| Class | Description |
| BingMapsMapImagery | UI element class used to display BingMapsMap imagery in the UltraGeographicMap. |
| CustomMapImagery | Represents a CustomMapImagery MapImagery |
| GeographicContourLineSeries | Represents a class for Geographic Contour Series displayed on a map. |
| GeographicMapImagery | Control class used for displaying multi-scale TileSource imagery. Designed to be used for background imagery in the UltraGeographicMap. |
| GeographicMapSeriesHost | Base class for hosting chart series in a UltraGeographicMap. |
| GeographicMarkerSeries | Base class for creating marker series in a UltraGeographicMap. |
| GeographicMarkerSeriesBase | |
| GeographicPolylineSeries | Series class used for displaying multiple polylines, in a geographic context, for datasources which contain multiple lists of points. |
| GeographicProportionalSymbolSeries | Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations. |
| GeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesBase | |
| GeographicScatterAreaSeries | Series class which draws a colored 2D surface, in a geographic context, based on a triangulation of XY data with numeric values assigned to each point. |
| GeographicShapeSeries | Series class which renders polygons as Paths, in a geographic context, based on lists of points in the ItemsSource. Series class which renders polygons as Paths, in a geographic context, based on lists of points in the ItemsSource. |
| GeographicShapeSeriesBase | Base class for series which render polygons on a map. |
| GeographicShapeSeriesBaseBase | |
| GeographicSymbolSeries | Series class for a geographic map with points marked at given locations. |
| GeographicSymbolSeriesBase | |
| GeographicXYTriangulatingSeries | Base class for geographic series which triangulate XY data prior to rendering. |
| GeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesBase | |
| OpenStreetMapImagery | UI element class used to display OpenStreetMap imagery in the UltraGeographicMap. |
| TileGeneratorMapImagery | Represents a CustomMapImagery MapImagery |
| UltraGeographicMap | Represents the Infragistics UltraGeographicMap control. |