
WinTreeReplayServer Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by WinTreeReplayServer.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorWinTreeReplayServer Constructor  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDragDropUtils (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public PropertyDraggingControl (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public PropertyMouseEventTriggered (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public PropertySourceControl (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public PropertyWndHandle (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodActivateCellThis function will be recorded when a cell is activated in the tree. on replay it will activate the specified cell.  
Public MethodActivateNodeSet the active node  
Public MethodCancelNodeUpdateCancel all updates for the node.  
Public MethodCheckNodeCheck the checkbox or option button for a node  
Public MethodClickControlClick on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodClickRbnCustButtonClicks a button in the ribbon customization dialog Tree.  
Public MethodClickSubItemClick on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodCollapseCollapse a parent node  
Public MethodCopySelectedThe selected nodes are copied  
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodCutSelectedThe selected nodes are cut  
Public MethodDblClickControlDouble Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDblClickSubItemDouble Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDeleteSelectedDelete the selected nodes  
Public MethodDisconnect (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodDispose (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing)
Public MethodDoubleClickSimulate a double click action on a Tree Node  
Public MethodDragAndDrop (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodDragNodeDrag and Drop a tree node.  
Public MethodDragSubItemStarts a drag operation on the specified subitem, by mousing down on it, and moving the cursor. It needs to be followed by a subsequent drop action to be completed successfully. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDropOnControlContinues a previously executed Drag command, and ends it by dropping it on the control where stated. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodDropOnSubItemContinues a previously executed Drag command, and ends it by dropping it on the subitem where stated. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodExpandExpand a parent node  
Public MethodExpandAllExpands the specified TreeNode and its child nodes to display all of its child nodes.  
Public MethodGetCellDataThis function does not gets recorded. The user can use this function to retrieve the value of the data in a specific cell.  
Public MethodGetCheckMarksRetrieves the number and the value of the nodes marked as checked.  
Public MethodGetContentReturns all of the nodes in the TreeView.  
Public MethodGetItemReturns the value of the node specified by the index.  
Public MethodGetItemPropertyReturn the value of the specified property for a specific node.  
Public MethodGetItemsCountReturns the number of nodes in the tree.  
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodGetNAPropertiesThis method will returns a list of the visible properties of a given object, and their data types. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetNAPropertyThis method will return the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetNodeNotificationBadgeReturn the notification badge for the supplied node  
Public MethodGetProxySetting (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetSelectionReturns all of the selected nodes in the TreeView.  
Public MethodGetSettingsValue (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodGetSettingsXML (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodGetSubItemProperties (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetSubItemPropertyReturn a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodGetWndMessageFilter (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodInit (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodInitEventListener (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodKeyDown (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodKeyUp (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodLabelEditEdit the text of a node  
Public MethodMouseActionOnControlPerforms the requested MouseAction on the Control (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodMouseActionOnSubItemPerforms the requested MouseAction on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodMouseClick (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodMouseDblClick (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodMouseDown (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodMouseMove (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodMouseUp (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodMoveColumnMoves a column from one Origin to another  
Public MethodOnMessage (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodOpenLinkCellThis action will be recorded whenever a link inside a tree cell is clicked. On replay, this action will simulate clicking the link area inside the specified cell.  
Public MethodOpenLinkNodeThis action will be recorded whenever a link inside a tree node is clicked. On replay, this action will simulate clicking the link area inside the specified node.  
Public MethodPasteNodesNodes from the copy or cut operation are added to the tree  
Public MethodPerformActionCalls the controls a PerformAction method.  
Public MethodPrepareForReplayOverloaded.  (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodPressKey (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodPressNKeys (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodRecord (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public MethodRecordAUTValidate (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing)
Public MethodRecordFunction (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodRecordQTPValidate (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing)
Public MethodReleaseEventListener (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordProxyBase)
Public MethodReplayReportStep (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodReplayThrowErrorOverloaded.  (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodReplayValidate (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.Licensing)
Public MethodResizeCellResizes the specified cell  
Public MethodResizeCellSpanResizes the Span for the specified Cell  
Public MethodResizeLabelResizes the Column Label(header)  
Public MethodResizeLabelSpanResizes the Span for the specified Label(header)  
Public MethodRightClickSimulate a right click action on Tree node  
Public MethodRightClickControlRight Click on the Control at the specified location (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodRightClickSubItemRight Click on the supplied SubItem of the defined type (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSelectSelect a node in the tree  
Public MethodSelectMultipleMultiple selections of nodes  
Public MethodSendKeys (Inherited from Mercury.QTP.CustomServer.CustomServerBase)
Public MethodSetCellDataThis function will be recorded when a cell exit edit mode by submitting the updated data to the Value of the cell. on replay it will set the data of the specified cell to the value of newValue  
Public MethodSetFocusMove the focus or tab into the control  
Public MethodSetHardBreakOnAllErrorsSets the HardBreakOnAllErrors for all replay actions on this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetInvalidDataCellThis function will simulate setting invalid data in a cell to force the firing of DataError event during the replay session.  
Public MethodSetNAPropertyThis method will set the value of any property (or sub property) for this control. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetProxySettingThis method will set the boolean value of one of the customizable proxy settings. (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSetSubItemPropertySets a property value specific to a subItem (Inherited from Infragistics.TestAdvantage.Shared.RecordReplayProxyBase)
Public MethodSortSorts the specified column  
Public MethodVScrollVertical scroll  
See Also