
Infragistics.Web.UI Namespace (WebProgressBar)

AJAXResponseErrorEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler when the AJAX request fails. It is cancelable so the default error message can be prevented.
AJAXResponseEventArgs Event arguments object that is passed into the AJAXResponse event handler.
AnimationBase A base class that provides the ability to create a custom animation.
OpacityAnimation class implementing opacity animations
ProgressChangedEventArgs EventArgs that contain the old and new fill percentages.
ProgressChangingEventArgs EventArgs that contain the old and new fill percentages.
SlideFadeAnimation Container of properties used by Slide/OpacityAnimations.
WebProgressBar Displays a progress bar.
AnimationEquationType The type of calculation that an animation will use to determine it's next position..
AnimationSlideDirection Direction used by SlideAnimation. It has 3 members: Vertical, Horizontal and Both. Their values are 1, 2, 3.
FillDirection Direction that the bar will fill
FillMode Method of fill
LabelAlignment Alignment of the label within the bar.
See Also