
Interacting with TimeZoneInfo Objects

The following code demonstrates how to use the Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo object to obtain information about the time zones registered on the local computer.

Drag and drop the UltraTimeZoneEditor control and an UltraButton on to your Windows Form. Write the following code in the button click event.

In Visual Basic:

Dim tzInfo As Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo = DirectCast(ultraTimeZoneEditor1.SelectedItem.DataValue, Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo)
Console.WriteLine("The time zone selected is: {0}", tzInfo.DisplayName)
'Get the local Time Zone
'Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTimeZone
' Display the names for standard time and daylight saving time for the local time zone.
Console.WriteLine("Daylight saving time name: {0}", tzInfo.DaylightName)
Console.WriteLine("Standard time name: {0}", tzInfo.StandardName)
Console.WriteLine("The time zone selected's offset from Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) is: {0}", tzInfo.UtcOffset.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("The Daylight savings Time Begins on:{0}", tzInfo.DaylightDate.ToLongDateString())
Console.WriteLine("Standard time begins on: {0} " & tzInfo.StandardDate.ToLongDateString())

In C#:

Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = (Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo) ultraTimeZoneEditor1.SelectedItem.DataValue;
Console.WriteLine("The time zone selected is: {0}", tzInfo.DisplayName);
//Get the local Time Zone
//Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo tzInfo = Infragistics.Win.TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTimeZone;
// Display the names for standard time and daylight saving time for the local time zone.
Console.WriteLine("Daylight saving time name: {0}", tzInfo.DaylightName);
Console.WriteLine("Standard time name: {0}", tzInfo.StandardName);
Console.WriteLine("The time zone selected's offset from Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) is:  {0}", tzInfo.UtcOffset.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("The Daylight savings Time Begins on:{0}", tzInfo.DaylightDate.ToLongDateString());
Console.WriteLine("Standard time begins on: {0} " + tzInfo.StandardDate.ToLongDateString());

The above code generates the following output , when the button is clicked after selecting Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone from the ComboEditor.

/* The time zone selected is: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Daylight saving time name: Eastern Daylight Time
Standard time name: Eastern Standard Time
The time zone selected's offset from Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) is: 05:00:00
The Daylight savings Time Begins on:Sunday, March 08, 2009
Standard time begins on Sunday, November 01, 2009*/