| Name | Description |
| activeItem | returns a reference to the current active item, if any |
| activeItemIndex | for internal use |
| autoFilterQueryType | We support a predefined set of automatic server-side filtering queries, such as StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, etc. We support a predefined set of automatic server-side filtering queries, such as StartsWith, EndsWith, Contains, etc. |
| autoFilterResultSize | maximum number of items to return when a filtering request is made maximum number of items to return when a filtering request is made |
| autoFilterSortOrder | we support sorting of the resulting items (ascending and descending) The sorting order of items when filtering |
| autoFilterTimeoutMs | milliseconds that will pass while the user is typing, until a postback will be made this means we don't do a postback on every keystroke in the input box, in order to fetch filtering results milliseconds that will pass while the user is typing, until an async postback will be made |
| autoSelectOnMatch | automatically selects the matched item value indicating whether to automatically select the matched item |
| buttonCssClass | |
| buttonDisabledImageUrl | the Url for the dropdown button when it is pressed returns the Url for the dropdown disabled button image |
| buttonHoverImageUrl | the Url for the dropdown button when it is hovered returns the Url for the dropdown hover button image |
| buttonNormalImageUrl | the Url for the dropdown button when in normal state returns the Url for the dropdown button image |
| buttonPressedImageUrl | the Url for the dropdown button when it is pressed returns the Url for the dropdown pressed button image |
| closeDropDownOnSelect | if the dropdown is opened, and we select an item, the dropdown container will be automatically closed if this property is enabled Indicates whether the dropdown container will be closed once an item is selected |
| controlAreaCssClass | |
| controlAreaFocusCssClass | |
| controlAreaHoverCssClass | |
| controlCssClass | the css class that will be applied on the control's div indicates the CssClass for the control's Div element |
| controlDisabledCssClass | the css class that will be applied on the control's div when the control is disabled indicates the CssClass for disabled state of the control |
| currentValue | 'currentValue' is the value in the input box of the dropdown control. It could be assumed to mean the "Display Value". The setter accepts two parameters: set_currentValue(val, copyToInputValue). 'val' represents the text of the current value and 'copyToInputValue' is a Boolean value that if 'true', updates the input element's value. 'currentValue' is the value in the input box of the dropdown control. It could be assumed to mean the "Display Value" |
| dataSource | |
| displayMode | display mode can be DropDown (full-blown), DropDownList(dropdown with selection), ReadOnlyList (dropdown readonly) and ReadOnly (only input box) the dropdown display mode |
| dropDownAnimationDuration | the animation duration in milliseconds of the dropdown container The animation duration in milliseconds |
| dropDownAnimationType | look at the $IG.AnimationEquationType enum, for the list of available enums the animation equation type |
| dropDownContainerHeight | fixed height of the dropdown container height of the dropdown container |
| dropDownContainerWidth | fixed width of the dropdown container width of the dropdown container |
| dropDownFocusCssClass | the css class that will be applied on the control's div when the control has focus indicates the CssClass when the control is focused (applied on the main control DIV) |
| dropDownHoverCssClass | indicates the CssClass when the mouse is over the control |
| dropDownIsChild | indicates whether the dropdown container will be attached directly to the body of the document, or will be a first child of the table where the input box is contained indicates whether the dropdown container will be attached directly to the body of the document, or will be a first child of the table where the input box is contained |
| dropDownOrientation | orientation of the dropdown container relative to its target (input box) the orientation of the dropdown container |
| dropDownValueDisplayType | |
| editorID | editorID is the client side ID of the editor control, if we have associated any Infragistics built-in editors and want to use them in place of the vanilla input box editorID is the client side ID of the editor control, if we have associated any Infragistics built-in editors |
| enableAnimations | Enable animations for the dropdown container Indicates whether animations are enabled or not |
| enableAutoCompleteFirstMatch | if this property is enabled, when we type text in the dropdown input box, once a match is made, it will be automatically completed and the remaining text will be highlighted if this property is enabled, when we type text in the dropdown input box, once a match is made, it will be automatically completed and the remaining text will be highlighted |
| enableAutoFiltering | sets the type of automatic filtering: Server,Client or Off (selection-only) value indicating the type of automatic filtering: Server,Client or Off (selection-only) |
| enableCachingOnClient | enables caching filtering results on the client, for that purpose a hashtable is used where the key is the search string enables caching filtering results on the client, for that purpose a hashtable is used where the key is the search string |
| enableCaseSensitivity | Enables case sensitivity when filtering is done on the client-cide indicates whether filtering is case sensitive or not (applies for client-side filtering only) |
| enableClosingDropDownOnBlur | if the control loses focus, and the dropdown container is opened, it will be automatically closed if the control loses focus, and the dropdown container is opened, it will be automatically closed |
| enableCustomValues | enables or disables custom text in the input box enables or disables custom text in the input box |
| enableCustomValueSelection | items marked "Custom" will not be allowed for selection, if this property is turned on items marked "Custom" will not be allowed for selection, if this property is turned on |
| enabled | Indicates whether the whole control is enabled or not (if it is editable, and can be opened, items selected, etc.) |
| enableDropDownContainerAutoWidth | Width of the dropdown container is going to grow with the contents value indicating if the Width of the dropdown container is going to grow with the contents |
| enableDropDownOpenOnClick | for internal use |
| enableLoadOnDemand | load on demand is a kind of "virtual scrolling" where , once the user scrolls down to the bottom of the dropdown container new items are fetched from the server, if any indicates whether load on demand is enabled |
| enableMarkingMatchedText | If enabled, the matched (full or partial) text in the items will be marked in em tags If true, the matched (full or partial) text in the items will be marked in em tags |
| enableMultipleSelection | sets / enables multiple selection in general. Further, multiple selection can be either implemented with checkboxes or with sets / enables multiple selection in general. Further, multiple selection can be either implemented with checkboxes |
| enablePaging | Enables paging value indicating if paging is enabled |
| hoverItemIndex | for internal use |
| inputCssClass | the css class that will be applied on the input box indicates the CssClass for the input box |
| inputDisabledCssClass | the css class that will be applied on the input box when the control is disabled indicates the CssClass for disabled input state |
| inputFocusCssClass | the css class that will be applied when the control has focus indicates the CssClass for Focus state |
| inputHoverCssClass | the css class that will be applied when the control is hovered with the mouse indicates the CssClass for Hover state |
| items | The collection of DropDownItem in the WebDropDown. |
| keepFocusOnSelection | keeps focus after selecting an item with the mouse keeps focus after selecting an item with the mouse |
| lastPageIndex | |
| loadingItemsMessageText | shows a loading message while the AJAX postback to request more items is executing shows a loading message while the AJAX postback to request more items is executing |
| multipleSelectionType | type of multiple selection - Keyboard or Checkbox (if checkbox, checkboxes are automatically rendered in front of every item) type of multiple selection - Keyboard or Checkbox |
| multiSelectValueDelimiter | this represents a single character that will automatically delimit in the input box the list of multiple-selected items this represents a single character that will automatically delimit in the input box the list of multiple-selected items |
| nullText | nullText is default text that's shown when the control doesn't have focus nullText is default text that's shown when the control doesn't have focus |
| nullTextCssClass | the css class that will be applied when the control has focus indicates the CssClass for Focus state |
| offsetX | horizontal offset in pixels of the dropdown container relative to the target (allows for manual adjustment of the source and target) horizontal offset in pixels of the dropdown container relative to the target (allows for manual adjustment of the source and target) |
| offsetY | vertical offset in pixels of the dropdown container relative to the target (allows for manual adjustment of the source and target) vertical offset in pixels of the dropdown container relative to the target (allows for manual adjustment of the source and target) |
| pageCount | number of pages when paging is enabled returns the number of pages when paging is enabled |
| pagerMode | pager mode (numeric, first-last, etc.) paging mode |
| pageSize | number of drop down items on a single page Page size when paging is enabled (number of items) |
| persistCustomValues | enables / disables persisting of custom values. If some value that doesn't exist in the list is typed, and we remove the focus from the control, a new item is created, and marked IsCustom=true, and persisted to the server persisting of custom values SHOULD NOT be enabled along with loadOnDemand or Paging ! or with enables / disables persisting of custom values. |
| previousValue | for internal use |
| selectedItem | Returns the selected dropdown item |
| selectedItemIndex | Index of the currently selected item The index of the selected item if any. If there is no selection, -1 is returned. |
| selectedItemIndices | array of selected item indices an array of selected items' indices when multiple selection is enabled |
| selectedItems | Returns the array of DropDown items that are selected |
| shouldFireMultipleSelect | |
| showDropDownButton | if false, the dropdown button will be hidden and the input box will be the only visible element where filtering can be done indicates whether dropdown button will be shown or not |
| template | |
| valueBeforeFilter | |
| valueListMaxHeight | if not set this will be zero by default. If greater than zero, scrollbars will be added once contents exceed the max height if not set this will be zero by default. If greater than zero, scrollbars will be added once contents exceed the max height |