Instances of the ToolbarDropDown class display a conventional drop down list which users can scroll through to make a selection. Your application should use a drop-down list when there are a limited number of known values an end user can specify for a specific operation, and that list could be too large to fit well on a context menu. Some examples of WebHtmlEditor™ toolbar drop-down lists include font name, font size, and font style.
The following is a list of the drop-down lists in the toolbar of the WebHtmlEditor control.
CustomDropDown — Displays a custom drop-down list populated with items specific to your Web application.
Insert — Displays a drop-down list containing text that end users can insert into the document at the current caret position.
FontFormatting — Displays a drop-down list that end users can use to choose formatting (bold, italics, etc) separate from the individual toolbar buttons corresponding to these formats.
FontName — Displays a drop-down list that end users can use to choose the name of a new font family for use within the document.
FontSize — Displays a drop-down list containing font sizes from which end users can choose.
FontStyle — Displays a drop-down list containing font styles from which end users can choose.