
Set the Opacity and Slide Effects of WebHtmlEditor Dialog Boxes and Drop-Down Lists

WebHtmlEditor™ includes an ExpandEffects class which enhances the visual appeal of dialog boxes and drop-down lists. The ExpandEffects class exposes two properties:

Opacity– The Opacity property allows you to display a drop-down list or dialog box from fully transparent to fully opaque. You can choose from three options: None, Slow, and Fast. Setting Opacity to None will instantly display the drop-down list or dialog box. Setting Opacity to Slow or Fast will display the drop-down or dialog box, from fully transparent to fully opaque, slowly or quickly, respectively. The speed at which the drop-down list and dialog box becomes fully opaque depends on the speed of the end user’s machine. You can use this effect simultaneously with the Slide effect.

Slide – The Slide property allows you to show an animation of the drop-down list sliding into place or a dialog box scrolling open. You can choose from three options: None, Slow, and Fast. Setting Slide to None will instantly display the drop-down list or dialog box. Setting Slide to Slow or Fast will animate the drop-down or dialog box, from top to bottom, slowly or quickly, respectively. The speed at which the drop-down list and dialog box slides depends on the end user’s machine. You can use this effect with the Opacity effect.

The following code demonstrates how to slowly slide drop-down lists and dialog boxes into place.

In Visual Basic:

Me.WebHtmlEditor1.ExpandEffects.Slide = _

In C#:

this.WebHtmlEditor1.ExpandEffects.Slide =