| Name | Description |
| CreateAccessibilityInstance | Creates a new accessibility object for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| CreateControlsInstance | Creates a new instance of the control collection for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| CreateHandle | Creates a handle for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| DefWndProc | Sends the specified message to the default window procedure. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| DestroyHandle | Destroys the handle associated with the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| Finalize | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
| FlushActions | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| GetAccessibilityObjectById | Retrieves the specified System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| GetAutoSizeMode | Retrieves a value indicating how a control will behave when its System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| GetDefaultSize | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| GetScaledBounds | Retrieves the bounds within which the control is scaled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| GetService | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
| GetStyle | Retrieves the value of the specified control style bit for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| GetTopLevel | Determines if the control is a top-level control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| Initialize | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| InitLayout | Called after the control has been added to another container. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| InvokeGotFocus | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GotFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| InvokeLostFocus | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.LostFocus event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| InvokeOnClick | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Click event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| InvokePaint | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| InvokePaintBackground | Raises the PaintBackground event for the specified control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| IsInputChar | Determines if a character is an input character that the control recognizes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| IsInputKey | Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| MemberwiseClone | Overloaded. Creates a shallow copy of the current System.MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject) |
| NotifyInvalidate | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invalidated event with a specified region of the control to invalidate. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnAutoSizeChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSizeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnBackColorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnBackgroundImageChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnBackgroundImageLayoutChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnBindingContextChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContextChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnCalloutStyleUpdating | Used to invoke the CalloutStyleUpdating event. |
| OnCausesValidationChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CausesValidationChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnChangeUICues | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ChangeUICues event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnClick | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Click event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnClientSizeChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ClientSizeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnContextMenuChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnContextMenuStripChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ContextMenuStripChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnControlAdded | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlAdded event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnControlRemoved | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlRemoved event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnCreateControl | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl method. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnCursorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CursorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDockChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DockChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDoubleClick | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DoubleClick event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDpiChangedAfterParent | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DpiChangedAfterParent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDpiChangedBeforeParent | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DpiChangedBeforeParent event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDragDrop | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragDrop event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDragEnter | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragEnter event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDragLeave | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragLeave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnDragOver | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.DragOver event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnEnabledChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnEnter | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Enter event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnFontChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.FontChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnForeColorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnGiveFeedback | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GiveFeedback event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnGotFocus | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.GotFocus event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnHandleCreated | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnHandleDestroyed | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.HandleDestroyed event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnHelpRequested | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.HelpRequested event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnImeModeChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ImeModeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnInvalidated | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invalidated event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnKeyDown | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyDown event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnKeyPress | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyPress event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnKeyUp | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyUp event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnLayout | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Layout event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnLeave | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Leave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnLocationChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.LocationChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnLostFocus | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.LostFocus event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMarginChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarginChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseCaptureChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseCaptureChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseClick | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseClick event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseDoubleClick | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDoubleClick event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseDown | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseEnter | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseEnter event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseHover | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseHover event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseLeave | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseLeave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseMove | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseMove event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseUp | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseUp event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMouseWheel | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseWheel event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnMove | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Move event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnNotifyMessage | Notifies the control of Windows messages. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnPaddingChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaddingChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnPaint | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnPaintBackground | Paints the background of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentBackColorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColorChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentBackgroundImageChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImageChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackgroundImage property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentBindingContextChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContextChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.BindingContext property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ParentChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentCursorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.CursorChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentEnabledChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.EnabledChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Enabled property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentFontChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.FontChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Font property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentForeColorChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColorChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColor property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentRightToLeftChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeftChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeft property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnParentVisibleChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.VisibleChanged event when the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Visible property value of the control's container changes. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnPreviewKeyDown | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreviewKeyDown event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnPrint | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnPropertyChanged | Used to invoke the PropertyChanged event. |
| OnQueryContinueDrag | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.QueryContinueDrag event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnRegionChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RegionChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnRender | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnRenderError | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnResize | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnRightToLeftChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.RightToLeftChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnSaved | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnSaving | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| OnSeriesAdded | Used to invoke the SeriesAdded event. |
| OnSeriesPointerDown | Used to invoke the SeriesPointerDown event. |
| OnSeriesPointerEnter | Used to invoke the SeriesPointerEnter event. |
| OnSeriesPointerLeave | Used to invoke the SeriesPointerLeave event. |
| OnSeriesPointerMove | Used to invoke the SeriesPointerMove event. |
| OnSeriesPointerUp | Used to invoke the SeriesPointerUp event. |
| OnSeriesRemoved | Used to invoke the SeriesRemoved event. |
| OnSizeChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SizeChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnStyleChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.StyleChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnSystemColorsChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.SystemColorsChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnTabIndexChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabIndexChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnTabStopChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TabStopChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnTextChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.TextChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnValidated | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validated event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnValidating | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Validating event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| OnVisibleChanged | Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.VisibleChanged event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ProcessCmdKey | Processes a command key. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ProcessDialogChar | Processes a dialog character. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ProcessDialogKey | Processes a dialog key. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ProcessKeyEventArgs | Processes a key message and generates the appropriate control events. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ProcessKeyPreview | Previews a keyboard message. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RaiseDragEvent | Raises the appropriate drag event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RaiseKeyEvent | Raises the appropriate key event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RaiseMouseEvent | Raises the appropriate mouse event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RaisePaintEvent | Raises the appropriate paint event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RecreateHandle | Forces the re-creation of the handle for the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RescaleConstantsForDpi | Provides constants for rescaling the control when a DPI change occurs. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ResetMouseEventArgs | Resets the control to handle the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseLeave event. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RtlTranslateAlignment | Overloaded. Converts the specified System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RtlTranslateHorizontal | Converts the specified System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| RtlTranslateLeftRight | Converts the specified System.Windows.Forms.LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate System.Windows.Forms.LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ScaleControl | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetAutoSizeMode | Sets a value indicating how a control will behave when its System.Windows.Forms.Control.AutoSize property is enabled. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetBoundsCore | Performs the work of setting the specified bounds of this control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetClientSizeCore | Sets the size of the client area of the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetStyle | Sets a specified System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles flag to either true or false. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetTopLevel | Sets the control as the top-level control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| SetVisibleCore | Sets the control to the specified visible state. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| ShouldSerializeAlignsGridLinesToPixels | Indicates if the AlignsGridLinesToPixels property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeAnimateSeriesWhenAxisRangeChanges | Indicates if the AnimateSeriesWhenAxisRangeChanges property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeAutoExpandMarginExtraPadding | Indicates if the AutoExpandMarginExtraPadding property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeAutoExpandMarginMaximumValue | Indicates if the AutoExpandMarginMaximumValue property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeBottomMargin | Indicates if the BottomMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsContentMemberPath | Indicates if the CalloutsContentMemberPath property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsDataSource | Indicates if the CalloutsDataSource property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsLabelMemberPath | Indicates if the CalloutsLabelMemberPath property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutStyleUpdatingEventEnabled | Indicates if the CalloutStyleUpdatingEventEnabled property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsVisible | Indicates if the CalloutsVisible property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsXMemberPath | Indicates if the CalloutsXMemberPath property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCalloutsYMemberPath | Indicates if the CalloutsYMemberPath property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeComputedPlotAreaMarginMode | Indicates if the ComputedPlotAreaMarginMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCrosshairsAnnotationEnabled | Indicates if the CrosshairsAnnotationEnabled property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCrosshairsDisplayMode | Indicates if the CrosshairsDisplayMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeCrosshairsSnapToData | Indicates if the CrosshairsSnapToData property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeDataSource | Indicates if the DataSource property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeExcludedProperties | Indicates if the ExcludedProperties property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeFinalValueAnnotationsVisible | Indicates if the FinalValueAnnotationsVisible property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeHighlightingBehavior | Indicates if the HighlightingBehavior property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeHighlightingMode | Indicates if the HighlightingMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeIncludedProperties | Indicates if the IncludedProperties property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeIsHorizontalZoomEnabled | Indicates if the IsHorizontalZoomEnabled property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeIsSeriesHighlightingEnabled | Indicates if the IsSeriesHighlightingEnabled property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeIsVerticalZoomEnabled | Indicates if the IsVerticalZoomEnabled property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeLeftMargin | Indicates if the LeftMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeLegend | Indicates if the Legend property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeLegendHighlightingMode | Indicates if the LegendHighlightingMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeMarkerFillMode | Indicates if the MarkerFillMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeMarkerFillOpacity | Indicates if the MarkerFillOpacity property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeMarkerMaxCount | Indicates if the MarkerMaxCount property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeMarkerOutlineMode | Indicates if the MarkerOutlineMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeOutlineMode | Indicates if the OutlineMode property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializePlotAreaMarginBottom | Indicates if the PlotAreaMarginBottom property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializePlotAreaMarginLeft | Indicates if the PlotAreaMarginLeft property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializePlotAreaMarginRight | Indicates if the PlotAreaMarginRight property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializePlotAreaMarginTop | Indicates if the PlotAreaMarginTop property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeResolution | Indicates if the Resolution property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeRightMargin | Indicates if the RightMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeShouldAutoExpandMarginForInitialLabels | Indicates if the ShouldAutoExpandMarginForInitialLabels property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitle | Indicates if the Subtitle property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleAlignment | Indicates if the SubtitleAlignment property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleBottomMargin | Indicates if the SubtitleBottomMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleFontFamily | Indicates if the SubtitleFontFamily property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleFontSize | Indicates if the SubtitleFontSize property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleLeftMargin | Indicates if the SubtitleLeftMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleRightMargin | Indicates if the SubtitleRightMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleTextColor | Indicates if the SubtitleTextColor property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleTextStyle | Indicates if the SubtitleTextStyle property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeSubtitleTopMargin | Indicates if the SubtitleTopMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeThickness | Indicates if the Thickness property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitle | Indicates if the Title property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleAlignment | Indicates if the TitleAlignment property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleBottomMargin | Indicates if the TitleBottomMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleFontFamily | Indicates if the TitleFontFamily property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleFontSize | Indicates if the TitleFontSize property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleLeftMargin | Indicates if the TitleLeftMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleRightMargin | Indicates if the TitleRightMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleTextColor | Indicates if the TitleTextColor property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleTextStyle | Indicates if the TitleTextStyle property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTitleTopMargin | Indicates if the TitleTopMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTooltipTemplate | Indicates if the TooltipTemplate property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTooltipTemplates | Indicates if the TooltipTemplates property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeToolTipType | Indicates if the ToolTipType property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTopMargin | Indicates if the TopMargin property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTransitionDuration | Indicates if the TransitionDuration property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTransitionEasingFunction | Indicates if the TransitionEasingFunction property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTrendLinePeriod | Indicates if the TrendLinePeriod property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTrendLineThickness | Indicates if the TrendLineThickness property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeTrendLineType | Indicates if the TrendLineType property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeUnknownValuePlotting | Indicates if the UnknownValuePlotting property needs to be serialized. |
| ShouldSerializeWindowRect | Indicates if the WindowRect property needs to be serialized. |
| SizeFromClientSize | (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| Teardown | (Inherited from Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization.DVBaseControl) |
| UpdateStyles | Forces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| UpdateZOrder | Updates the control in its parent's z-order. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |
| WndProc | Processes Windows messages. (Inherited from System.Windows.Forms.Control) |