This topic provides information on setting an axis title on the UltraDataChart™ control.
The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:
This topic contains the following sections:
The axis title feature of the UltraDataChart control allows you to add contextual information to the x and y axes of the UltraDataChart control.
The following screenshot is a preview of the UltraDataChart control with a title set on the y-axis.
The Title property sets the value of the information areas of the axis.
The following table summarizes the properties .
The screenshot, following the table, demonstrates how the UltraDataChart control with axis Title and title settings looks as a result of the following settings:
Following is the code that implements this example:
In C#:
var yAxis = new NumericYAxis(); yAxis.Title = "Terawatt Hours (TWh)"; yAxis.TitlePosition = AxisTitlePosition.Bottom; yAxis.TitleAngle = 270; yAxis.TitleFontSize = 15;
In Visual Basic:
Dim yAxis As New NumericYAxis() yAxis.Title = "Terawatt Hours (TWh)" yAxis.TitlePosition = AxisTitlePosition.Bottom yAxis.TitleAngle = 270 yAxis.TitleFontSize = 15
The following topics provide additional information related to this topic: