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What’s New in 2019 Volume 1

DPI Scaling (CTP)

Several controls have been updated to support high-dpi scaling. High-dpi scaling is more common with, but not limited, high resolution monitors; which maintain overall quality and fidelity for our controls providing the end users with a natural experience regardless of the resolution being used.

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UltraSpreadsheet Features

Chart Support


A popular Excel feature is now here! Visualize your data in a ways that create maximum impact on your target audience. The new SpreadsheetChartAdapter class has been added and integrated into the UltraSpreadsheet making this sought after experience all the more easier to configure. In addition, the chart adapters are complimented by our Excel Engine, where chart support was added in volume 18.2.

There are over 35 chart types supported by the Spreadsheet ChartAdapters including, Line, Area, Column, and Doughnut.

For more information about the Excel Charts in the UltraSpreadsheet, please see the Displaying Charts in the UltraSpreadsheet Control topic.

Combination Charts

A combination chart is a chart that combines two or more chart types in a single chart.
