
List Animations in WebMonthCalendar

WebMonthCalendar™ supports fade and slide animations for opening and closing the list of months, years and year ranges. You can set different types of properties related to animations used for opening and closing the drop-down lists by setting the control’s ListAnimation property. The following are the list of animations you can apply to WebMonthCalendar using the ListAnimation property:

  • FadeCloseDuration — Allows you to set the duration of fade animation in milliseconds when the list is closing. However setting the value to 0 disables the fade animation when the list is closing.

  • FadeCloseEquationType — Allows you to set the equation type of fade animation to one of the members of the AnimationEquationType enumeration when the list is closing.

  • FadeOpenDuration — Allows you to set the duration of fade animation in milliseconds when the list is opening. However setting the value to 0 disables the fade animation when the list is opening.

  • FadeOpenEquationType — Allows you to set the equation type of fade animation to one of the members of the AnimationEquationType enumeration when the list is opening.

  • SlideCloseDirection — Allows you to set the direction of slide animation to one of the members of the SlideDirection enumeration when the list is closing.

  • SlideCloseDuration — Allows you to set the duration of slide animation in milliseconds when the list is closing. However setting the value to 0 disables the slide animation when the list is closing.

  • SlideCloseEquationType — Allows you to set the equation type of slide animation to one of the members of the AnimationEquationType enumeration when the list is closing.

  • SlideOpenDirection — Allows you to set the direction of slide animation to one of the members of the SlideDirection enumeration when the list is opening.

  • SlideOpenDuration — Allows you to set the duration of slide animation in milliseconds when the list is opening. However setting the value to 0 disables the slide animation when the list is opening.

  • SlideOpenEquationType — Allows you to set the equation type of slide animation to one of the members of the AnimationEquationType enumeration when the list is opening.

In Visual Basic:

'Fade Animations
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeCloseDuration = 500
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeCloseEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseInOut
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeOpenDuration = 500
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeOpenEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseOut
'Slide Animations
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseDirection = Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideDirection.Horizontal
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseDuration = 500
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseOut
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenDirection = Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideDirection.Vertical
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenDuration = 500
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseIn

In C#:

//Fade Animations
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeCloseDuration = 500;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeCloseEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseInOut;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeOpenDuration = 500;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.FadeOpenEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseOut;
//Slide Animations
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseDirection = Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideDirection.Horizontal;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseDuration = 500;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideCloseEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseOut;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenDirection = Infragistics.Web.UI.SlideDirection.Vertical;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenDuration = 500;
WebMonthCalendar1.ListAnimation.SlideOpenEquationType = Infragistics.Web.UI.AnimationEquationType.EaseIn;