
Display Modes

The WebExplorerBar™ control has two properties to control the way it behaves: GroupExpandBehavior and GroupExpandAction . GroupExpandBehavior controls how many groups can be expanded and GroupExpandAction controls the action of expanding these groups.

GroupExpandBehavior is an enum that has the following values:

  • SingleExpanded – Only one group can be expanded at a time.

  • AllExpanded – All groups are expanded and stay expanded.

  • AnyExpandable – All groups can be expanded and collapsed. Default value.

GroupExpandAction is an enum that has the following values:

  • HeaderClick – Default value where a group is expanded when the group header is clicked.

  • ButtonClick– A group is expanded only when the expander icon is clicked.

  • HeaderHover – A group is expanded when the cursor hovers over the group header.

The following code shows you how to set these properties in WebExplorerBar.


<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server" GroupExpandBehavior="SingleExpanded" GroupExpandAction="ButtonClick">
</ig:WebExplorerBar >

In Visual Basic:

Me.WebExplorerBar1.GroupExpandBehavior = Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.GroupExpandBehavior.AnyExpandable
Me.WebExplorerBar1.GroupExpandAction = Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.GroupExpandAction.ButtonClick

In C#:

this.WebExplorerBar1.GroupExpandBehavior = Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.GroupExpandBehavior.AnyExpandable;
this.WebExplorerBar1.GroupExpandAction = Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.GroupExpandAction.ButtonClick;