
Save and Load Appointments

Using WinCalendarInfo™, you can save and load data to and from a stream. The following code demonstrates how to save and load Appointments . See the CalendarInfoCategories enumeration for a list categories that can be used when saving and loading information.

In Visual Basic:

Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.IO
Private Sub SaveAppointments()
	' Create a new FileStream in the same folder with the EXE
	Dim SaveFileStream As New IO.FileStream("Appointments.sav", IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
	' Move to the beginning of the FileStream
	SaveFileStream.Position = 0
	' Save the CalendarInfo
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Save(SaveFileStream, CalendarInfoCategories.Appointments)
	' Close the FileStream
End Sub
Private Sub LoadAppointments()
	Dim LoadFileStream As IO.FileStream = Nothing
		' Try to load FileStream
		LoadFileStream = _
		  New IO.FileStream(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath(), _
		  "Appointments.sav"), IO.FileMode.Open)
	Catch When LoadFileStream Is Nothing
		' If the FileStream fails to load, it's probably because the file does not exist
		MsgBox("Error opening Appointments file. The file may not exist", _
		  MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, "Error")
		Exit Sub
	End Try
	' Move to the beginning of the FileStream
	LoadFileStream.Position = 0
	' Load the FileStream
	Me.UltraCalendarInfo1.Load(LoadFileStream, CalendarInfoCategories.Appointments)
	' Close the FileStream
End Sub

In C#:

using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.IO;
private void SaveAppointments()
	// Create a new FileStream in the same folder with the EXE
	FileStream SaveFileStream = new FileStream("Appointments.sav",
	// Move to the beginning of the FileStream
	SaveFileStream.Position = 0;
	// Save the CalendarInfo
	ultraCalendarInfo1.Save(SaveFileStream, CalendarInfoCategories.Appointments);
	// Close the FileStream
private void LoadAppointments()
	FileStream LoadFileStream = null;
		// Try to load FileStream
		LoadFileStream = new FileStream(
		  "Appointments.sav"), FileMode.Open);
		// If the FileStream fails to load, it's probably because the file does not exist
		  "Error opening Appointments file. The file may not exist",
		  "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
	// Move to the beginning of the FileStream
	LoadFileStream.Position = 0;
	// Load the FileStream
	ultraCalendarInfo1.Load(LoadFileStream, CalendarInfoCategories.Appointments);
	// Close the FileStream