
WorkDayStartTime Property (DayOfWeek)

Specifies the start time for a work day.
Public Property WorkDayStartTime As Date
public DateTime WorkDayStartTime {get; set;}

Note: When the UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayOffset and UltraCalendarInfo.LogicalDayDuration properties are set to non-default values, the end developer is permitted to set the WorkDayStartTime property to a value that occurs later than that of the WorkDayEndTime property. This is so that a logical work day can be specified which spans across more than one day. For example, if the LogicalDayOffset property is set such that the logical day begins at 8PM on the previous day, setting the WorkDayStartTime property to 10PM and the WorkDayEndTime property to 4AM will result in a logical work day which begins at 10PM on the previous day and ends at 4AM on the current day.

Also note that setting the value of the WorkDayStartTime property to a value that is outside the range defined by the logical day properties will result in the value being forced to coincide with the beginning of the logical day.

Demonstrates how to use the properties of the DayOfWeek object to customize the display for the current day of the week.

Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Globalization

    Private Sub SetupDayOfWeek()

        '	Get the DayOfWeek object corresponding to the current day
        '	of the week. Note that we can index into the component's DaysOfWeek
        '	collection using the DateTime structure's DayOfWeek property.
        Dim dayOfWeek As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayOfWeek
        dayOfWeek = Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.DaysOfWeek(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)

        '	Get the current culture's long name for the day of the week
        Dim longName As String = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)

        '	Get the current culture's short name for the day of the week
        Dim shortName As String = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName(DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek)

        '	Set the LongDescription property to the current culture's long name for the
        '	day of the week, and append an asterisk to it
        dayOfWeek.LongDescription = longName + "*"

        '	Set the LongDescription property to the current culture's short name for the
        '	day of the week, and append an asterisk to it
        dayOfWeek.ShortDescription = shortName + "*"

        '	If the current day of the week is a work day, set the WorkDayStartTime
        '	to 10AM, and the WorkDayEndTime to 6PM
        If (dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay) Then
            dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(10.0F)
            dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(18.0F)
        End If

        '	Iterate the component's DaysOfWeek collection and display information
        '	on each day of the week and prompt the end user to make sure they
        '	want to make the changes
        Dim info As String = String.Empty
        Dim dow As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayOfWeek
        For Each dow In Me.ultraCalendarInfo1.DaysOfWeek

            info += "DaysOfWeek(" + dow.DayOfTheWeek.ToString() + "):" + vbCrLf

            '	Use the LongDescriptionResolved property, which will return the value
            '	of the LongDescription property if it was explicitly set otherwise it will
            '	return the current culture's name for the day of the week.
            info += Chr(9) + "The display name is " + dow.LongDescriptionResolved + vbCrLf

            '	Use the ShortDescriptionResolved property, which will return the value
            '	of the ShortDescription property if it was explicitly set otherwise it will
            '	return the current culture's abbreviated name for the day of the week.
            info += Chr(9) + "The abbreviated display name is " + dow.ShortDescriptionResolved + vbCrLf

            '	Display the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime
            info += Chr(9) + "The work day begins at " + dow.WorkDayStartTime.ToLongTimeString()
            info += " and ends at " + dow.WorkDayEndTime.ToLongTimeString() + vbCrLf

            '	Display whether the day of the week is enabled
            If (dow.Enabled) Then
                info += Chr(9) + "The day of the week is enabled." + vbCrLf
                info += Chr(9) + "The day of the week is disabled." + vbCrLf
            End If

            '	Display whether the day of the week is visible
            If (dow.Visible) Then
                info += Chr(9) + "The day of the week is visible." + vbCrLf
                info += Chr(9) + "The day of the week is hidden." + vbCrLf
            End If

            info += vbCrLf

        '	Display the information in a message box, and prompt the user to see
        '	if they want to make the changes
        Dim result As DialogResult
        info += "Save changes?" + vbCrLf
        result = MessageBox.Show(info, "SetupDayOfWeek", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)

        '	Reverse the changes by calling the appropriate Reset methods
        If (result = DialogResult.No) Then


            If (dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay) Then
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;

		private void SetupDayOfWeek()

			//	Get the DayOfWeek object corresponding to the current day
			//	of the week. Note that we can index into the component's DaysOfWeek
			//	collection using the DateTime structure's DayOfWeek property.
			Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = this.ultraCalendarInfo1.DaysOfWeek[ DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek ];

			//	Get the current culture's long name for the day of the week
			string longName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetDayName( DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek );

			//	Get the current culture's short name for the day of the week
			string shortName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetAbbreviatedDayName( DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek );

			//	Set the LongDescription property to the current culture's long name for the
			//	day of the week, and append an asterisk to it
			dayOfWeek.LongDescription = longName + "*";

			//	Set the LongDescription property to the current culture's short name for the
			//	day of the week, and append an asterisk to it
			dayOfWeek.ShortDescription = shortName + "*";

			//	If the current day of the week is a work day, set the WorkDayStartTime
			//	to 10AM, and the WorkDayEndTime to 6PM
			if ( dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay )
				dayOfWeek.WorkDayStartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours( 10.0F );
				dayOfWeek.WorkDayEndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours( 18.0F );

			//	Iterate the component's DaysOfWeek collection and display information
			//	on each day of the week and prompt the end user to make sure they
			//	want to make the changes
			string info = string.Empty;
			foreach ( Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayOfWeek dow in this.ultraCalendarInfo1.DaysOfWeek )
				info += "DaysOfWeek[" + dow.DayOfTheWeek.ToString() + "]:" + "\n";

				//	Use the LongDescriptionResolved property, which will return the value
				//	of the LongDescription property if it was explicitly set; otherwise it will
				//	return the current culture's name for the day of the week.
				info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The display name is " + dow.LongDescriptionResolved + "\n";

				//	Use the ShortDescriptionResolved property, which will return the value
				//	of the ShortDescription property if it was explicitly set; otherwise it will
				//	return the current culture's abbreviated name for the day of the week.
				info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The abbreviated display name is " + dow.ShortDescriptionResolved + "\n";

				//	Display the WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime
				info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The work day begins at " + dow.WorkDayStartTime.ToLongTimeString();
				info += " and ends at " + dow.WorkDayEndTime.ToLongTimeString() + "\n";

				//	Display whether the day of the week is enabled
				if ( dow.Enabled )
					info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The day of the week is enabled." + "\n";
					info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The day of the week is disabled." + "\n";

				//	Display whether the day of the week is visible
				if ( dow.Visible )
					info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The day of the week is visible." + "\n";
					info += ((char)(9)).ToString() + "The day of the week is hidden." + "\n";

				info += "\n";

			//	Display the information in a message box, and prompt the user to see
			//	if they want to make the changes
			DialogResult result;
			info += "Save changes?" + "\n";
			result = MessageBox.Show( info, "SetupDayOfWeek", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo );

			//	Reverse the changes by calling the appropriate Reset methods
			if ( result == DialogResult.No )

				if ( dayOfWeek.IsWorkDay )


Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also