| Class | Description |
| CalendarDropDownButtonUIElement | CalendarDropDownButtonUIElement. |
| DayAreaUIElement | DayAreaUIElement. |
| DayOfWeekHeaderAreaUIElement | DayOfWeekAreaUIElement. |
| DayOfWeekHeaderUIElement | DayOfWeekHeaderUIElement. |
| DayPlaceHolderUIElement | DayPlaceHolderUIElement. |
| DayUIElement | DayUIElement. |
| DayUIElement.DayAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a DayUIElement. |
| EditUIElement | EditUIElement. |
| KeyActionMapping | KeyActionMapping for UltraMonthViewMulti |
| KeyActionMappings | KeyActionMappings for Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMulti control. |
| KeyActionMappings.KeyActionMappingEnumerator | Type specific enumerator for the KeyActionMappings |
| MonthAreaUIElement | MonthAreaUIElement. |
| MonthDayAreaUIElement | MonthDayAreaUIElement. |
| MonthHeaderAreaUIElement | MonthHeaderAreaUIElement. |
| MonthPopupControlUIElement | MonthPopupControlUIElement. |
| MonthPopupItemUIElement | MonthPopupItemUIElement. |
| MonthScrollButtonUIElement | Represents the month scroll buttons in the user interface. |
| MonthScrollButtonUIElement.MonthScrollButtonAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a MonthScrollButtonUIElement. |
| MonthUIElement | MonthUIElement |
| MonthUIElement.MonthAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a MonthUIElement. |
| MonthViewMultiScrollButtonUIElementBase | Base class from which the MonthScrollButtonUIElement and YearScrollButtonUIElement classes derive. |
| UltraMonthPopupControl | Control used to display the MonthPopup for the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMultiBase derived controls. |
| UltraMonthViewMultiUIElement | UltraMonthViewMultiUIElement. |
| VisibleMonth | Represents a visible Month in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.UltraMonthViewMultiBase controls. |
| VisibleMonths | Collection of VisibleMonth objects. |
| WeekAreaUIElement | WeekAreaUIElement. |
| WeekNumberUIElement | WeekNumberUIElement. |
| WeekUIElement | WeekUIElement. |
| WeekUIElement.WeekAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a WeekUIElement. |
| YearScrollButtonUIElement | Represents the month scroll buttons in the user interface. |
| YearScrollButtonUIElement.YearScrollButtonAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a YearScrollButtonUIElement |