
Load a Custom Skin

WebHtmlEditor™ control furnishes developers with the capability of loading a predefined appearance from an external .xml file called a skin. After reading this topic you will understand how to apply a skin based on it’s external .xml file name programmatically at run-time.

For example, your application may feature several different appearances such as Aqua, Windows XP and Office 2003. Perhaps your application lets end users choose one appearance as their preferred look-and-feel. WebHtmlEditor control makes it easy for you to apply the look-and-feel that each end user wants if you associate a preferred skin file name to each user.

In your Page_Load event handler add the following statement which loads and applies your custom skin (from a sub-folder of your Web application project named "skins") to the WebHtmlEditor control.

In Visual Basic:


In C#:


For more information on creating a custom skin such as Aqua.xml, see Creating Custom Skins.