
About WebProgressBar

WebProgressBar™ is a control that can be used to display the progress of a task. The WebProgressBar control can either be a static bar on the page or it can show a live updating progress using client-side code. WebProgressBar is built on top of the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX Framework to leverage a proven code base that promotes a high performance and responsive end-user experience. You can find WebProgressBar in the Infragistics.Web.UI.DisplayControls namespace.

The WebProgressBar control provides a visual indication of the current progress between a min and max value. The min, max and initial value of the control can be set easily using the control’s smart tag.

Like all Ultimate UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls, WebProgressBar seamlessly integrates into the Infragistics® Application Styling Framework. With CSS based properties, you can manually customize WebProgressBar by leveraging your existing style sheets.

WebProgressBar also exposes a robust object model within the client-side JavaScript programming environment. The Client-side object model (CSOM) consists of full-fledged properties and methods that enable developers to program significant units of functionality without the need for server-side postbacks.

Some of the WebProgressBar control’s features include :

  • High-Performance — Lightweight markup and optimized code to improve performance.

  • Data Binding — Allows data binding specifically so that it can be used to display cell data in WebDataGrid™.

  • Display inside WebDataGrid cell — Can be used as a visual representation of numeric data within the cells of WebDataGrid.

  • Orientation — The orientation of the control can be set to be either horizontal or vertical.

  • Labels — Supports the customization of the label settings of the progress bar.

  • Ajax Progress Indicator — Allows the end-user to monitor the progress of Ajax postbacks.

  • Tooltip — Shows information regarding the progress when the mouse is hovered over the control.

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