTranslateHorizontalConverts the specified System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodRtlTranslateLeftRightConverts the specified System.Windows.Forms.LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodScaleControl (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodScrollControl (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Protected MethodSetAutoSizeModeSets a value indicating how a control will behave when its System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodSetBoundsCoreOverridden. Overriden. Called when the control's size or position is about to change.  
Protected MethodSetClientSizeCoreSets the size of the client area of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodSetStyleSets a specified System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles flag to either true or false. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodSetTopLevelSets the control as the top-level control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodSetVisibleCoreSets the control to the specified visible state. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodShouldSerializeActionButtonsReturns whether the value of the ActionButtons property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeActionButtonSettingsReturns whether the value of the ActionButtonSettings property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAppearanceReturns whether the Appearance requires serialization.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeAutoSizeReturns whether the value of the AutoSize property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeDrawsFocusRectReturns whether the value of the DrawsFocusRect property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeEditModeAppearanceReturns whether the EditModeAppearance requires serialization.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeHotTrackAppearanceReturns whether the HotTrackAppearance requires serialization.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeImageSizeReturns whether the value of the ImageSize property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeLocationSettingsReturns whether the value of the LocationSettings property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePathSeparatorReturns whether the value of the PathSeparator property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePreviousLocationsReturns whether the value of the PreviousLocations property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializePreviousLocationsSettingsReturns whether the value of the PreviousLocationsSettings property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodShouldSerializeSelectedLocationImageVisibleReturns whether the value of the SelectedLocationImageVisible property has been changed from its default.  
Protected MethodSizeFromClientSize (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodUpdateStylesForces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodUpdateZOrderUpdates the control in its parent's z-order. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Protected MethodWndProcProcesses Windows messages. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public Events
Public EventActionButtonClickedOccurs after an UltraNavigationBarActionButton is clicked by the end user.  
Public EventActionButtonToolTipDisplayingOccurs when a tooltip is about to be displayed for an UltraNavigationBarActionButton.  
Public EventActiveLocationChangedOccurs after the value of the ActiveLocation property has changed.  
Public EventActiveLocationChangingOccurs before the value of the ActiveLocation property is changed.  
Public EventBackColorChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColor property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventBackgroundImageChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImage property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventBackgroundImageLayoutChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageLayout property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventBindingContextChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.BindingContext property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventCausesValidationChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CausesValidation property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventChangeUICuesOccurs when the focus or keyboard user interface (UI) cues change. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventClickOccurs when the control is clicked. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventClientSizeChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ClientSize property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventContextMenuChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenu property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventContextMenuStripChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuStrip property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventControlAddedOccurs when a new control is added to the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventControlRemovedOccurs when a control is removed from the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventCursorChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Cursor property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDisposed (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component)
Public EventDockChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Dock property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDoubleClickOccurs when the control is double-clicked. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDpiChangedAfterParentOccurs when the DPI setting for a control is changed programmatically after the DPI of its parent control or form has changed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDpiChangedBeforeParentOccurs when the DPI setting for a control is changed programmatically before a DPI change event for its parent control or form has occurred. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDragDropOccurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDragEnterOccurs when an object is dragged into the control's bounds. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDragLeaveOccurs when an object is dragged out of the control's bounds. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventDragOverOccurs when an object is dragged over the control's bounds. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventEnabledChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Enabled property value has changed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventEnterOccurs when the control is entered. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventEnteredEditModeOccurs after an edit mode session begins.  
Public EventEnteringEditModeOccurs before an edit mode session begins.  
Public EventExitedEditModeOccurs after an edit mode session ends.  
Public EventExitingEditModeOccurs before an edit mode session ends.  
Public EventFontChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Font property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventForeColorChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColor property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventGestureCompleted (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventGestureQueryStatus (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventGestureStarting (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventGiveFeedbackOccurs during a drag operation. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventGotFocusOccurs when the control receives focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventHandleCreatedOccurs when a handle is created for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventHandleDestroyedOccurs when the control's handle is in the process of being destroyed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventHelpRequestedOccurs when the user requests help for a control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventImeModeChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ImeMode property has changed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventInitializeLocationsOccurs when a UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection is accessed for the first time.  
Public EventInvalidatedOccurs when a control's display requires redrawing. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventKeyDownOccurs when a key is pressed while the control has focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventKeyPressOccurs when a character. space or backspace key is pressed while the control has focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventKeyUpOccurs when a key is released while the control has focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventLayoutOccurs when a control should reposition its child controls. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventLeaveOccurs when the input focus leaves the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventLocationChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Location property value has changed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventLocationCollapsedOccurs when the dropdown list which displays the visible members of a UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection closes.  
Public EventLocationExpandedOccurs after the dropdown list which displays the visible members of a UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection is displayed.  
Public EventLocationExpandingOccurs before the dropdown list which displays the visible members of a UltraNavigationBarLocation.Locations collection is displayed.  
Public EventLocationToolTipDisplayingOccurs when a tooltip is about to be displayed for an UltraNavigationBarLocation.  
Public EventLostFocusOccurs when the control loses focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMarginChangedOccurs when the control's margin changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseCaptureChangedOccurs when the control loses mouse capture. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseClickOccurs when the control is clicked by the mouse. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseDoubleClickOccurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseDownOccurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is pressed. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseEnterOccurs when the mouse pointer enters the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseEnterElement (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventMouseHoverOccurs when the mouse pointer rests on the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseLeaveOccurs when the mouse pointer leaves the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseLeaveElement (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventMouseMoveOccurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseUpOccurs when the mouse pointer is over the control and a mouse button is released. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMouseWheelOccurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventMoveOccurs when the control is moved. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventNavigationPathParseErrorOccurs when a string could not be successfully parsed into a navigation path.  
Public EventPaddingChangedOccurs when the control's padding changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventPaintOccurs when the control is redrawn. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventPanGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventParentChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Parent property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventPressAndHoldGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventPressAndTapGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventPreviewKeyDownOccurs before the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventPreviousLocationsDropDownButtonToolTipDisplayingOccurs when a tooltip is about to be displayed for the dropdown button which provides access to the previous locations dropdown list.  
Public EventPropertyChanged (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventQueryAccessibilityHelpOccurs when System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject is providing help to accessibility applications. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventQueryContinueDragOccurs during a drag-and-drop operation and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventRegionChangedOccurs when the value of the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Region property changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventResizeOccurs when the control is resized. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventRightToLeftChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeft property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventRotateGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventSelectedLocationChangedOccurs after the value of the SelectedLocation property has changed.  
Public EventSelectedLocationChangingOccurs before the value of the SelectedLocation property is changed.  
Public EventSizeChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Size property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventStyleChangedOccurs when the control style changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventSystemColorsChangedOccurs when the system colors change. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventTabIndexChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabIndex property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventTabStopChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabStop property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventTextChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Text property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventTwoFingerTapGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
Public EventValidatedOccurs when the control is finished validating. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventValidatingOccurs when the control is validating. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventVisibleChangedOccurs when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Visible property value changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control)
Public EventZoomGesture (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.UltraControlBase)
See Also