
Styling Owner Headers

This topic shows you how to style the row headers in WinTimelineView™. The row headers represent the owners (e.g. person, department or entity). You can modify the owner header text orientations, change the header appearance and also show the owner scroll bar. The owner header text orientation and header appearance settings can be applied using the WinTimelineView control’s OwnerHeaderTextOrientation and OwnerHeaderAppearance properties.

This topic assumes that you have an ultraTimeLineView control associated with owners and timeslots, dropped onto the form. For information on creating a WinTimelineView control with owners and timeslots, please see the Assign Multiple Owners for WinTimelineView and Set Time and Date Intervals for WinTimelineView topics.

In Visual Basic:

' Set the Header text orientation for Owners
Me.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerHeaderTextOrientation = TextOrientationInfo.Horizontal45Degrees
' Set the back color for Owner header
Me.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow
Me.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerScrollBarVisibility = TimelineViewOwnerScrollBarVisibility.ShowOnlyWhenNeeded

In C#:

// Set the Header text orientation for Owners
this.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerHeaderTextOrientation = TextOrientationInfo.Horizontal45Degrees;
// Set the back color for Owner header
this.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerHeaderAppearance.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
this.ultraTimelineView1.OwnerScrollBarVisibility = TimelineViewOwnerScrollBarVisibility.ShowOnlyWhenNeeded;
WinTimeLineView Styling Owner Headers.png